ig.module( 'weltmeister.edit-entities' ) .requires( 'impact.background-map', 'weltmeister.config', 'weltmeister.tile-select', 'weltmeister.entities' ) .defines(function(){ wm.EditEntities = ig.Class.extend({ visible: true, active: true, div: null, currentTile: 0, hotkey: -1, ignoreLastClick: false, name: 'entities', entities: [], namedEntities: {}, selectedEntity: null, entityClasses: {}, menuDiv: null, selector: {size:{x:2, y:2}, pos:{x:0,y:0}, offset:{x:0,y:0}}, wasSelectedOnScaleBorder: false, gridSize: wm.config.entityGrid, entityDefinitions: null, init: function( div ) { this.div = div; div.bind( 'mouseup', this.click.bind(this) ); this.div.children('.visible').bind( 'mousedown', this.toggleVisibilityClick.bind(this) ); this.menu = $('#entityMenu'); this.importEntityClass( wm.entityModules ); this.entityDefinitions = $('#entityDefinitions'); $('#entityKey').bind( 'keydown', function(ev){ if( ev.which == 13 ){ $('#entityValue').focus(); return false; } return true; }); $('#entityValue').bind( 'keydown', this.setEntitySetting.bind(this) ); }, clear: function() { this.entities = []; this.selectEntity( null ); }, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loading, Saving fileNameToClassName: function( name ) { var typeName = '-' + name.replace(/^.*\/|\.js/g,''); typeName = typeName.replace(/-(\w)/g, function( m, a ) { return a.toUpperCase(); }); return 'Entity' + typeName; }, importEntityClass: function( modules ) { var unloadedClasses = []; for( var m in modules ) { var className = this.fileNameToClassName(modules[m]); var entityName = className.replace(/^Entity/, ''); // ig.global[className] should be the actual class object if( className && ig.global[className] ) { var a = $( '
', { 'id': className, 'href': '#', 'html': entityName, 'mouseup': this.newEntityClick.bind(this) }); this.menu.append( a ); this.entityClasses[className] = m; } else { unloadedClasses.push( modules[m] + ' (expected name: ' + className + ')' ); } } if( unloadedClasses.length > 0 ) { var warning = 'The following entity classes were not loaded due to\n' + 'file and class name mismatches: \n\n' + unloadedClasses.join( '\n' ); alert( warning ); } }, getEntityByName: function( name ) { return this.namedEntities[name]; }, getSaveData: function() { var ents = []; for( var i = 0; i < this.entities.length; i++ ) { var ent = this.entities[i]; var type = ent._wmClassName; var data = {type:type,x:ent.pos.x,y:ent.pos.y}; var hasSettings = false; for( p in ent._wmSettings ) { hasSettings = true; } if( hasSettings ) { data.settings = ent._wmSettings; } ents.push( data ); } return ents; }, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Selecting selectEntityAt: function( x, y ) { this.selector.pos = { x: x, y: y }; for( var i = 0; i < this.entities.length; i++ ) { var ent = this.entities[i]; if( ent.touches(this.selector) ) { this.selector.offset = {x: (x - ent.pos.x + ent.offset.x), y: (y - ent.pos.y + ent.offset.y)}; this.selectEntity( ent ); this.wasSelectedOnScaleBorder = this.isOnScaleBorder( ent, this.selector ); return ent; } } this.selectEntity( null ); return false; }, selectEntity: function( entity ) { if( entity && entity != this.selectedEntity ) { this.selectedEntity = entity; $('#entitySettings').fadeOut(100,(function(){ this.loadEntitySettings(); $('#entitySettings').fadeIn(100); }).bind(this)); } else if( !entity ) { $('#entitySettings').fadeOut(100); } this.selectedEntity = entity; $('#entityKey').val(''); $('#entityValue').val(''); }, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creating, Deleting, Moving