2012-06-22 17:26:53 +02:00

325 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable file

.defines(function(){ "use strict";
ig.Game = ig.Class.extend({
clearColor: '#000000',
gravity: 0,
screen: {x: 0, y: 0},
_rscreen: {x: 0, y: 0},
entities: [],
namedEntities: {},
collisionMap: ig.CollisionMap.staticNoCollision,
backgroundMaps: [],
backgroundAnims: {},
autoSort: false,
sortBy: null,
cellSize: 64,
_deferredKill: [],
_levelToLoad: null,
_doSortEntities: false,
staticInstantiate: function() {
this.sortBy = this.sortBy || ig.Game.SORT.Z_INDEX;
ig.game = this;
return null;
loadLevel: function( data ) {
this.screen = {x: 0, y: 0};
// Entities
this.entities = [];
this.namedEntities = {};
for( var i = 0; i < data.entities.length; i++ ) {
var ent = data.entities[i];
this.spawnEntity( ent.type, ent.x, ent.y, ent.settings );
// Map Layer
this.collisionMap = ig.CollisionMap.staticNoCollision;
this.backgroundMaps = [];
for( var i = 0; i < data.layer.length; i++ ) {
var ld = data.layer[i];
if( ld.name == 'collision' ) {
this.collisionMap = new ig.CollisionMap(ld.tilesize, ld.data );
else {
var newMap = new ig.BackgroundMap(ld.tilesize, ld.data, ld.tilesetName);
newMap.anims = this.backgroundAnims[ld.tilesetName] || {};
newMap.repeat = ld.repeat;
newMap.distance = ld.distance;
newMap.foreground = !!ld.foreground;
newMap.preRender = !!ld.preRender;
newMap.name = ld.name;
this.backgroundMaps.push( newMap );
// Call post-init ready function on all entities
for( var i = 0; i < this.entities.length; i++ ) {
loadLevelDeferred: function( data ) {
this._levelToLoad = data;
getMapByName: function( name ) {
if( name == 'collision' ) {
return this.collisionMap;
for( var i = 0; i < this.backgroundMaps.length; i++ ) {
if( this.backgroundMaps[i].name == name ) {
return this.backgroundMaps[i];
return null;
getEntityByName: function( name ) {
return this.namedEntities[name];
getEntitiesByType: function( type ) {
var entityClass = typeof(type) === 'string'
? ig.global[type]
: type;
var a = [];
for( var i = 0; i < this.entities.length; i++ ) {
var ent = this.entities[i];
if( ent instanceof entityClass && !ent._killed ) {
a.push( ent );
return a;
spawnEntity: function( type, x, y, settings ) {
var entityClass = typeof(type) === 'string'
? ig.global[type]
: type;
if( !entityClass ) {
throw("Can't spawn entity of type " + type);
var ent = new (entityClass)( x, y, settings || {} );
this.entities.push( ent );
if( ent.name ) {
this.namedEntities[ent.name] = ent;
return ent;
sortEntities: function() {
this.entities.sort( this.sortBy );
sortEntitiesDeferred: function() {
this._doSortEntities = true;
removeEntity: function( ent ) {
// Remove this entity from the named entities
if( ent.name ) {
delete this.namedEntities[ent.name];
// We can not remove the entity from the entities[] array in the midst
// of an update cycle, so remember all killed entities and remove
// them later.
// Also make sure this entity doesn't collide anymore and won't get
// updated or checked
ent._killed = true;
ent.type = ig.Entity.TYPE.NONE;
ent.checkAgainst = ig.Entity.TYPE.NONE;
ent.collides = ig.Entity.COLLIDES.NEVER;
this._deferredKill.push( ent );
run: function() {
update: function(){
// load new level?
if( this._levelToLoad ) {
this.loadLevel( this._levelToLoad );
this._levelToLoad = null;
// sort entities?
if( this._doSortEntities || this.autoSort ) {
this._doSortEntities = false;
// update entities
// remove all killed entities
for( var i = 0; i < this._deferredKill.length; i++ ) {
this.entities.erase( this._deferredKill[i] );
this._deferredKill = [];
// update background animations
for( var tileset in this.backgroundAnims ) {
var anims = this.backgroundAnims[tileset];
for( var a in anims ) {
updateEntities: function() {
for( var i = 0; i < this.entities.length; i++ ) {
var ent = this.entities[i];
if( !ent._killed ) {
draw: function(){
if( this.clearColor ) {
ig.system.clear( this.clearColor );
// This is a bit of a circle jerk. Entities reference game._rscreen
// instead of game.screen when drawing themselfs in order to be
// "synchronized" to the rounded(?) screen position
this._rscreen.x = ig.system.getDrawPos(this.screen.x)/ig.system.scale;
this._rscreen.y = ig.system.getDrawPos(this.screen.y)/ig.system.scale;
var mapIndex;
for( mapIndex = 0; mapIndex < this.backgroundMaps.length; mapIndex++ ) {
var map = this.backgroundMaps[mapIndex];
if( map.foreground ) {
// All foreground layers are drawn after the entities
map.setScreenPos( this.screen.x, this.screen.y );
for( mapIndex; mapIndex < this.backgroundMaps.length; mapIndex++ ) {
var map = this.backgroundMaps[mapIndex];
map.setScreenPos( this.screen.x, this.screen.y );
drawEntities: function() {
for( var i = 0; i < this.entities.length; i++ ) {
checkEntities: function() {
// Insert all entities into a spatial hash and check them against any
// other entity that already resides in the same cell. Entities that are
// bigger than a single cell, are inserted into each one they intersect
// with.
// A list of entities, which the current one was already checked with,
// is maintained for each entity.
var hash = {};
for( var e = 0; e < this.entities.length; e++ ) {
var entity = this.entities[e];
// Skip entities that don't check, don't get checked and don't collide
entity.type == ig.Entity.TYPE.NONE &&
entity.checkAgainst == ig.Entity.TYPE.NONE &&
entity.collides == ig.Entity.COLLIDES.NEVER
) {
var checked = {},
xmin = Math.floor( entity.pos.x/this.cellSize ),
ymin = Math.floor( entity.pos.y/this.cellSize ),
xmax = Math.floor( (entity.pos.x+entity.size.x)/this.cellSize ) + 1,
ymax = Math.floor( (entity.pos.y+entity.size.y)/this.cellSize ) + 1;
for( var x = xmin; x < xmax; x++ ) {
for( var y = ymin; y < ymax; y++ ) {
// Current cell is empty - create it and insert!
if( !hash[x] ) {
hash[x] = {};
hash[x][y] = [entity];
else if( !hash[x][y] ) {
hash[x][y] = [entity];
// Check against each entity in this cell, then insert
else {
var cell = hash[x][y];
for( var c = 0; c < cell.length; c++ ) {
// Intersects and wasn't already checkd?
if( entity.touches(cell[c]) && !checked[cell[c].id] ) {
checked[cell[c].id] = true;
ig.Entity.checkPair( entity, cell[c] );
} // end for y size
} // end for x size
} // end for entities
ig.Game.SORT = {
Z_INDEX: function( a, b ){ return a.zIndex - b.zIndex; },
POS_X: function( a, b ){ return (a.pos.x+a.size.x) - (b.pos.x+b.size.x); },
POS_Y: function( a, b ){ return (a.pos.y+a.size.y) - (b.pos.y+b.size.y); }