# fuNote This is a minimalistic, (mostly) POSIX complaint terminal text editor, which should be working on all common (and not so common) VT100 compatible terminal emulators. This started as a little experiment, how far I can go with just a C compiler and the linux mapnages, without any libs or other external dependencies such as ncurses. This is a working text editor and perfectly fine for quickly edit some config files or take some notes, but definitive not intended to use as a full blown IDE. ## Features * Load/Save/Create text files * Common keyboard controls * Search * Syntax Highlighting for C (so you can edit fuNote source IN fuNote) * Super small (23k) * No dependencies ## Limitations * No UTF-8. If you open an UTF-8 file with only characters from the ASCII table (most of English texts and source code), it works just fine (because ASCII and UTF-8 are compatible in the "upper part" of the table), but you will mess up your file when you are edit files with special chars like รถ in it. ## Compile $ make ## Run $ ./fn [filename] ## Author Aaron Fischer () https://aaron-fischer.net/