deleteSelectedEntity: function() { if( !this.selectedEntity ) { return false; } ig.game.undo.commitEntityDelete( this.selectedEntity ); this.removeEntity( this.selectedEntity ); this.selectEntity( null ); return true; }, removeEntity: function( ent ) { if( ent.name ) { delete this.namedEntities[ent.name]; } this.entities.erase( ent ); }, cloneSelectedEntity: function() { if( !this.selectedEntity ) { return false; } var className = this.selectedEntity._wmClassName; var settings = ig.copy(this.selectedEntity._wmSettings); if( settings.name ) { settings.name = settings.name + '_clone'; } var x = this.selectedEntity.pos.x + this.gridSize; var y = this.selectedEntity.pos.y; var newEntity = this.spawnEntity( className, x, y, settings ); newEntity._wmSettings = settings; this.selectEntity( newEntity ); ig.game.undo.commitEntityCreate( newEntity ); return true; }, dragOnSelectedEntity: function( x, y ) { if( !this.selectedEntity ) { return false; } // scale or move? if( this.selectedEntity._wmScalable && this.wasSelectedOnScaleBorder ) { this.scaleSelectedEntity( x, y ); } else { this.moveSelectedEntity( x, y ) } ig.game.undo.pushEntityEdit( this.selectedEntity ); return true; }, moveSelectedEntity: function( x, y ) { x = Math.round( (x - this.selector.offset.x ) / this.gridSize ) * this.gridSize + this.selectedEntity.offset.x; y = Math.round( (y - this.selector.offset.y ) / this.gridSize ) * this.gridSize + this.selectedEntity.offset.y; // new position? if( this.selectedEntity.pos.x != x || this.selectedEntity.pos.y != y ) { $('#entityDefinitionPosX').text( x ); $('#entityDefinitionPosY').text( y ); this.selectedEntity.pos.x = x; this.selectedEntity.pos.y = y; } }, scaleSelectedEntity: function( x, y ) { var scale = this.wasSelectedOnScaleBorder; var w = Math.round( x / this.gridSize ) * this.gridSize - this.selectedEntity.pos.x; if( !this.selectedEntity._wmSettings.size ) { this.selectedEntity._wmSettings.size = {}; } if( scale == 'n' ) { var h = this.selectedEntity.pos.y - Math.round( y / this.gridSize ) * this.gridSize; if( this.selectedEntity.size.y + h <= this.gridSize ) { h = (this.selectedEntity.size.y - this.gridSize) * -1; } this.selectedEntity.size.y += h; this.selectedEntity.pos.y -= h; } else if( scale == 's' ) { var h = Math.round( y / this.gridSize ) * this.gridSize - this.selectedEntity.pos.y; this.selectedEntity.size.y = Math.max( this.gridSize, h ); } else if( scale == 'e' ) { var w = Math.round( x / this.gridSize ) * this.gridSize - this.selectedEntity.pos.x; this.selectedEntity.size.x = Math.max( this.gridSize, w ); } else if( scale == 'w' ) { var w = this.selectedEntity.pos.x - Math.round( x / this.gridSize ) * this.gridSize; if( this.selectedEntity.size.x + w <= this.gridSize ) { w = (this.selectedEntity.size.x - this.gridSize) * -1; } this.selectedEntity.size.x += w; this.selectedEntity.pos.x -= w; } this.selectedEntity._wmSettings.size.x = this.selectedEntity.size.x; this.selectedEntity._wmSettings.size.y = this.selectedEntity.size.y; this.loadEntitySettings(); }, newEntityClick: function( ev ) { this.hideMenu(); var newEntity = this.spawnEntity( ev.target.id, 0, 0, {} ); this.selectEntity( newEntity ); this.moveSelectedEntity( this.selector.pos.x, this.selector.pos.y ); ig.editor.setModified(); ig.game.undo.commitEntityCreate( newEntity ); }, spawnEntity: function( className, x, y, settings ) { settings = settings || {}; var entityClass = ig.global[ className ]; if( entityClass ) { var newEntity = new (entityClass)( x, y, settings ); newEntity._wmInEditor = true; newEntity._wmClassName = className; newEntity._wmSettings = {}; for( s in settings ) { newEntity._wmSettings[s] = settings[s]; } this.entities.push( newEntity ); if( settings.name ) { this.namedEntities[settings.name] = newEntity; } return newEntity; } return null; }, isOnScaleBorder: function( entity, selector ) { var border = 2; var w = selector.pos.x - entity.pos.x; var h = selector.pos.y - entity.pos.y; if( w < border ) return 'w'; if( w > entity.size.x - border ) return 'e'; if( h < border ) return 'n'; if( h > entity.size.y - border ) return 's'; return false; }, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings loadEntitySettings: function(ent) { if( !this.selectedEntity ) { return; } var html = '
' + '
'; html += this.loadEntitySettingsRecursive( this.selectedEntity._wmSettings ); this.entityDefinitions.html( html ); var className = this.selectedEntity._wmClassName.replace(/^Entity/, ''); $('#entityClass').text( className ); $('.entityDefinition').bind( 'mouseup', this.selectEntitySetting ); }, loadEntitySettingsRecursive: function( settings, path ) { path = path || ""; var html = ""; for( key in settings ) { var value = settings[key]; if( typeof(value) == 'object' ) { html += this.loadEntitySettingsRecursive( value, path + key + "." ); } else { html += '
'; } } return html; }, setEntitySetting: function( ev ) { if( ev.which != 13 ) { return true; } var key = $('#entityKey').val(); var value = $('#entityValue').val(); var floatVal = parseFloat(value); if( value == floatVal ) { value = floatVal; } if( key == 'name' ) { if( this.selectedEntity.name ) { delete this.namedEntities[this.selectedEntity.name]; } this.namedEntities[ value ] = this.selectedEntity; } if( key == 'x' ) { this.selectedEntity.pos.x = Math.round(value); } else if( key == 'y' ) { this.selectedEntity.pos.y = Math.round(value); } else { this.writeSettingAtPath( this.selectedEntity._wmSettings, key, value ); ig.merge( this.selectedEntity, this.selectedEntity._wmSettings ); } ig.game.setModified(); ig.game.draw(); $('#entityKey').val(''); $('#entityValue').val(''); $('#entityValue').blur(); this.loadEntitySettings(); $('#entityKey').focus(); return false; }, writeSettingAtPath: function( root, path, value ) { path = path.split('.'); var cur = root; for( var i = 0; i < path.length; i++ ) { var n = path[i]; if( i < path.length-1 && typeof(cur[n]) != 'object' ) { cur[n] = {}; } if( i == path.length-1 ) { cur[n] = value; } cur = cur[n]; } this.trimObject( root ); }, trimObject: function( obj ) { var isEmpty = true; for( var i in obj ) { if( (obj[i] === "") || (typeof(obj[i]) == 'object' && this.trimObject(obj[i])) ) { delete obj[i]; } if( typeof(obj[i]) != 'undefined' ) { isEmpty = false; } } return isEmpty; }, selectEntitySetting: function( ev ) { $('#entityKey').val( $(this).children('.key').text() ); $('#entityValue').val( $(this).children('.value').text() ); $('#entityValue').select(); }, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // UI setHotkey: function( hotkey ) { this.hotkey = hotkey; this.div.attr('title', 'Select Layer ('+this.hotkey+')' ); }, showMenu: function( x, y ) { this.selector.pos = { x: Math.round( (x + ig.editor.screen.x) / this.gridSize ) * this.gridSize, y: Math.round( (y + ig.editor.screen.y) / this.gridSize ) * this.gridSize }; this.menu.css({top: (y * ig.system.scale + 2), left: (x * ig.system.scale + 2) }); this.menu.show(); }, hideMenu: function( x, y ) { ig.editor.mode = ig.editor.MODE.DEFAULT; this.menu.hide(); }, setActive: function( active ) { this.active = active; if( active ) { this.div.addClass( 'layerActive' ); } else { this.div.removeClass( 'layerActive' ); } }, toggleVisibility: function() { this.visible ^= 1; if( this.visible ) { this.div.children('.visible').addClass('checkedVis'); } else { this.div.children('.visible').removeClass('checkedVis'); } ig.game.draw(); }, toggleVisibilityClick: function( ev ) { if( !this.active ) { this.ignoreLastClick = true; } this.toggleVisibility() }, click: function() { if( this.ignoreLastClick ) { this.ignoreLastClick = false; return; } ig.editor.setActiveLayer( 'entities' ); }, mousemove: function( x, y ) { this.selector.pos = { x: x, y: y }; if( this.selectedEntity ) { if( this.selectedEntity._wmScalable && this.selectedEntity.touches(this.selector) ) { var scale = this.isOnScaleBorder( this.selectedEntity, this.selector ); if( scale == 'n' || scale == 's' ) { $('body').css('cursor', 'n-resize'); return; } else if( scale == 'e' || scale == 'w' ) { $('body').css('cursor', 'e-resize'); return; } } } $('body').css('cursor', 'default'); }, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Drawing draw: function() { if( this.visible ) { for( var i = 0; i < this.entities.length; i++ ) { this.drawEntity( this.entities[i] ); } } }, drawEntity: function( ent ) { // entity itself ent.draw(); // box if( ent._wmDrawBox ) { ig.system.context.fillStyle = ent._wmBoxColor || 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.9)'; ig.system.context.fillRect( ig.system.getDrawPos(ent.pos.x - ig.game.screen.x), ig.system.getDrawPos(ent.pos.y - ig.game.screen.y), ent.size.x * ig.system.scale, ent.size.y * ig.system.scale ); } if( wm.config.labels.draw ) { // description var className = ent._wmClassName.replace(/^Entity/, ''); var description = className + (ent.name ? ': ' + ent.name : '' ); // text-shadow ig.system.context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)'; ig.system.context.fillText( description, ig.system.getDrawPos(ent.pos.x - ig.game.screen.x), ig.system.getDrawPos(ent.pos.y - ig.game.screen.y + 0.5) ); // text ig.system.context.fillStyle = wm.config.colors.primary; ig.system.context.fillText( description, ig.system.getDrawPos(ent.pos.x - ig.game.screen.x), ig.system.getDrawPos(ent.pos.y - ig.game.screen.y) ); } // line to targets if( typeof(ent.target) == 'object' ) { for( var t in ent.target ) { this.drawLineToTarget( ent, ent.target[t] ); } } }, drawLineToTarget: function( ent, target ) { target = ig.game.getEntityByName( target ); if( !target ) { return; } ig.system.context.strokeStyle = '#fff'; ig.system.context.lineWidth = 1; ig.system.context.beginPath(); ig.system.context.moveTo( ig.system.getDrawPos(ent.pos.x + ent.size.x/2 - ig.game.screen.x), ig.system.getDrawPos(ent.pos.y + ent.size.y/2 - ig.game.screen.y) ); ig.system.context.lineTo( ig.system.getDrawPos(target.pos.x + target.size.x/2 - ig.game.screen.x), ig.system.getDrawPos(target.pos.y + target.size.y/2 - ig.game.screen.y) ); ig.system.context.stroke(); ig.system.context.closePath(); }, drawCursor: function( x, y ) { if( this.selectedEntity ) { ig.system.context.lineWidth = 1; ig.system.context.strokeStyle = wm.config.colors.highlight; ig.system.context.strokeRect( ig.system.getDrawPos(this.selectedEntity.pos.x - ig.editor.screen.x) - 0.5, ig.system.getDrawPos(this.selectedEntity.pos.y - ig.editor.screen.y) - 0.5, this.selectedEntity.size.x * ig.system.scale + 1, this.selectedEntity.size.y * ig.system.scale + 1 ); } } }); });