2012-06-21 10:13:21 +02:00

157 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable file

if( count($argv) < 3 ) {
echo "Usage: bake.php <in...> <out>\n";
echo "e.g. bake.php lib/impact/impact.js lib/game/game.js mygame-baked.js\n";
$inFiles = array_slice( $argv, 1, -1 );
$outFile = $argv[ count($argv)-1 ];
$baker = new Baker( Baker::MINIFIED );
$baker->bake( $inFiles, $outFile );
class Baker {
const PLAIN = 0;
const MINIFIED = 1;
const GZIPPED = 2;
protected $base = 'lib/';
protected $format = 0;
protected $loaded = array();
protected $currentInput = 'Command Line';
protected $fileCount = 0, $bytesIn = 0, $bytesOut = 0;
public function __construct( $format = 0 ) {
$this->format = $format;
if( $this->format & self::MINIFIED ) {
require_once( 'jsmin.php' );
public function bake( $inFiles, $outFile ) {
$this->fileCount = 0;
$this->bytesIn = 0;
$out = "/*! Built with IMPACT - impactjs.com */\n\n";
foreach( $inFiles as $f ) {
$out .= $this->load( $f );
$bytesOut = strlen($out);
$bytesOutZipped = 0;
echo "writing $outFile\n";
@file_put_contents( $outFile, $out ) or
die("ERROR: Couldn't write to $outFile\n");
if( $this->format & self::GZIPPED ) {
$gzFile = "$outFile.gz";
echo "writing $gzFile\n";
$fh = gzopen( $gzFile, 'w9' ) or
die("ERROR: Couldn't write to $gzFile\n");
gzwrite( $fh, $out );
gzclose( $fh );
$bytesOutZipped = filesize( $gzFile );
"\nbaked {$this->fileCount} files: ".
round($this->bytesIn/1024,1)."kb -> ".round($bytesOut/1024,1)."kb" .
( $this->format & self::GZIPPED
? " (".round($bytesOutZipped/1024,1)."kb gzipped)\n"
: "\n"
protected function load( $path ) {
if( isset($this->loaded[$path]) ) {
return '';
if( !file_exists($path) ) {
die("ERROR: Couldn't load $path required from {$this->currentInput}\n");
echo "loading $path \n";
$this->loaded[$path] = true;
$this->currentInput = $path;
$code = file_get_contents( $path );
$this->bytesIn += strlen($code);
if( $this->format & self::MINIFIED ) {
$code = trim(JSMin::minify($code));
// Naively probe the file for 'ig.module().requires().defines()' code;
// the 'requries()' part will be handled by the regexp callback
$this->definesModule = false;
$code = preg_replace_callback(
// All files should define a module; maybe we just missed it? Print a
// friendly reminder :)
if( !$this->definesModule ) {
echo "WARNING: file $path seems to define no module!\n";
return $code;
protected function loadCallback( $matches ) {
$currentInput = $this->currentInput;
$this->definesModule = true;
$moduleName = $matches[1];
$requiredFiles = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : '';
$requiredCode = '';
if( $requiredFiles ) {
// Explode the module names and map them to file names. Ignore the
// dom.ready module if present
$moduleFiles = array_diff(
'/[\s\'"]|\/\/.*|\/\*.*\*\//', // strip quotes and spaces
str_replace('.', '/', $requiredFiles ) // . to /
foreach( $moduleFiles as $f ) {
$requiredCode .= $this->load( $this->base . $f.'.js' );
$requiredCode .
"\n\n// $currentInput\n" .
'ig.baked=true;' .
'ig.module('.$moduleName.')' .
( $requiredFiles
? '.requires('.$requiredFiles.')'
: ''
) .