(function() { var stasis = {}; var background = null; var door, liftBox = null; var roomState = { isDoorOpen: false, isLightOn: false, isIntroRunning: true, hydroDoorBroken: true, liftSwitches: ['off', 'off', 'off', 'off', 'off'] }; var toggleLiftSwitch = function(i) { if (!roomState.hydroDoorBroken) return; var state = roomState.liftSwitches[i]; var newState = state == 'on' ? 'off' : 'on'; muri.get('entity').get('stasis.liftSwitch'+i).sprite.playAnimation(newState); roomState.liftSwitches[i] = newState; }; var liftSwitch = function(i) { var switchAnimation = kontra.spriteSheet({ image: kontra.assets.images.toggleSwitch_sheet, frameWidth: 2, frameHeight: 1, animations: { 'off': {frames: 0}, 'on': {frames: 1} } }); var liftSwitch = kontra.sprite({ x: 95, y: 16+i*2, animations: switchAnimation.animations }); return muri.get('entity') .create('stasis.liftSwitch'+i, liftSwitch) .addCallback(function() { toggleLiftSwitch(i); var randomSwitch = Math.floor(Math.random()*roomState.liftSwitches.length); if (randomSwitch !== i) toggleLiftSwitch(randomSwitch); var solved = true; console.log(roomState.liftSwitches); roomState.liftSwitches.forEach(function(s) { console.log(s); if (s === 'off') solved = false; }); if (solved) { muri.get('bubble') .talk([ 'Once again, the ship shakes.', 'Something broke off inside the lift and metal scrapes against the hull.', 'Not sure if this is a good sign ...']); muri.room('lift').roomState.hydroDoorBroken = false; roomState.hydroDoorBroken = false; } }); }; stasis.init = function() { background = muri.bg('stasis'); muri.get('entity') .create('stasis.lightSwitch', kontra.sprite({x: 9, y: 11, width: 3, height: 2, image: kontra.assets.images.stasis_lightSwitch})) .addCallback(function() { if (roomState.isIntroRunning) return; if (!roomState.isLightOn) { roomState.isLightOn = true; muri.get('bubble') .talk([ 'Ah, much better.', 'Looks like something happened to my stasis capsule.' ]); } else { muri.get('bubble') .talk(['No, I will not turn off the light again!']); } }); if (!roomState.isLightOn) { muri.get('bubble') .story([ [['Beep', 'Bip, Bip'], [17, 15]], [['Urgh ... ...', 'Where I am?', 'What happened?'], [40, 35]], [["I can't see a thing ...", '... need to turn on the light ...'], [40, 35]] ]) .then(function() { roomState.isIntroRunning = false; }); } }; stasis.onEnter = function(prevRoom) { door.sprite.playAnimation('close'); }; stasis.update = function() { if (roomState.isLightOn && !door) { door = muri.door('stasis', [76, 11]); muri.get('entity') .create('stasis.capsule', kontra.sprite({x: 21, y: 21, width: 32, height: 8})) .addCallback(function() { muri.get('bubble') .talk([ "That's my stasis capsule.", 'It looks like the capsule itself is intact but had a malfunction.', 'I am not an engineer, so I have noe idea whats wrong here ...' ]); }) .invisible = true; } if (!muri.room('engine').roomState.engineBroken && !liftBox) { liftBox = kontra.sprite({x: 94, y: 15, width: 4, height: 11, color: '#000'}); liftSwitch(0); liftSwitch(1); liftSwitch(2); liftSwitch(3); liftSwitch(4); } }; stasis.render = function() { if (roomState.isLightOn) { background.render(); if (liftBox) liftBox.render(); } }; stasis.name = 'stasis'; muri.rooms.push(stasis); }());