(ns luduverse.ld-images (:require [image-resizer.core :refer :all] [image-resizer.util :as utils] [image-resizer.format :refer :all] [image-resizer.crop :refer :all] [clojure.java.io :as io] [noir.io :as noir-io] [clj-http.client :as http] [me.raynes.fs :as fs])) ;; NOTE: Parts of this file is grabbed from the open source lib ;; https://github.com/arg-games/ldview (defn base-path ;([] (str (noir-io/resource-path) "img")) ([] "resources/img") ([competition-id] (str (base-path) "/ld" competition-id "/"))) (defn create-file-structure [competition-id] (let [path (base-path competition-id)] (fs/mkdirs (str path "/thumbs/")) (fs/mkdirs (str path "/fullscreen/")) (fs/mkdirs (str path "/raw/")))) (defn image-name [competition-id folder entry-id number] ;; FIXME: JPEGImageWriter is not thread save? Whats wrong here? ;; IIOException Invalid argument to native writeImage com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriter.writeImage (JPEGImageWriter.java:-2) (str (base-path competition-id) folder "/" entry-id "_" number ".png")) (defn to-square [file new-size] (let [[width height] (dimensions (utils/buffered-image file))] (if (< width height) (let [resized-img (resize-to-width file new-size) [w h] (dimensions resized-img) crop-margin (quot (- h new-size) 2)] (crop-from resized-img 0 crop-margin new-size new-size)) (let [resized-img (resize-to-height file new-size) [w h] (dimensions resized-img) crop-margin (quot (- w new-size) 2)] (crop-from resized-img crop-margin 0 new-size new-size))))) (defn sourceimage->thumb [image-path new-image-path] (with-redefs [image-resizer.fs/new-filename (fn [filepath dimensions] (str filepath))] (as-file (to-square (io/file image-path) 200) new-image-path))) (defn sourceimage->fullscreen [image-path new-image-path] (with-redefs [image-resizer.fs/new-filename (fn [filepath dimensions] (str filepath))] (as-file (resize (io/file image-path) 800 600) new-image-path))) (defn save-image-from-url [url target-file] (with-open [bodystream (:body (http/get url {:as :stream}))] (io/copy bodystream (io/file target-file)))) (defn save-images-for-entry [competition-id entry] (create-file-structure competition-id) (doseq [image-url (:images entry)] (let [id (:ld_uid entry) number (last (first (re-seq #"shot([0-9]+)" image-url))) raw-image-path (image-name competition-id "raw" id number)] (if-not (fs/exists? raw-image-path) (do (save-image-from-url image-url raw-image-path) (sourceimage->fullscreen raw-image-path (image-name competition-id "fullscreen" id number)) (sourceimage->thumb raw-image-path (image-name competition-id "thumbs" id number)))))))