/* * Kontra.js v3.0.0 (Custom Build on 2017-08-24) | MIT * Build: --files assets,gameLoop,pool,quadtree,sprite,spriteSheet */ this.kontra = { /** * Initialize the canvas. * @memberof kontra * * @param {string|HTMLCanvasElement} canvas - Main canvas ID or Element for the game. */ init: function init(canvas) { // check if canvas is a string first, an element next, or default to getting // first canvas on page var canvasEl = this.canvas = document.getElementById(canvas) || canvas || document.querySelector('canvas'); if (!this._isCanvas(canvasEl)) { throw Error('You must provide a canvas element for the game'); } this.context = canvasEl.getContext('2d'); }, /** * Noop function. * @see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21634886/what-is-the-javascript-convention-for-no-operation#comment61796464_33458430 * @memberof kontra * @private * * The new operator is required when using sinon.stub to replace with the noop. */ _noop: new Function, /* * Determine if a value is a String. * @see https://github.com/jed/140bytes/wiki/Byte-saving-techniques#coercion-to-test-for-types * @memberof kontra * @private * * @param {*} value - Value to test. * * @returns {boolean} */ _isString: function isString(value) { return ''+value === value; }, /** * Determine if a value is a Number. * @see https://github.com/jed/140bytes/wiki/Byte-saving-techniques#coercion-to-test-for-types * @memberof kontra * @private * * @param {*} value - Value to test. * * @returns {boolean} */ _isNumber: function isNumber(value) { return +value === value; }, /** * Determine if a value is a Function. * @memberof kontra * @private * * @param {*} value - Value to test. * * @returns {boolean} */ _isFunc: function isFunction(value) { return typeof value === 'function'; }, /** * Determine if a value is an Image. An image can also be a canvas element for * the purposes of drawing using drawImage(). * @memberof kontra * @private * * @param {*} value - Value to test. * * @returns {boolean} */ _isImage: function isImage(value) { return !!value && value.nodeName === 'IMG' || this._isCanvas(value); }, /** * Determine if a value is a Canvas. * @memberof kontra * @private * * @param {*} value - Value to test. * * @returns {boolean} */ _isCanvas: function isCanvas(value) { return !!value && value.nodeName === 'CANVAS'; } }; (function(Promise) { var imageRegex = /(jpeg|jpg|gif|png)$/; var audioRegex = /(wav|mp3|ogg|aac)$/; var noRegex = /^no$/; // audio playability // @see https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/blob/master/feature-detects/audio.js var audio = new Audio(); var canUse = { wav: '', mp3: audio.canPlayType('audio/mpeg;').replace(noRegex,''), ogg: audio.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(noRegex,''), aac: audio.canPlayType('audio/aac;').replace(noRegex,''), }; /** * Join a path with proper separators. * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/43888647/2124254 */ function joinPath() { var path = [], i = 0; for (; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (arguments[i]) { // replace slashes at the beginning or end of a path // replace 2 or more slashes at the beginning of the first path to // preserve root routes (/root) path.push( arguments[i].trim().replace(new RegExp('(^[\/]{' + (path[0] ? 1 : 2) + ',}|[\/]*$)', 'g'), '') ); } } return path.join('/'); } /** * Get the extension of an asset. * * @param {string} url - The URL to the asset. * * @returns {string} */ function getExtension(url) { return url.split('.').pop(); } /** * Get the name of an asset. * * @param {string} url - The URL to the asset. * * @returns {string} */ function getName(url) { var name = url.replace('.' + getExtension(url), ''); // remove slash if there is no folder in the path return (name.indexOf('/') == 0 && name.lastIndexOf('/') == 0 ? name.substr(1) : name); } /** * Load an Image file. Uses imagePath to resolve URL. * @memberOf kontra.assets * @private * * @param {string} url - The URL to the Image file. * * @returns {Promise} A deferred promise. Promise resolves with the Image. * * @example * kontra.loadImage('car.png'); * kontra.loadImage('autobots/truck.png'); */ function loadImage(url) { var name = getName(url); var image = new Image(); var self = kontra.assets; var imageAssets = self.images; url = joinPath(self.imagePath, url); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { image.onload = function loadImageOnLoad() { imageAssets[name] = imageAssets[url] = this; resolve(this); }; image.onerror = function loadImageOnError() { reject('Unable to load image ' + url); }; image.src = url; }); } /** * Load an Audio file. Supports loading multiple audio formats which will be resolved by * the browser in the order listed. Uses audioPath to resolve URL. * @memberOf kontra.assets * @private * * @param {string|string[]} url - The URL to the Audio file. * * @returns {Promise} A deferred promise. Promise resolves with