(function() { var lift = {}; var buttonSheet, background = null; var buttons = []; var roomState = { bridgeAccessible: false, hydroDoorBroken: true }; var createButtonEntity = function(i, room) { var e = muri.get('entity') .create('lift.button'+i, kontra.sprite({x: 59, y: i*2+8+i*2, animations: buttonSheet.animations})) .addCallback(function() { buttons.forEach(function(b) { b.sprite.playAnimation('off'); }); if (room === 'bridge') { if (!roomState.bridgeAccessible) { muri.get('bubble') .talk([ 'The bridge is not accessible.', 'You have no sufficient permission to do that.']); } else { muri.end([ 'You\'ve made it all the way to the bridge.', 'The engine is running fine.', 'You can finally head home and leave this rotten ship.', '... ', 'You crank the throttle all the way up.', '...', '...', 'The ship burst apart.', 'You are lost.', 'Lost from the very beginning.' ], false); } return; } if (room === 'hydro' && roomState.hydroDoorBroken) { muri.get('bubble') .talk([ 'The hyperlift moved, but the door to the hydro deck does not open.', 'You can\'t access this deck with a broken door.' ]); return; } if (room === 'shot') { muri.end([ 'You stepped into a pressure shot ... ', 'Which is broken on this ship.', 'It takes no more than a second to drag you into space.', 'You are lost ... ....', '... and die.'], true); return; } muri.get('entity').get('lift.button'+i).sprite.playAnimation('on'); var goMessage = muri.ra([ 'Sure, ' + room, 'Okay, straight to ' + room, 'Set ' + room + ' for destination', room + ', okay' ]); var noMessage = muri.ra([ "No, can't do that for you.", 'If you say please, than maybee.', "What? Can't hear you.", 'I do not take orders from anyone!!', 'You? No!', ]); var no = Math.floor(Math.random()*10); console.log(no); if (no > 4) { muri.get('bubble').talk([noMessage]); } else { muri.get('bubble') .talk([goMessage]) .then(function() { muri.changeRoom(room); }); } }); e.sprite.playAnimation('off'); return e; }; lift.init = function() { buttonSheet = kontra.spriteSheet({ image: kontra.assets.images.lift_button, frameWidth: 2, frameHeight: 2, animations: { on: {frames: 1}, off: {frames: 0} } }); background = muri.bg('lift'); buttons = [ createButtonEntity(0, 'bridge'), // Bridge createButtonEntity(1, 'hydro'), // Hydro Deck createButtonEntity(2, 'stasis'), // Stasis createButtonEntity(3, 'shot'), // Shot createButtonEntity(4, 'engine') // Engine room ]; buttons[2].sprite.playAnimation('on'); }; lift.onEnter = function(fromRoom) { var welcomeMessage = muri.ra([ 'Welcome on board, where do you want?', 'Please specify your destination.', 'Insert desired deck on console.', 'What level please?' ]); muri.get('bubble').talk([welcomeMessage]); }; lift.render = function() { background.render(); }; lift.name = 'lift'; lift.roomState = roomState; muri.rooms.push(lift); }());