var wm = {}; wm.entityFiles = []; ig.module( 'weltmeister.weltmeister' ) .requires( 'dom.ready', '', 'weltmeister.evented-input', 'weltmeister.config', 'weltmeister.edit-map', 'weltmeister.edit-entities', '', 'weltmeister.modal-dialogs', 'weltmeister.undo' ) .defines(function(){ "use strict"; wm.Weltmeister = ig.Class.extend({ MODE: { DRAW: 1, TILESELECT: 2, ENTITYSELECT: 4 }, layers: [], entities: null, activeLayer: null, collisionLayer: null, selectedEntity: null, screen: {x: 0, y: 0}, _rscreen: {x: 0, y: 0}, mouseLast: {x: -1, y: -1}, waitForModeChange: false, tilsetSelectDialog: null, levelSavePathDialog: null, labelsStep: 32, collisionSolid: 1, loadDialog: null, saveDialog: null, loseChangesDialog: null, fileName: 'untitled.js', filePath: wm.config.project.levelPath + 'untitled.js', modified: false, needsDraw: true, undo: null, init: function() { = ig.editor = this; ig.system.context.textBaseline = 'top'; ig.system.context.font = wm.config.labels.font; this.labelsStep = wm.config.labels.step; // Dialogs this.loadDialog = new wm.ModalDialogPathSelect( 'Load Level', 'Load', 'scripts' ); this.loadDialog.onOk = this.load.bind(this); this.loadDialog.setPath( wm.config.project.levelPath ); $('#levelLoad').bind( 'click', this.showLoadDialog.bind(this) ); $('#levelNew').bind( 'click', this.showNewDialog.bind(this) ); this.saveDialog = new wm.ModalDialogPathSelect( 'Save Level', 'Save', 'scripts' ); this.saveDialog.onOk =; this.saveDialog.setPath( wm.config.project.levelPath ); $('#levelSaveAs').bind( 'click', ); $('#levelSave').bind( 'click', this.saveQuick.bind(this) ); this.loseChangesDialog = new wm.ModalDialog( 'Lose all changes?' ); this.deleteLayerDialog = new wm.ModalDialog( 'Delete Layer? NO UNDO!' ); this.deleteLayerDialog.onOk = this.removeLayer.bind(this); this.mode = this.MODE.DEFAULT; this.tilesetSelectDialog = new wm.SelectFileDropdown( '#layerTileset', wm.config.api.browse, 'images' ); this.entities = new wm.EditEntities( $('#layerEntities') ); $('#layers').sortable({ update: this.reorderLayers.bind(this) }); $('#layers').disableSelection(); this.resetModified(); // Events/Input for( var key in wm.config.binds ) { ig.input.bind( ig.KEY[key], wm.config.binds[key] ); } ig.input.keydownCallback = this.keydown.bind(this); ig.input.keyupCallback = this.keyup.bind(this); ig.input.mousemoveCallback = this.mousemove.bind(this); $(window).resize( this.resize.bind(this) ); $(window).bind( 'keydown', this.uikeydown.bind(this) ); $(window).bind( 'beforeunload', this.confirmClose.bind(this) ); $('#buttonAddLayer').bind( 'click', this.addLayer.bind(this) ); $('#buttonRemoveLayer').bind( 'click', ); $('#buttonSaveLayerSettings').bind( 'click', this.saveLayerSettings.bind(this) ); $('#reloadImages').bind( 'click', ig.Image.reloadCache ); $('#layerIsCollision').bind( 'change', this.toggleCollisionLayer.bind(this) ); $('input#toggleSidebar').click(function() { $('div#menu').slideToggle('fast'); $('input#toggleSidebar').toggleClass('active'); }); // Always unfocus current input field when clicking the canvas $('#canvas').mousedown(function(){ $('input:focus').blur(); }); this.undo = new wm.Undo( wm.config.undoLevels ); if( wm.config.loadLastLevel ) { var path = $.cookie('wmLastLevel'); if( path ) { this.load( null, path ) } } ig.setAnimation( this.drawIfNeeded.bind(this) ); }, uikeydown: function( event ) { if( == 'text' ) { return; } var key = String.fromCharCode(event.which); if( key.match(/^\d$/) ) { var index = parseInt(key); var name = $('#layers div.layer:nth-child('+index+')').text(); var layer = name == 'entities' ? this.entities : this.getLayerWithName(name); if( layer ) { if( event.shiftKey ) { layer.toggleVisibility(); } else { this.setActiveLayer( ); } } } }, showLoadDialog: function() { if( this.modified ) { this.loseChangesDialog.onOk =;; } else {; } }, showNewDialog: function() { if( this.modified ) { this.loseChangesDialog.onOk = this.loadNew.bind(this);; } else { this.loadNew(); } }, setModified: function() { if( !this.modified ) { this.modified = true; this.setWindowTitle(); } }, resetModified: function() { this.modified = false; this.setWindowTitle(); }, setWindowTitle: function() { document.title = this.fileName + (this.modified ? ' * ' : ' - ') + 'Weltmeister'; $('span.headerTitle').text(this.fileName); $('span.unsavedTitle').text(this.modified ? '*' : ''); }, confirmClose: function( event ) { var rv = undefined; if( this.modified && wm.config.askBeforeClose ) { rv = 'There are some unsaved changes. Leave anyway?'; } event.returnValue = rv; return rv; }, resize: function() { ig.system.resize( Math.floor(wm.Weltmeister.getMaxWidth() / wm.config.view.zoom), Math.floor(wm.Weltmeister.getMaxHeight() / wm.config.view.zoom), wm.config.view.zoom ); ig.system.context.textBaseline = 'top'; ig.system.context.font = wm.config.labels.font; this.draw(); }, drag: function() { this.screen.x -= ig.input.mouse.x - this.mouseLast.x; this.screen.y -= ig.input.mouse.y - this.mouseLast.y; this._rscreen.x = Math.round(this.screen.x * ig.system.scale)/ig.system.scale; this._rscreen.y = Math.round(this.screen.y * ig.system.scale)/ig.system.scale; for( var i = 0; i < this.layers.length; i++ ) { this.layers[i].setScreenPos( this.screen.x, this.screen.y ); } }, zoom: function( delta ) { var z = wm.config.view.zoom; var mx = ig.input.mouse.x * z, my = ig.input.mouse.y * z; if( z <= 1 ) { if( delta < 0 ) { z /= 2; } else { z *= 2; } } else { z += delta; } wm.config.view.zoom = z.limit( wm.config.view.zoomMin, wm.config.view.zoomMax ); wm.config.labels.step = Math.round( this.labelsStep / wm.config.view.zoom ); $('#zoomIndicator').text( wm.config.view.zoom + 'x' ).stop(true,true).show().delay(300).fadeOut(); // Adjust mouse pos and screen coordinates ig.input.mouse.x = mx / wm.config.view.zoom; ig.input.mouse.y = my / wm.config.view.zoom; this.drag(); for( var i in ig.Image.cache ) { ig.Image.cache[i].resize( wm.config.view.zoom ); } this.resize(); }, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loading loadNew: function() { $.cookie( 'wmLastLevel', null ); while( this.layers.length ) { this.layers[0].destroy(); this.layers.splice( 0, 1 ); } this.screen = {x: 0, y: 0}; this.entities.clear(); this.fileName = 'untitled.js'; this.filePath = wm.config.project.levelPath + 'untitled.js'; this.saveDialog.setPath( this.filePath ); this.resetModified(); this.draw(); }, load: function( dialog, path ) { this.filePath = path; this.saveDialog.setPath( path ); this.fileName = path.replace(/^.*\//,''); var req = $.ajax({ url:( path + '?nocache=' + Math.random() ), dataType: 'text', async:false, success: this.loadResponse.bind(this), error: function() { $.cookie( 'wmLastLevel', null ); } }); }, loadResponse: function( data ) { $.cookie( 'wmLastLevel', this.filePath ); // extract JSON from a module's JS var jsonMatch = data.match( /\/\*JSON\[\*\/([\s\S]*?)\/\*\]JSON\*\// ); data = JSON.parse( jsonMatch ? jsonMatch[1] : data ); while( this.layers.length ) { this.layers[0].destroy(); this.layers.splice( 0, 1 ); } this.screen = {x: 0, y: 0}; this.entities.clear(); for( var i=0; i < data.entities.length; i++ ) { var ent = data.entities[i]; this.entities.spawnEntity( ent.type, ent.x, ent.y, ent.settings ); } for( var i=0; i < data.layer.length; i++ ) { var ld = data.layer[i]; var newLayer = new wm.EditMap(, ld.tilesize, ld.tilesetName, !!ld.foreground ); newLayer.resize( ld.width, ld.height ); newLayer.linkWithCollision = ld.linkWithCollision; newLayer.repeat = ld.repeat; newLayer.preRender = !!ld.preRender; newLayer.distance = ld.distance; newLayer.visible = !ld.visible; =; newLayer.toggleVisibility(); this.layers.push( newLayer ); if( == 'collision' ) { this.collisionLayer = newLayer; } this.setActiveLayer( ); } this.setActiveLayer( 'entities' ); this.reorderLayers(); $('#layers').sortable('refresh'); this.resetModified(); this.undo.clear(); this.draw(); }, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Saving saveQuick: function() { if( this.fileName == 'untitled.js' ) {; } else { null, this.filePath ); } }, save: function( dialog, path ) { if( !path.match(/\.js$/) ) { path += '.js'; } this.filePath = path; this.fileName = path.replace(/^.*\//,''); var data = { 'entities': this.entities.getSaveData(), 'layer': [] }; var resources = []; for( var i=0; i < this.layers.length; i++ ) { var layer = this.layers[i]; data.layer.push( layer.getSaveData() ); if( != 'collision' ) { resources.push( layer.tiles.path ); } } var dataString = JSON.stringify(data); if( wm.config.project.prettyPrint ) { dataString = JSONFormat( dataString ); } // Make it an ig.module instead of plain JSON? if( wm.config.project.outputFormat == 'module' ) { var levelModule = path .replace(wm.config.project.modulePath, '') .replace(/\.js$/, '') .replace(/\//g, '.'); var levelName = levelModule.replace(/(^.*\.|-)(\w)/g, function( m, s, a ) { return a.toUpperCase(); }); var resourcesString = ''; if( resources.length ) { resourcesString = "Level" + levelName + "Resources=[new ig.Image('" + resources.join("'), new ig.Image('") + "')];\n"; } // Collect all Entity Modules var requires = ['impact.image']; var requiresHash = {}; for( var i = 0; i < data.entities.length; i++ ) { var ec = this.entities.entityClasses[ data.entities[i].type ]; if( !requiresHash[ec] ) { requiresHash[ec] = true; requires.push(ec); } } // include /*JSON[*/ ... /*]JSON*/ markers, so we can easily load // this level as JSON again dataString = "ig.module( '"+levelModule+"' )\n" + ".requires( '"+requires.join("','")+"' )\n" + ".defines(function(){\n"+ "Level" + levelName + "=" + "/*JSON[*/" + dataString + "/*]JSON*/" + ";\n" + resourcesString + "});"; } var postString = 'path=' + encodeURIComponent( path ) + '&data=' + encodeURIComponent(dataString); var req = $.ajax({ url:, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', async: false, data: postString, success:this.saveResponse.bind(this) }); }, saveResponse: function( data ) { if( data.error ) { alert( 'Error: ' + data.msg ); } else { this.resetModified(); $.cookie( 'wmLastLevel', this.filePath ); } }, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Layers addLayer: function() { var name = 'new_layer_' + this.layers.length; var newLayer = new wm.EditMap( name, wm.config.layerDefaults.tilesize ); newLayer.resize( wm.config.layerDefaults.width, wm.config.layerDefaults.height ); newLayer.setScreenPos( this.screen.x, this.screen.y ); this.layers.push( newLayer ); this.setActiveLayer( name ); this.updateLayerSettings(); this.reorderLayers(); $('#layers').sortable('refresh'); }, removeLayer: function() { var name =; if( name == 'entities' ) { return false; } this.activeLayer.destroy(); for( var i = 0; i < this.layers.length; i++ ) { if( this.layers[i].name == name ) { this.layers.splice( i, 1 ); this.reorderLayers(); $('#layers').sortable('refresh'); this.setActiveLayer( 'entities' ); return true; } } return false; }, getLayerWithName: function( name ) { for( var i = 0; i < this.layers.length; i++ ) { if( this.layers[i].name == name ) { return this.layers[i]; } } return null; }, reorderLayers: function( dir ) { var newLayers = []; var isForegroundLayer = true; $('#layers div.layer').each((function( newIndex, span ){ var name = $(span).text(); var layer = name == 'entities' ? this.entities : this.getLayerWithName(name); if( layer ) { layer.setHotkey( newIndex+1 ); if( == 'entities' ) { // All layers after the entity layer are not foreground // layers isForegroundLayer = false; } else { layer.foreground = isForegroundLayer; newLayers.unshift( layer ); } } }).bind(this)); this.layers = newLayers; this.setModified(); this.draw(); }, updateLayerSettings: function( ) { $('#layerName').val( ); $('#layerTileset').val( this.activeLayer.tilesetName ); $('#layerTilesize').val( this.activeLayer.tilesize ); $('#layerWidth').val( this.activeLayer.width ); $('#layerHeight').val( this.activeLayer.height ); $('#layerPreRender').prop( 'checked', this.activeLayer.preRender ); $('#layerRepeat').prop( 'checked', this.activeLayer.repeat ); $('#layerLinkWithCollision').prop( 'checked', this.activeLayer.linkWithCollision ); $('#layerDistance').val( this.activeLayer.distance ); }, saveLayerSettings: function() { var isCollision = $('#layerIsCollision').prop('checked'); var newName = $('#layerName').val(); var newWidth = Math.floor($('#layerWidth').val()); var newHeight = Math.floor($('#layerHeight').val()); if( newWidth != this.activeLayer.width || newHeight != this.activeLayer.height ) { this.activeLayer.resize( newWidth, newHeight ); } this.activeLayer.tilesize = Math.floor($('#layerTilesize').val()); if( isCollision ) { newName = 'collision'; this.activeLayer.linkWithCollision = false; this.activeLayer.distance = 1; this.activeLayer.repeat = false; this.activeLayer.setCollisionTileset(); } else { var newTilesetName = $('#layerTileset').val(); if( newTilesetName != this.activeLayer.tilesetName ) { this.activeLayer.setTileset( newTilesetName ); } this.activeLayer.linkWithCollision = $('#layerLinkWithCollision').prop('checked'); this.activeLayer.distance = $('#layerDistance').val(); this.activeLayer.repeat = $('#layerRepeat').prop('checked'); this.activeLayer.preRender = $('#layerPreRender').prop('checked'); } if( newName == 'collision' ) { // is collision layer this.collisionLayer = this.activeLayer; } else if( == 'collision' ) { // was collision layer, but is no more this.collisionLayer = null; } this.activeLayer.setName( newName ); this.setModified(); this.draw(); }, setActiveLayer: function( name ) { var previousLayer = this.activeLayer; this.activeLayer = ( name == 'entities' ? this.entities : this.getLayerWithName(name) ); if( previousLayer == this.activeLayer ) { return; // nothing to do here } if( previousLayer ) { previousLayer.setActive( false ); } this.activeLayer.setActive( true ); this.mode = this.MODE.DEFAULT; $('#layerIsCollision').prop('checked', (name == 'collision') ); if( name == 'entities' ) { $('#layerSettings').fadeOut(100); } else { this.entities.selectEntity( null ); this.toggleCollisionLayer(); $('#layerSettings') .fadeOut(100,this.updateLayerSettings.bind(this)) .fadeIn(100); } this.draw(); }, toggleCollisionLayer: function( ev ) { var isCollision = $('#layerIsCollision').prop('checked'); $('#layerLinkWithCollision,#layerDistance,#layerPreRender,#layerRepeat,#layerName,#layerTileset') .attr('disabled', isCollision ); }, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Update mousemove: function() { if( !this.activeLayer ) { return; } if( this.mode == this.MODE.DEFAULT ) { // scroll map if( ig.input.state('drag') ) { this.drag(); } else if( ig.input.state('draw') ) { // move/scale entity if( this.activeLayer == this.entities ) { var x = ig.input.mouse.x + this.screen.x; var y = ig.input.mouse.y + this.screen.y; this.entities.dragOnSelectedEntity( x, y ); this.setModified(); } // draw on map else if( !this.activeLayer.isSelecting ) { this.setTileOnCurrentLayer(); } } else