the Audio. * * @example * kontra.loadAudio('sound_effects/laser.mp3'); * kontra.loadAudio(['explosion.mp3', 'explosion.m4a', 'explosion.ogg']); */ function loadAudio(url) { var self = kontra.assets; var audioAssets = self.audio; var audioPath = self.audioPath; var source, name, playableSource, audio, i; if (!Array.isArray(url)) { url = [url]; } return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // determine which audio format the browser can play for (i = 0; (source = url[i]); i++) { if ( canUse[getExtension(source)] ) { playableSource = source; break; } } if (!playableSource) { reject('cannot play any of the audio formats provided'); } else { name = getName(playableSource); audio = new Audio(); source = joinPath(audioPath, playableSource); audio.addEventListener('canplay', function loadAudioOnLoad() { audioAssets[name] = audioAssets[source] = this; resolve(this); }); audio.onerror = function loadAudioOnError() { reject('Unable to load audio ' + source); }; audio.src = source; audio.load(); } }); } /** * Load a data file (be it text or JSON). Uses dataPath to resolve URL. * @memberOf kontra.assets * @private * * @param {string} url - The URL to the data file. * * @returns {Promise} A deferred promise. Resolves with the data or parsed JSON. * * @example * kontra.loadData('bio.json'); * kontra.loadData('dialog.txt'); */ function loadData(url) { var name = getName(url); var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); var self = kontra.assets; var dataAssets = self.data; url = joinPath(self.dataPath, url); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { req.addEventListener('load', function loadDataOnLoad() { var data = req.responseText; if (req.status !== 200) { return reject(data); } try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) {} dataAssets[name] = dataAssets[url] = data; resolve(data); }); req.open('GET', url, true); req.send(); }); } /** * Object for loading assets. */ kontra.assets = { // all assets are stored by name as well as by URL images: {}, audio: {}, data: {}, // base asset path for determining asset URLs imagePath: '', audioPath: '', dataPath: '', /** * Load an Image, Audio, or data file. * @memberOf kontra.assets * * @param {string|string[]} - Comma separated list of assets to load. * * @returns {Promise} * * @example * kontra.loadAsset('car.png'); * kontra.loadAsset(['explosion.mp3', 'explosion.ogg']); * kontra.loadAsset('bio.json'); * kontra.loadAsset('car.png', ['explosion.mp3', 'explosion.ogg'], 'bio.json'); */ load: function loadAsset() { var promises = []; var url, extension, asset, i, promise; for (i = 0; (asset = arguments[i]); i++) { url = (Array.isArray(asset) ? asset[0] : asset); extension = getExtension(url); if (extension.match(imageRegex)) { promise = loadImage(asset); } else if (extension.match(audioRegex)) { promise = loadAudio(asset); } else { promise = loadData(asset); } promises.push(promise); } return Promise.all(promises); }, // expose properties for testing _canUse: canUse, }; })(Promise); (function(kontra, requestAnimationFrame, performance) { /** * Game loop that updates and renders the game every frame. * @memberof kontra * * @param {object} properties - Properties of the game loop. * @param {number} [properties.fps=60] - Desired frame rate. * @param {boolean} [properties.clearCanvas=true] - Clear the canvas every frame. * @param {function} properties.update - Function called to update the game. * @param {function} properties.render - Function called to render the game. */ kontra.gameLoop = function(properties) { properties = properties || {}; // check for required functions if ( !(kontra._isFunc(properties.update) && kontra._isFunc(properties.render)) ) { throw Error('You must provide update() and render() functions'); } // animation variables var fps = properties.fps || 60; var accumulator = 0; var delta = 1E3 / fps; // delta between performance.now timings (in ms) var step = 1 / fps; var clear = (properties.clearCanvas === false ? kontra._noop : function clear() { kontra.context.clearRect(0,0,kontra.canvas.width,kontra.canvas.height); }); var last, rAF, now, dt; /** * Called every frame of the game loop. */ function frame() { rAF = requestAnimationFrame(frame); now = performance.now(); dt = now - last; last = now; // prevent updating the game with a very large dt if the game were to lose focus // and then regain focus later if (dt > 1E3) { return; } accumulator += dt; while (accumulator >= delta) { gameLoop.update(step); accumulator -= delta; } clear(); gameLoop.render(); } // game loop object var gameLoop = { update: properties.update, render: properties.render, isStopped: true, /** * Start the game loop. * @memberof kontra.gameLoop */ start: function start() { last = performance.now(); this.isStopped = false; requestAnimationFrame(frame); }, /** * Stop the game loop. */ stop: function stop() { this.isStopped = true; cancelAnimationFrame(rAF); }, // expose