# matrix-alertmanager-receiver Simple daemon - less than 150 lines of Go - forwarding [prometheus-alertmanager](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=prometheus+alertmanagaer&ia=software) events to matrix room. While there already is a [matrix-alertmanager](https://git.feneas.org/jaywink/matrix-alertmanager) project out there, use of the JavaScript ecosystem made it rather painful to use from my point of view. ## Build Make sure you have [Go](https://golang.org/) installed (`golang-bin` package on Fedora). ``` go build -v ``` ## Usage Note: you are supposed to expose this service via a proxy such as Nginx, providing basic HTTP authentication. ``` I (master|✚1) ~/W/f/matrix-alertmanager-receiver » ./matrix-alertmanager-receiver --help Usage of ./matrix-alertmanager-receiver: -config string Path to configuration file (default "/etc/matrix-alertmanager-receiver.toml") I [2] (master|✚1) ~/W/f/matrix-alertmanager-receiver » cat config.toml Homeserver = "https://staging.matrix.ungleich.cloud" TargetRoomID = "!jHFKHemgIAaDJekoxN:matrix-staging.ungleich.ch" MXID = "@fnux:matrix-staging.ungleich.ch" MXToken = "secretsecretsecret" HTTPPort = 9088 HTTPAddress = "" I (master|✚1) ~/W/f/matrix-alertmanager-receiver » ./matrix-alertmanager-receiver -config config.toml 2020/05/03 10:50:47 Reading configuration from config.toml. 2020/05/03 10:50:47 Connecting to Matrix Homserver https://staging.matrix.ungleich.cloud as @fnux:matrix-staging.ungleich.ch. 2020/05/03 10:50:47 @fnux:matrix-staging.ungleich.ch is already part of !jHFKHemgIAaDJekoxN:matrix-staging.ungleich.ch. 2020/05/03 10:50:47 Listening for HTTP requests (webhooks) on :9088 2020/05/03 10:50:55 Received valid hook from [::1]:44886 2020/05/03 10:50:55 > FIRING instance example1 is down ```