ig.module( 'game.entities.ball' ) .requires( 'impact.entity' ) .defines(function(){ EntityBall = ig.Entity.extend({ hitSounds: [ new ig.Sound('media/sounds/hit1.ogg'), new ig.Sound('media/sounds/hit2.ogg'), new ig.Sound('media/sounds/hit3.ogg'), new ig.Sound('media/sounds/hit4.ogg'), ], wallSound: new ig.Sound('media/sounds/wall.ogg'), name: 'ball', size: {x: 26, y: 26}, offset: {x: 7, y: 7}, _wmDrawBox: false, collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.ACTIVE, type: ig.Entity.TYPE.B, animSheet: new ig.AnimationSheet('media/ball.png', 40, 40), bounciness: 1, maxVel: {x: 1000, y: 1000}, init: function(x, y, settings) { this.parent(x, y, settings); this.addAnim('idle', 1, [0]); this.randomVel(); }, ready: function() { this.startPos = {x: this.pos.x, y: this.pos.y}; }, collideWith: function(other) { if (other.name == 'paddle-enemy' || other.name == 'paddle-player') { // the horizontal speed of the ball multiplied // every time it hits a paddle this.vel.x *= 1.15; // the paddles y movement is added to the ball, // so that players can give the ball a spin this.vel.y += other.vel.y/2; // TODO: Moooar points on speed balls // TODO: Moar points on edge hits if (other.name == 'paddle-player') ig.global.score += 20; this.hitSounds[Math.floor(Math.random()*4)].play(); } }, handleMovementTrace: function(res) { if (res.collision.y) this.wallSound.play(); this.parent(res); }, reset: function() { this.randomVel(); this.pos.x = this.startPos.x; this.pos.y = this.startPos.y; }, randomVel: function() { this.vel.x = Math.random()*100+100; if (Math.random() > .5) this.vel.x *= -1; this.vel.y = Math.random()*20+50; } }); });