properties for testing _frame: frame, set _last(value) { last = value; } }; return gameLoop; }; })(kontra, requestAnimationFrame, performance); (function(kontra) { /** * Object pool. The pool will grow in size to accommodate as many objects as are needed. * Unused items are at the front of the pool and in use items are at the of the pool. * @memberof kontra * * @param {object} properties - Properties of the pool. * @param {function} properties.create - Function that returns the object to use in the pool. * @param {number} properties.maxSize - The maximum size that the pool will grow to. */ kontra.pool = function(properties) { properties = properties || {}; var lastIndex = 0; var inUse = 0; var obj; // check for the correct structure of the objects added to pools so we know that the // rest of the pool code will work without errors if (!kontra._isFunc(properties.create) || ( !( obj = properties.create() ) || !( kontra._isFunc(obj.update) && kontra._isFunc(obj.init) && kontra._isFunc(obj.isAlive) ) )) { throw Error('Must provide create() function which returns an object with init(), update(), and isAlive() functions'); } return { create: properties.create, // start the pool with an object objects: [obj], size: 1, maxSize: properties.maxSize || Infinity, /** * Get an object from the pool. * @memberof kontra.pool * * @param {object} properties - Properties to pass to object.init(). */ get: function get(properties) { properties = properties || {}; // the pool is out of objects if the first object is in use and it can't grow if (this.objects[0].isAlive()) { if (this.size === this.maxSize) { return; } // double the size of the array by filling it with twice as many objects else { for (var x = 0; x < this.size && this.objects.length < this.maxSize; x++) { this.objects.unshift(this.create()); } this.size = this.objects.length; lastIndex = this.size - 1; } } // save off first object in pool to reassign to last object after unshift var obj = this.objects[0]; obj.init(properties); // unshift the array for (var i = 1; i < this.size; i++) { this.objects[i-1] = this.objects[i]; } this.objects[lastIndex] = obj; inUse++; }, /** * Return all objects that are alive from the pool. * @memberof kontra.pool * * @returns {object[]} */ getAliveObjects: function getAliveObjects() { return this.objects.slice(this.objects.length - inUse); }, /** * Clear the object pool. * @memberof kontra.pool */ clear: function clear() { inUse = lastIndex = this.objects.length = 0; this.size = 1; this.objects.push(this.create()); }, /** * Update all alive pool objects. * @memberof kontra.pool * * @param {number} dt - Time since last update. */ update: function update(dt) { var i = lastIndex; var obj; // If the user kills an object outside of the update cycle, the pool won't know of // the change until the next update and inUse won't be decremented. If the user then // gets an object when inUse is the same size as objects.length, inUse will increment // and this statement will evaluate to -1. // // I don't like having to go through the pool to kill an object as it forces you to // know which object came from which pool. Instead, we'll just prevent the index from // going below 0 and accept the fact that inUse may be out of sync for a frame. var index = Math.max(this.objects.length - inUse, 0); // only iterate over the objects that are alive while (i >= index) { obj = this.objects[i]; obj.update(dt); // if the object is dead, move it to the front of the pool if (!obj.isAlive()) { // push an object from the middle of the pool to the front of the pool // without returning a new array through Array#splice to avoid garbage // collection of the old array // @see http://jsperf.com/object-pools-array-vs-loop for (var j = i; j > 0; j--) { this.objects[j] = this.objects[j-1]; } this.objects[0] = obj; inUse--; index++; } else { i--; } } }, /** * render all alive pool objects. * @memberof kontra.pool */ render: function render() { var index = Math.max(this.objects.length - inUse, 0); for (var i = lastIndex; i >= index; i--) { this.objects[i].render && this.objects[i].render(); } } }; }; })(kontra); (function(kontra) { /** * A quadtree for 2D collision checking. The quadtree acts like an object pool in that it * will create subnodes as objects are needed but it won't clean up the subnodes when it * collapses to avoid garbage collection. * @memberof kontra * * @param {object} properties - Properties of the quadtree. * @param {number} [properties.maxDepth=3] - Maximum node depths the quadtree can have. * @param {number} [properties.maxObjects=25] - Maximum number of objects a node can support before splitting. * @param {object} [properties.bounds] - The 2D space this node occupies. * @param {object} [properties.parent] - Private. The node that contains this node. * @param {number} [properties.depth=0] - Private. Current node depth. * * The quadrant indices