if( this.activeLayer == this.entities ) { var x = ig.input.mouse.x + this.screen.x; var y = ig.input.mouse.y + this.screen.y; this.entities.mousemove( x, y ); } } this.mouseLast = {x: ig.input.mouse.x, y: ig.input.mouse.y}; this.draw(); }, keydown: function( action ) { if( !this.activeLayer ) { return; } if( action == 'draw' ) { if( this.mode == this.MODE.DEFAULT ) { // select entity if( this.activeLayer == this.entities ) { var x = ig.input.mouse.x + this.screen.x; var y = ig.input.mouse.y + this.screen.y; var entity = this.entities.selectEntityAt( x, y ); if( entity ) { this.undo.beginEntityEdit( entity ); } } else { if( ig.input.state('select') ) { this.activeLayer.beginSelecting( ig.input.mouse.x, ig.input.mouse.y ); } else { this.undo.beginMapDraw(); this.activeLayer.beginEditing(); if( this.activeLayer.linkWithCollision && this.collisionLayer && this.collisionLayer != this.activeLayer ) { this.collisionLayer.beginEditing(); } this.setTileOnCurrentLayer(); } } } else if( this.mode == this.MODE.TILESELECT && ig.input.state('select') ) { this.activeLayer.tileSelect.beginSelecting( ig.input.mouse.x, ig.input.mouse.y ); } } this.draw(); }, keyup: function( action ) { if( !this.activeLayer ) { return; } if( action == 'delete' ) { this.entities.deleteSelectedEntity(); this.setModified(); } else if( action == 'clone' ) { this.entities.cloneSelectedEntity(); this.setModified(); } else if( action == 'grid' ) { wm.config.view.grid = !wm.config.view.grid; } else if( action == 'menu' ) { if( this.mode != this.MODE.TILESELECT && this.mode != this.MODE.ENTITYSELECT ) { if( this.activeLayer == this.entities ) { this.mode = this.MODE.ENTITYSELECT; this.entities.showMenu( ig.input.mouse.x, ig.input.mouse.y ); } else { this.mode = this.MODE.TILESELECT; this.activeLayer.tileSelect.setPosition( ig.input.mouse.x, ig.input.mouse.y ); } } else { this.mode = this.MODE.DEFAULT; this.entities.hideMenu(); } } else if( action == 'zoomin' ) { this.zoom( 1 ); } else if( action == 'zoomout' ) { this.zoom( -1 ); } if( action == 'draw' ) { // select tile if( this.mode == this.MODE.TILESELECT ) { this.activeLayer.brush = this.activeLayer.tileSelect.endSelecting( ig.input.mouse.x, ig.input.mouse.y ); this.mode = this.MODE.DEFAULT; } else if( this.activeLayer == this.entities ) { this.undo.endEntityEdit(); } else { if( this.activeLayer.isSelecting ) { this.activeLayer.brush = this.activeLayer.endSelecting( ig.input.mouse.x, ig.input.mouse.y ); } else { this.undo.endMapDraw(); } } } if( action == 'undo' ) { this.undo.undo(); } if( action == 'redo' ) { this.undo.redo(); } this.draw(); this.mouseLast = {x: ig.input.mouse.x, y: ig.input.mouse.y}; }, setTileOnCurrentLayer: function() { if( !this.activeLayer || !this.activeLayer.scroll ) { return; } var co = this.activeLayer.getCursorOffset(); var x = ig.input.mouse.x + this.activeLayer.scroll.x - co.x; var y = ig.input.mouse.y + this.activeLayer.scroll.y - co.y; var brush = this.activeLayer.brush; for( var by = 0; by < brush.length; by++ ) { var brushRow = brush[by]; for( var bx = 0; bx < brushRow.length; bx++ ) { var mapx = x + bx * this.activeLayer.tilesize; var mapy = y + by * this.activeLayer.tilesize; var newTile = brushRow[bx]; var oldTile = this.activeLayer.getOldTile( mapx, mapy ); this.activeLayer.setTile( mapx, mapy, newTile ); this.undo.pushMapDraw( this.activeLayer, mapx, mapy, oldTile, newTile ); if( this.activeLayer.linkWithCollision && this.collisionLayer && this.collisionLayer != this.activeLayer ) { var collisionLayerTile = newTile > 0 ? this.collisionSolid : 0; var oldCollisionTile = this.collisionLayer.getOldTile(mapx, mapy); this.collisionLayer.setTile( mapx, mapy, collisionLayerTile ); this.undo.pushMapDraw( this.collisionLayer, mapx, mapy, oldCollisionTile, collisionLayerTile ); } } } this.setModified(); }, // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Drawing draw: function() { // The actual drawing loop is scheduled via ig.setAnimation() already. // We just set a flag to indicate that a redraw is needed. this.needsDraw = true; }, drawIfNeeded: function() { // Only draw if flag is set if( !this.needsDraw ) { return; } this.needsDraw = false; ig.system.clear( wm.config.colors.clear ); var entitiesDrawn = false; for( var i = 0; i < this.layers.length; i++ ) { var layer = this.layers[i]; // This layer is a foreground layer? -> Draw entities first! if( !entitiesDrawn && layer.foreground ) { entitiesDrawn = true; this.entities.draw(); } layer.draw(); } if( !entitiesDrawn ) { this.entities.draw(); } if( this.activeLayer ) { if( this.mode == this.MODE.TILESELECT ) { this.activeLayer.tileSelect.draw(); this.activeLayer.tileSelect.drawCursor( ig.input.mouse.x, ig.input.mouse.y ); } if( this.mode == this.MODE.DEFAULT ) { this.activeLayer.drawCursor( ig.input.mouse.x, ig.input.mouse.y ); } } if( wm.config.labels.draw ) { this.drawLabels( wm.config.labels.step ); } }, drawLabels: function( step ) { ig.system.context.fillStyle = wm.config.colors.primary; var xlabel = this.screen.x - this.screen.x % step - step; for( var tx = Math.floor(-this.screen.x % step); tx < ig.system.width; tx += step ) { xlabel += step; ig.system.context.fillText( xlabel, tx * ig.system.scale, 0 ); } var ylabel = this.screen.y - this.screen.y % step - step; for( var ty = Math.floor(-this.screen.y % step); ty < ig.system.height; ty += step ) { ylabel += step; ig.system.context.fillText( ylabel, 0, ty * ig.system.scale ); } }, getEntityByName: function( name ) { return this.entities.getEntityByName( name ); } }); wm.Weltmeister.getMaxWidth = function() { return $(window).width(); }; wm.Weltmeister.getMaxHeight = function() { return $(window).height() - $('#headerMenu').height(); }; // Custom ig.Image class for use in Weltmeister. To make the zoom function // work, we need some additional scaling behavior: // Keep the original image, maintain a cache of scaled versions and use the // default Canvas scaling (~bicubic) instead of nearest neighbor when // zooming out. ig.Image.inject({ resize: function( scale ) { if( !this.loaded ) { return; } if( !this.scaleCache ) { this.scaleCache = {}; } if( this.scaleCache['x'+scale] ) { = this.scaleCache['x'+scale]; return; } // Retain the original image when scaling this.origData = = this.origData ||; if( scale > 1 ) { // Nearest neighbor when zooming in this.parent( scale ); } else { // Otherwise blur var scaled = ig.$new('canvas'); scaled.width = Math.ceil(this.width * scale); scaled.height = Math.ceil(this.height * scale); var scaledCtx = scaled.getContext('2d'); scaledCtx.drawImage(, 0, 0, this.width, this.height, 0, 0, scaled.width, scaled.height ); = scaled; } this.scaleCache['x'+scale] =; } }); // Create a custom loader, to skip sound files and the run loop creation wm.Loader = ig.Loader.extend({ end: function() { if( this.done ) { return; } clearInterval( this._intervalId ); this.done = true; ig.system.clear( wm.config.colors.clear ); = new (this.gameClass)(); }, loadResource: function( res ) { if( res instanceof ig.Sound ) { this._unloaded.erase( res.path ); } else { this.parent( res ); } } }); // Init! ig.system = new ig.System( '#canvas', 1, Math.floor(wm.Weltmeister.getMaxWidth() / wm.config.view.zoom), Math.floor(wm.Weltmeister.getMaxHeight() / wm.config.view.zoom), wm.config.view.zoom ); ig.input = new wm.EventedInput(); ig.soundManager = new ig.SoundManager(); ig.ready = true; var loader = new wm.Loader( wm.Weltmeister, ig.resources ); loader.load(); });