// https://code.google.com/p/rc-switch/ #include int led_stripe = 9; int fade_value = 0; String command = ""; boolean command_complete = false; RCSwitch rc_switch = RCSwitch(); void setup() { pinMode(led_stripe, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); command.reserve(200); rc_switch.enableTransmit(10); } void process_command(String command, String param) { if (command == "fade") fade_to(param.toInt()); if (command == "led") toggle_stripes(param); if (command == "on") switch_230("on", param); if (command == "off") switch_230("off", param); Serial.println("Ok"); } void switch_230(String state, String number) { char* code = "10011"; char* device = "10000"; if (number == "b") device = "01000"; if (number == "c") device = "00100"; if (number == "d") device = "00010"; if (number == "e") device = "00001"; if (state == "on") rc_switch.switchOn(code, device); if (state == "off") rc_switch.switchOff(code, device); } void toggle_stripes(String on_or_off) { if (on_or_off == "on") { fade_to(255); digitalWrite(led_stripe, HIGH); } else { fade_to(0); digitalWrite(led_stripe, LOW); } } void fade_to(int value) { int direction = -1; if (value > fade_value) direction = 1; for (fade_value; fade_value != value; fade_value += direction) { analogWrite(led_stripe, fade_value); delay(5); } } void loop() { // Process command? if (command_complete) { // Split the command and the params int pos = command.indexOf(' '); String cmd = command.substring(0, pos); String param = command.substring(pos+1); process_command(cmd, param); command = ""; command_complete = false; } } void serialEvent() { while (Serial.available()) { char rx_char = (char)Serial.read(); // Command complete? if (rx_char == '\n') { command_complete = true; } else { command += rx_char; } } }