are numbered as follows (following a z-order curve): * | * 0 | 1 * ----+---- * 2 | 3 * | */ kontra.quadtree = function(properties) { var quadtree = Object.create(kontra.quadtree.prototype); quadtree._init(properties); return quadtree; }; kontra.quadtree.prototype = { /** * Initialize properties on the quadtree. * @memberof kontra.quadtree * @private * * @param {object} properties - Properties of the quadtree. * @param {number} [properties.maxDepth=3] - Maximum node depths the quadtree can have. * @param {number} [properties.maxObjects=25] - Maximum number of objects a node can support before splitting. * @param {object} [properties.bounds] - The 2D space this node occupies. * @param {object} [properties.parent] - Private. The node that contains this node. * @param {number} [properties.depth=0] - Private. Current node depth. */ _init: function init(properties) { properties = properties || {}; this.maxDepth = properties.maxDepth || 3; this.maxObjects = properties.maxObjects || 25; // since we won't clean up any subnodes, we need to keep track of which nodes are // currently the leaf node so we know which nodes to add objects to this._branch = false; this._depth = properties.depth || 0; this._parent = properties.parent; this.bounds = properties.bounds || { x: 0, y: 0, width: kontra.canvas.width, height: kontra.canvas.height }; this.objects = []; this.subnodes = []; }, /** * Clear the quadtree * @memberof kontra.quadtree */ clear: function clear() { if (this._branch) { for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.subnodes[i].clear(); } } this._branch = false; this.objects.length = 0; }, /** * Find the leaf node the object belongs to and get all objects that are part of * that node. * @memberof kontra.quadtree * * @param {object} object - Object to use for finding the leaf node. * * @returns {object[]} A list of objects in the same leaf node as the object. */ get: function get(object) { var objects = []; var indices, i; // traverse the tree until we get to a leaf node while (this.subnodes.length && this._branch) { indices = this._getIndex(object); for (i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { objects.push.apply(objects, this.subnodes[ indices[i] ].get(object)); } return objects; } return this.objects; }, /** * Add an object to the quadtree. Once the number of objects in the node exceeds * the maximum number of objects allowed, it will split and move all objects to their * corresponding subnodes. * @memberof kontra.quadtree * * @param {...object|object[]} Objects to add to the quadtree * * @example * kontra.quadtree().add({id:1}, {id:2}, {id:3}); * kontra.quadtree().add([{id:1}, {id:2}], {id:3}); */ add: function add() { var i, j, object, obj, indices, index; for (j = 0; j < arguments.length; j++) { object = arguments[j]; // add a group of objects separately if (Array.isArray(object)) { this.add.apply(this, object); continue; } // current node has subnodes, so we need to add this object into a subnode if (this.subnodes.length && this._branch) { this._add2Sub(object); continue; } // this node is a leaf node so add the object to it this.objects.push(object); // split the node if there are too many objects if (this.objects.length > this.maxObjects && this._depth < this.maxDepth) { this._split(); // move all objects to their corresponding subnodes for (i = 0; (obj = this.objects[i]); i++) { this._add2Sub(obj); } this.objects.length = 0; } } }, /** * Add an object to a subnode. * @memberof kontra.quadtree * @private * * @param {object} object - Object to add into a subnode */ _add2Sub: function addToSubnode(object) { var indices = this._getIndex(object); var i; // add the object to all subnodes it intersects for (i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { this.subnodes[ indices[i] ].add(object); } }, /** * Determine which subnodes the object intersects with. * @memberof kontra.quadtree * @private * * @param {object} object - Object to check. * * @returns {number[]} List of all subnodes object intersects. */ _getIndex: function getIndex(object) { var indices = []; var verticalMidpoint = this.bounds.x + this.bounds.width / 2; var horizontalMidpoint = this.bounds.y + this.bounds.height / 2; // save off quadrant checks for reuse var intersectsTopQuadrants = object.y < horizontalMidpoint && object.y + object.height >= this.bounds.y; var intersectsBottomQuadrants = object.y + object.height >= horizontalMidpoint && object.y < this.bounds.y + this.bounds.height; // object intersects with the left quadrants if (object.x < verticalMidpoint && object.x + object.width >= this.bounds.x) { if (intersectsTopQuadrants) { // top left indices.push(0); } if (intersectsBottomQuadrants) { // bottom left indices.push(2); } } // object intersects with the right quadrants if (object.x + object.width >= verticalMidpoint && object.x < this.bounds.x + this.bounds.width) { // top right if (intersectsTopQuadrants) { indices.push(1); } if (intersectsBottomQuadrants) { // bottom right indices.push(3); } } return indices; }, /** * Split the node into four subnodes. * @memberof kontra.quadtree * @private */ _split: function split() { this._branch = true; // only split if we haven't split before if (this.subnodes.length) { return; } var subWidth = this.bounds.width / 2 | 0; var subHeight = this.bounds.height / 2 | 0; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.subnodes[i] = kontra.quadtree({ bounds: { x: this.bounds.x + (i % 2 === 1 ? subWidth : 0), // nodes 1 and 3 y: this.bounds.y + (i >= 2 ? subHeight : 0), // nodes 2 and 3 width: subWidth, height: subHeight }, depth: this._depth+1, maxDepth: this.maxDepth, maxObjects: this.maxObjects, parent: this }); } }, /** * Draw the quadtree. Useful for visual debugging. * @memberof kontra.quadtree */ // render: function() { // // don't draw empty leaf nodes, always draw branch nodes and the first node // if (this.objects.length || this._depth === 0 || // (this._parent && this._parent._branch)) { // kontra.context.strokeStyle = 'red'; // kontra.context.strokeRect(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.y, this.bounds.width, this.bounds.height); // if (this.subnodes.length) { // for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // this.subnodes[i].render(); // } // } // } // } }; })(kontra); (function(kontra, Math, Infinity) { /** * A vector for 2D space. * * Because each sprite has 3 vectors and there could possibly be hundreds of * sprites at once, we can't return a new object with new functions every time * (which saves on having to use `this` everywhere). Instead, we'll use a * prototype so vectors only take up an x and y value and share functions. * @memberof kontra * * @param {number} [x=0] - X coordinate. * @param {number} [y=0] - Y coordinate. */ kontra.vector = function(x, y) { var vector = Object.create(kontra.vector.prototype); vector._init(x, y); return vector; }; kontra.vector.prototype = { /** * Initialize the vectors x and y position. * @memberof kontra.vector * @private * * @param {number} [x=0] - X coordinate. * @param {number} [y=0] - Y coordinate. * * @returns {vector} */ _init: function init(x, y) { this._x = x || 0; this._y = y || 0; }, /** * Add a vector to this vector. * @memberof kontra.vector * * @param {vector} vector - Vector to add. * @param {number} dt=1 - Time since last update. */ add: function add(vector, dt) { this._x += (vector.x || 0) * (dt || 1); this._y += (vector.y || 0) * (dt || 1); }, /** * Clamp the vector between two points that form a rectangle. * @memberof kontra.vector * * @param {number} [xMin=-Infinity] - Min x value. * @param {number} [yMin=Infinity] - Min y value. * @param {number} [xMax=-Infinity] - Max x value. * @param {number} [yMax=Infinity] - Max y value. */ clamp: function clamp(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax) { this._clamp = true; this._xMin = (xMin !== undefined ? xMin : -Infinity); this._yMin = (yMin !== undefined ? yMin : -Infinity); this._xMax = (xMax !== undefined ? xMax : Infinity); this._yMax = (yMax !== undefined ? yMax : Infinity); }, /** * Vector x * @memberof kontra.vector * * @property {number} x */ get x() { return this._x; }, /** * Vector y * @memberof kontra.vector * * @property {number} y */ get y() { return this._y; }, set x(value) { this._x = (this._clamp ? Math.min( Math.max(this._xMin, value), this._xMax ) : value); }, set y(value) { this._y = (this._clamp ? Math.min( Math.max(this._yMin, value), this._yMax ) : value); } }; /** * A sprite with a position, velocity, and acceleration. * @memberof kontra * @requires kontra.vector * * @param {object} properties - Properties of the sprite. * @param {number} properties.x - X coordinate of the sprite. * @param {number} properties.y - Y coordinate of the sprite. * @param {number} [properties.dx] - Change in X position. * @param {number} [properties.dy] - Change in Y position. * @param {number} [properties.ddx] - Change in X velocity. * @param {number} [properties.ddy] - Change in Y velocity. * * @param {number} [properties.ttl=0] - How may frames the sprite should be alive. * @param {Context} [properties.context=kontra.context] - Provide a context for the sprite to draw on. * * @param {Image|Canvas} [properties.image] - Image for the sprite. * * @param {object} [properties.animations] - Animations for the sprite instead of an image. * * @param {string} [properties.color] - If no image or animation is provided, use color to draw a rectangle for the sprite. * @param {number} [properties.width] - Width of the sprite for drawing a rectangle. * @param {number} [properties.height] - Height of the sprite for drawing a rectangle. * * @param {function} [properties.update] - Function to use to update the sprite. * @param {function} [properties.render] - Function to use to render the sprite. */ kontra.sprite = function(properties) { var