# Der Kartograph Map Generator Generate your own maps for "Der Kartograph" easily. ## Build You need to build the source first. The simplest way is to use the provided Dockerfile, which will build the software and create a convenient image (This is a multi stage Dockerfile, so the resulting image is a small Alpine Linux image with ust the map generator binary.) $ docker build -t kartograph . ## Run See all available options: $ docker run -it kartograph -help Spawn a webserver: $ docker run -it kartograph -web Generate a map with the seed "hey jim" and output it as a SVG image: $ docker run -it kartograph -output=svg -seed='hey jim' > map.svg You want an epic game? Lets generate a big map with a lot of wasteland and ruins: $ docker run -it kartograph -seed=aaron \ -size=20 -wastelands=100 -ruins=10 \ -output=svg > map.svg