How to install:

1. See doc/ubuntu-packages.txt for software requirements.
2. Run "make fuses" to configure the AVR fuse bits. Only required once.
3. Run "make" to compile the firmware.
4. Run "make program" to flash the firmware into the ATTiny2313.
   The EEPROM will be also overwritten with a sample animation loop.

Firmware features:

* 100Hz frame refresh rate.
* The EEPROM contains 32 frames. Every frame will be displayed.
* Every frame has it's own lifetime. This is the delay between two bordering frames.
* Hid conform USB 1.1 device with vendor id 16c0 and product id 05df.
* 3 firmware modes are adjustable via USB.
    MODE_ANIMATION_STOP   - Animation stopped. Single frames can be shown until
                            it will be overwritten.
                            will be entered after the last frame.
    MODE_ANIMATION_LOOP   - Animation runs endless. (default mode at startup)
* Single frames can be transfered via USBand also save into the EEPROM. The
  position in the EEPROM is elective settable.