sprite = Object.create(kontra.sprite.prototype); sprite.init(properties); return sprite; }; kontra.sprite.prototype = { /** * Initialize properties on the sprite. * @memberof kontra.sprite * * @param {object} properties - Properties of the sprite. * @param {number} properties.x - X coordinate of the sprite. * @param {number} properties.y - Y coordinate of the sprite. * @param {number} [properties.dx] - Change in X position. * @param {number} [properties.dy] - Change in Y position. * @param {number} [properties.ddx] - Change in X velocity. * @param {number} [properties.ddy] - Change in Y velocity. * * @param {number} [properties.ttl=0] - How may frames the sprite should be alive. * @param {Context} [properties.context=kontra.context] - Provide a context for the sprite to draw on. * * @param {Image|Canvas} [properties.image] - Image for the sprite. * * @param {object} [properties.animations] - Animations for the sprite instead of an image. * * @param {string} [properties.color] - If no image or animation is provided, use color to draw a rectangle for the sprite. * @param {number} [properties.width] - Width of the sprite for drawing a rectangle. * @param {number} [properties.height] - Height of the sprite for drawing a rectangle. * * @param {function} [properties.update] - Function to use to update the sprite. * @param {function} [properties.render] - Function to use to render the sprite. * * If you need the sprite to live forever, or just need it to stay on screen until you * decide when to kill it, you can set ttl to Infinity. * Just be sure to set ttl to 0 when you want the sprite to die. */ init: function init(properties) { var temp, animation, firstAnimation, self = this; properties = properties || {}; // create the vectors if they don't exist or use the existing ones if they do self.position = (self.position || kontra.vector()); self.velocity = (self.velocity || kontra.vector()); self.acceleration = (self.acceleration || kontra.vector()); self.position._init(properties.x, properties.y); self.velocity._init(properties.dx, properties.dy); self.acceleration._init(properties.ddx, properties.ddy); // default width and height to 0 if not passed in self.width = self.height = 0; // loop through properties before overrides for (var prop in properties) { self[prop] = properties[prop]; } self.ttl = properties.ttl || 0; self.context = properties.context || kontra.context; // default to rect sprite self.advance = self._advance; self.draw = self._draw; // image sprite if (kontra._isImage(temp = properties.image)) { self.image = temp; self.width = temp.width; self.height = temp.height; self.draw = self._drawImg; } // animation sprite else if (temp = properties.animations) { self.animations = {}; // clone each animation so no sprite shares an animation for (var name in temp) { animation = temp[name]; self.animations[name] = (animation.clone ? animation.clone() : animation); // default the current animation to the first one in the list if (!firstAnimation) { firstAnimation = self.animations[name]; } } self.currentAnimation = firstAnimation; self.width = firstAnimation.width; self.height = firstAnimation.height; self.advance = self._advanceAnim; self.draw = self._drawAnim; } }, // define getter and setter shortcut functions to make it easier to work with the // position, velocity, and acceleration vectors. /** * Sprite position.x * @memberof kontra.sprite * * @property {number} x */ get x() { return this.position.x; }, /** * Sprite position.y * @memberof kontra.sprite * * @property {number} y */ get y() { return this.position.y; }, /** * Sprite velocity.x * @memberof kontra.sprite * * @property {number} dx */ get dx() { return this.velocity.x; }, /** * Sprite velocity.y * @memberof kontra.sprite * * @property {number} dy */ get dy() { return this.velocity.y; }, /** * Sprite acceleration.x * @memberof kontra.sprite * * @property {number} ddx */ get ddx() { return this.acceleration.x; }, /** * Sprite acceleration.y * @memberof kontra.sprite * * @property {number} ddy */ get ddy() { return this.acceleration.y; }, set x(value) { this.position.x = value; }, set y(value) { this.position.y = value; }, set dx(value) { this.velocity.x = value; }, set dy(value) { this.velocity.y = value; }, set ddx(value) { this.acceleration.x = value; }, set ddy(value) { this.acceleration.y = value; }, /** * Determine if the sprite is alive. * @memberof kontra.sprite * * @returns {boolean} */ isAlive: function isAlive() { return this.ttl > 0; }, /** * Simple bounding box collision test. * @memberof kontra.sprite * * @param {object} object - Object to check collision against. * * @returns {boolean} True if the objects collide, false otherwise. */ collidesWith: function collidesWith(object) { return this.x < object.x + object.width && this.x + this.width > object.x && this.y < object.y + object.height && this.y + this.height > object.y; }, /** * Update