field = [1..10*16].map -> 0 background = [1..10*16].map -> 10+~~(Math.random()*10) shapes = ["xxxx", "xx\nxx", "_x_\nxxx", "x__\nxxx", "__x\nxxx", "xx_\n_xx", "_xx\nxx"] to_xy = (position) -> x: position%10 y: ~~(position/10) rect = (canvas, position, w, h, color) -> context = canvas.getContext("2d") p = to_xy(position) context.fillStyle = "##{color}" context.fillRect(p.x*20, p.y*20, w, h) brick = (canvas, shape, position) -> pos = position for panel in shape rect(canvas, pos, 20, 20, "ff0000") if panel is "x" switch panel when "x", "_" then pos += 1 when "\n" then pos += 10 - shape.indexOf("\n") rotate = (shape, angle) -> return shape if angle is 0 if shape.length is 4 return shape if shape.indexOf("\n") is 2 return shape if angle%2 is 0 return shape.split("").join("\n") rotate_order = [2, 5, 1, 4, 0, 3] reordered = shape.split("").filter (p) -> p isnt "\n" if angle is 1 reordered = (p, i) -> reordered[rotate_order[i]] reordered = reordered.reverse() if angle > 1 ret = [] for p, i in reordered ret.push(p) # FIXME: Something is wrong here ... ret.push("\n") if (angle%2 isnt 0 and i%2 is 1) or (angle%2 is 0 and i%2 is 1) console.log(ret) ret.join("") main_loop = (canvas)-> canvas.width = 20*10 canvas.height = 20*16 for color, pos in background rect(canvas, pos, 20, 20, "#{color}#{color}#{color}") brick(canvas, rotate(shapes[3], 2), 3) main_loop(document.getElementById('c'))