// Plot: You are in the dark, and you have no clue where you are // and what happened. You wake up in completely dark and stumble // around. You explore the area and you find out you are on a // old space ship. You need to find out whats going on here and // why you are here. After finding and combining some items, you // find out that your stasis capsule had some malfunctioning and // you are the only one on this mission. But what mission? And // where are your crew members? Where are you? You are drifting // along, lost in space with no hope of rescue. But you want to // surrender. // You find out that you are the only surrender on an ancient // space ship, carring cargo from one place to another when // space pirates killed the crew except you. You want to fly // home, but you need to bring the ship back to life. // Ship: // Statis capsule room // Cargo room // Command station // Crew quarters // Machine/Engine room // Act 1: No light at all. Only player. Can walk. If the player // hit a wall (he stands in a corridor), he can switch on the light. // He sees the room and the stasis capsule. Explore the room, // find out more details about your current situation (statis // no one is here, ship don't move, warning signs everywhere). // Act 2: Open the pressure door, find a space suite, get a map // fix a leak in the ship. // Act 3: Go into the command station, find out more on the // terminals, fix some things by exploring the rest of the ship. // Act 4: Bring the ship back to operation, find the way home, // end. var muri = (function() { 'use strict'; kontra.init('js13k-2017'); kontra.assets.imagePath = 'assets/images'; var muri = {}; var bg = function(room) { return kontra.sprite({ x: 0, y: 0, image: kontra.assets.images['room_'+room] }); }; muri.modules = []; muri.get = function(moduleName) { for (var i in muri.modules) if (muri.modules[i].name === moduleName) return muri.modules[i]; }; muri.start = function() { kontra.assets.load( 'player.png', 'room_stasis_dark.png', 'room_stasis.png' ).then(function() { document.getElementById('loading').style.display = 'none'; if (kontra.store.get('current-room') === null) kontra.store.set('current-room', 'stasis_dark'); var rooms = { stasis_dark: bg('stasis_dark'), stasis: bg('stasis') }; kontra.gameLoop({ update: function() { var currentRoom = kontra.store.get('current-room'); rooms[currentRoom].update(); muri.modules.forEach(function(m) { if (m.update !== undefined) m.update(); }); }, render: function() { var currentRoom = kontra.store.get('current-room'); rooms[currentRoom].render(); muri.modules.forEach(function(m) { if (m.render !== undefined) m.render(); }); } }).start(); }); }; return muri; }()); window.onload = muri.start;