the sprites velocity and position. * @memberof kontra.sprite * @abstract * * @param {number} dt - Time since last update. * * This function can be overridden on a per sprite basis if more functionality * is needed in the update step. Just call this.advance() when you need * the sprite to update its position. * * @example * sprite = kontra.sprite({ * update: function update(dt) { * // do some logic * * this.advance(dt); * } * }); */ update: function update(dt) { this.advance(dt); }, /** * Render the sprite. * @memberof kontra.sprite. * @abstract * * This function can be overridden on a per sprite basis if more functionality * is needed in the render step. Just call this.draw() when you need the * sprite to draw its image. * * @example * sprite = kontra.sprite({ * render: function render() { * // do some logic * * this.draw(); * } * }); */ render: function render() { this.draw(); }, /** * Play an animation (a single time). * @memberof kontra.sprite * * @param {string} name - Name of the animation to play. */ playAnimation: function playAnimation(name) { this.currentAnimation = this.animations[name]; this.currentAnimation.loop = false; this.currentAnimation._frame = 0; }, /** * Play an animation (in a endless loop). * @memberof kontra.sprite * * @param {string} name - Name of the animation to play. */ loopAnimation: function loopAnimation(name) { this.currentAnimation = this.animations[name]; this.currentAnimation.loop = true; this.currentAnimation._frame = 0; }, /** * Move the sprite by its velocity. * @memberof kontra.sprite * @private * * @param {number} dt - Time since last update. */ _advance: function advanceSprite(dt) { this.velocity.add(this.acceleration, dt); this.position.add(this.velocity, dt); this.ttl--; }, /** * Update the currently playing animation. Used when animations are passed to the sprite. * @memberof kontra.sprite * @private * * @param {number} dt - Time since last update. */ _advanceAnim: function advanceAnimation(dt) { this._advance(dt); this.currentAnimation.update(dt); }, /** * Draw a simple rectangle. Useful for prototyping. * @memberof kontra.sprite * @private */ _draw: function drawRect() { this.context.fillStyle = this.color; this.context.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); }, /** * Draw the sprite. * @memberof kontra.sprite * @private */ _drawImg: function drawImage() { this.context.drawImage(this.image, this.x, this.y); }, /** * Draw the currently playing animation. Used when animations are passed to the sprite. * @memberof kontra.sprite * @private */ _drawAnim: function drawAnimation() { this.currentAnimation.render({ context: this.context, x: this.x, y: this.y }); } }; })(kontra, Math, Infinity); (function(kontra) { /** * Single animation from a sprite sheet. * @memberof kontra * * @param {object} properties - Properties of the animation. * @param {object} properties.spriteSheet - Sprite sheet for the animation. * @param {number[]} properties.frames - List of frames of the animation. * @param {number} properties.frameRate - Number of frames to display in one second. */ kontra.animation = function(properties) { var animation = Object.create(kontra.animation.prototype); animation._init(properties); return animation; }; kontra.animation.prototype = { /** * Initialize properties on the animation. * @memberof kontra.animation * @private * * @param {object} properties - Properties of the animation. * @param {object} properties.spriteSheet - Sprite sheet for the animation. * @param {number[]} properties.frames - List of frames of the animation. * @param {number} properties.frameRate - Number of frames to display in one second. */ _init: function init(properties) { properties = properties || {}; this.spriteSheet = properties.spriteSheet; this.frames = properties.frames; this.frameRate = properties.frameRate; this.loop = properties.loop || true; var frame = properties.spriteSheet.frame; this.width = frame.width; this.height = frame.height; this.margin = frame.margin || 0; this._frame = 0; this._accum = 0; }, /** * Clone an animation to be used more than once. * @memberof kontra.animation * * @returns {object} */ clone: function clone() { return kontra.animation(this); }, /** * Update the animation. Used when the animation is not paused or stopped. * @memberof kontra.animation * @private * * @param {number} [dt=1/60] - Time since last update. */ update: function advance(dt) { // If the animation should not be looped, we stop if the last // frame is played and leave it there (animation stops). if (!this.loop && this._frame === this.frames.length-1) { return; } dt = dt || 1 / 60; this._accum += dt; // update to the next frame if it's time while (this._accum * this.frameRate >= 1) { this._frame = ++this._frame % this.frames.length; this._accum -= 1 / this.frameRate; } }, /** * Draw the current frame. Used when the animation is not stopped. * @memberof kontra.animation * @private * * @param {object} properties - How to draw the animation. * @param {number} properties.x - X position to draw. * @param {number} properties.y - Y position to draw. * @param {Context} [properties.context=kontra.context] - Provide a context for the sprite to draw on. */ render: function draw(properties) { properties = properties || {}; var context = properties.context || kontra.context; // get the row and col of the frame var row = this.frames[this._frame] / this.spriteSheet.framesPerRow | 0; var col = this.frames[this._frame] % this.spriteSheet.framesPerRow | 0; context.drawImage( this.spriteSheet.image, col * this.width + (col * 2 + 1) * this.margin, row * this.height + (row * 2 + 1) * this.margin, this.width, this.height, properties.x, properties.y, this.width, this.height ); } }; /** * Create a sprite sheet from an image. * @memberof kontra * * @param {object} properties - Properties of the sprite sheet. * @param {Image|Canvas} properties.image - Image for the sprite sheet. * @param {number} properties.frameWidth - Width (in px) of each frame. * @param {number} properties.frameHeight - Height (in px) of each frame. * @param {number} properties.frameMargin - Margin (in px) between each frame. * @param {object} properties.animations - Animations to create from the sprite sheet. */ kontra.spriteSheet = function(properties) { var spriteSheet = Object.create(kontra.spriteSheet.prototype); spriteSheet._init(properties); return spriteSheet; }; kontra.spriteSheet.prototype = { /** * Initialize properties on the spriteSheet. * @memberof kontra * @private * * @param {object} properties - Properties of the sprite sheet. * @param {Image|Canvas} properties.image - Image for the sprite sheet. * @param {number} properties.frameWidth - Width (in px) of each frame. * @param {number} properties.frameHeight - Height (in px) of each frame. * @param {number} properties.frameMargin - Margin (in px) between each frame. * @param {object} properties.animations - Animations to create from the sprite sheet. */ _init: function init(properties) { properties = properties || {}; if (!kontra._isImage(properties.image)) { throw Erorr('You must provide an Image for the SpriteSheet'); } this.animations = {}; this.image = properties.image; this.frame = { width: properties.frameWidth, height: properties.frameHeight, margin: properties.frameMargin }; this.framesPerRow = properties.image.width / properties.frameWidth | 0; this.createAnimations(properties.animations); }, /** * Create animations from the sprite sheet. * @memberof kontra.spriteSheet * * @param {object} animations - List of named animations to create from the Image. * @param {number|string|number[]|string[]} animations.animationName.frames - A single frame or list of frames for this animation. * @param {number} animations.animationName.frameRate - Number of frames to display in one second. * * @example * var sheet = kontra.spriteSheet({image: img, frameWidth: 16, frameHeight: 16}); * sheet.createAnimations({ * idle: { * frames: 1 // single frame animation * }, * walk: { * frames: '2..6', // ascending consecutive frame animation (frames 2-6, inclusive) * frameRate: 4 * }, * moonWalk: { * frames: '6..2', // descending consecutive frame animation * frameRate: 4 * }, * jump: { * frames: [7, 12, 2], // non-consecutive frame animation * frameRate: 3 * }, * attack: { * frames: ['8..10', 13, '10..8'], // you can also mix and match, in this case frames [8,9,10,13,10,9,8] * frameRate: 2 * } * }); */ createAnimations: function createAnimations(animations) { var animation, frames, frameRate, sequence; for (var name in animations) { animation = animations[name]; frames = animation.frames; frameRate = animation.frameRate; // array that holds the order of the animation sequence = []; if (frames === undefined) { throw Error('Animation ' + name + ' must provide a frames property'); } if (!Array.isArray(frames)) { frames = [frames]; } for (var i = 0, frame; frame = frames[i]; i++) { // add new frames to the end of the array sequence.push.apply(sequence, this._parse(frame)); } this.animations[name] = kontra.animation({ spriteSheet: this, frames: sequence, frameRate: frameRate }); } }, /** * Parse a string of consecutive frames. * @memberof kontra.spriteSheet * @private * * @param {string} frames - Start and end frame. * * @returns {number[]} List of frames. */ _parse: function parse(consecutiveFrames) { if (kontra._isNumber(consecutiveFrames)) { return [consecutiveFrames]; } var sequence = []; var frames = consecutiveFrames.split('..'); // coerce string to number // @see https://github.com/jed/140bytes/wiki/Byte-saving-techniques#coercion-to-test-for-types var start = i = +frames[0]; var end = +frames[1]; // ascending frame order if (start < end) { for (; i <= end; i++) { sequence.push(i); } } // descending order else { for (; i >= end; i--) { sequence.push(i); } } return sequence; } }; })(kontra);