2012-06-22 17:26:53 +02:00

242 lines
6.2 KiB
Executable file

.defines(function(){ "use strict";
ig.BackgroundMap = ig.Map.extend({
tiles: null,
scroll: {x: 0, y:0},
distance: 1,
repeat: false,
tilesetName: '',
foreground: false,
enabled: true,
preRender: false,
preRenderedChunks: null,
chunkSize: 512,
debugChunks: false,
anims: {},
init: function( tilesize, data, tileset ) {
this.parent( tilesize, data );
this.setTileset( tileset );
setTileset: function( tileset ) {
this.tilesetName = tileset instanceof ig.Image ? tileset.path : tileset;
this.tiles = new ig.Image( this.tilesetName );
this.preRenderedChunks = null;
setScreenPos: function( x, y ) {
this.scroll.x = x / this.distance;
this.scroll.y = y / this.distance;
preRenderMapToChunks: function() {
var totalWidth = this.width * this.tilesize * ig.system.scale,
totalHeight = this.height * this.tilesize * ig.system.scale;
var chunkCols = Math.ceil(totalWidth / this.chunkSize),
chunkRows = Math.ceil(totalHeight / this.chunkSize);
this.preRenderedChunks = [];
for( var y = 0; y < chunkRows; y++ ) {
this.preRenderedChunks[y] = [];
for( var x = 0; x < chunkCols; x++ ) {
var chunkWidth = (x == chunkCols-1)
? totalWidth - x * this.chunkSize
: this.chunkSize;
var chunkHeight = (y == chunkRows-1)
? totalHeight - y * this.chunkSize
: this.chunkSize;
this.preRenderedChunks[y][x] = this.preRenderChunk( x, y, chunkWidth, chunkHeight );
preRenderChunk: function( cx, cy, w, h ) {
var tw = w / this.tilesize / ig.system.scale + 1,
th = h / this.tilesize / ig.system.scale + 1;
var nx = (cx * this.chunkSize / ig.system.scale) % this.tilesize,
ny = (cy * this.chunkSize / ig.system.scale) % this.tilesize;
var tx = Math.floor(cx * this.chunkSize / this.tilesize / ig.system.scale),
ty = Math.floor(cy * this.chunkSize / this.tilesize / ig.system.scale);
var chunk = ig.$new( 'canvas');
chunk.width = w;
chunk.height = h;
var oldContext = ig.system.context;
ig.system.context = chunk.getContext("2d");
for( var x = 0; x < tw; x++ ) {
for( var y = 0; y < th; y++ ) {
if( x + tx < this.width && y + ty < this.height ) {
var tile = this.data[y+ty][x+tx];
if( tile ) {
x * this.tilesize - nx, y * this.tilesize - ny,
tile - 1, this.tilesize
ig.system.context = oldContext;
return chunk;
draw: function() {
if( !this.tiles.loaded || !this.enabled ) {
if( this.preRender ) {
else {
drawPreRendered: function() {
if( !this.preRenderedChunks ) {
var dx = ig.system.getDrawPos(this.scroll.x),
dy = ig.system.getDrawPos(this.scroll.y);
if( this.repeat ) {
dx %= this.width * this.tilesize * ig.system.scale;
dy %= this.height * this.tilesize * ig.system.scale;
var minChunkX = Math.max( Math.floor(dx / this.chunkSize), 0 ),
minChunkY = Math.max( Math.floor(dy / this.chunkSize), 0 ),
maxChunkX = Math.ceil((dx+ig.system.realWidth) / this.chunkSize),
maxChunkY = Math.ceil((dy+ig.system.realHeight) / this.chunkSize),
maxRealChunkX = this.preRenderedChunks[0].length,
maxRealChunkY = this.preRenderedChunks.length;
if( !this.repeat ) {
maxChunkX = Math.min( maxChunkX, maxRealChunkX );
maxChunkY = Math.min( maxChunkY, maxRealChunkY );
var nudgeY = 0;
for( var cy = minChunkY; cy < maxChunkY; cy++ ) {
var nudgeX = 0;
for( var cx = minChunkX; cx < maxChunkX; cx++ ) {
var chunk = this.preRenderedChunks[cy % maxRealChunkY][cx % maxRealChunkX];
var x = -dx + cx * this.chunkSize - nudgeX;
var y = -dy + cy * this.chunkSize - nudgeY;
ig.system.context.drawImage( chunk, x, y);
if( this.debugChunks ) {
ig.system.context.strokeStyle = '#f0f';
ig.system.context.strokeRect( x, y, this.chunkSize, this.chunkSize );
// If we repeat in X and this chunks width wasn't the full chunk size
// and the screen is not already filled, we need to draw anohter chunk
// AND nudge it to be flush with the last chunk
if( this.repeat && chunk.width < this.chunkSize && x + chunk.width < ig.system.realWidth ) {
nudgeX = this.chunkSize - chunk.width;
// Same as above, but for Y
if( this.repeat && chunk.height < this.chunkSize && y + chunk.height < ig.system.realHeight ) {
nudgeY = this.chunkSize - chunk.height;
drawTiled: function() {
var tile = 0,
anim = null,
tileOffsetX = (this.scroll.x / this.tilesize).toInt(),
tileOffsetY = (this.scroll.y / this.tilesize).toInt(),
pxOffsetX = this.scroll.x % this.tilesize,
pxOffsetY = this.scroll.y % this.tilesize,
pxMinX = -pxOffsetX - this.tilesize,
pxMinY = -pxOffsetY - this.tilesize,
pxMaxX = ig.system.width + this.tilesize - pxOffsetX,
pxMaxY = ig.system.height + this.tilesize - pxOffsetY;
// FIXME: could be sped up for non-repeated maps: restrict the for loops
// to the map size instead of to the screen size and skip the 'repeat'
// checks inside the loop.
for( var mapY = -1, pxY = pxMinY; pxY < pxMaxY; mapY++, pxY += this.tilesize) {
var tileY = mapY + tileOffsetY;
// Repeat Y?
if( tileY >= this.height || tileY < 0 ) {
if( !this.repeat ) { continue; }
tileY = tileY > 0
? tileY % this.height
: ((tileY+1) % this.height) + this.height - 1;
for( var mapX = -1, pxX = pxMinX; pxX < pxMaxX; mapX++, pxX += this.tilesize ) {
var tileX = mapX + tileOffsetX;
// Repeat X?
if( tileX >= this.width || tileX < 0 ) {
if( !this.repeat ) { continue; }
tileX = tileX > 0
? tileX % this.width
: ((tileX+1) % this.width) + this.width - 1;
// Draw!
if( (tile = this.data[tileY][tileX]) ) {
if( (anim = this.anims[tile-1]) ) {
anim.draw( pxX, pxY );
else {
this.tiles.drawTile( pxX, pxY, tile-1, this.tilesize );
} // end for x
} // end for y