/* * CTHN.de MiniLEDCube * * By Kai Lauterbach (klaute at web dot de) 11/2011 * * Based on http://mosfetkiller.de/?s=miniledcube * * License: General Public License (GPL v3) * */ #include "main.h" // Main loop int __attribute__((OS_main)) main() { // Initialize the AVR and the USB connection. init(); init_usb(); // Hauptschleife for (;;) { usbPoll(); // keep connected } } // Initialisierung void init() { // Init ports DDRB = 0b11111111; // PB0-PB7: LED 1-8 (Kathode) PORTB = 0b11111111; // HIGH DDRD = 0b01111000; // PD6: LED 9 (Kathode); PD5-PD3: A-C (Anoden) PORTD = 0b01000000; // Setup Timer-Interrupt "TIMER1" TIMSK |= (1 << OCIE1A); // Refreshrate is 100Hz // Set the compare value // 625d = 0x271 = 0b00000010, 0b01110001 OCR1AH = 0b00000010; OCR1AL = 0b01110001; // anpassen auf reihenweise ausgabe // prescale is 64 (0x011) ----> CS12=0, CS11=1, CS10=1 TCCR1B |= (1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10) | (1 << WGM12); sei(); // Enable interrupts global } // TIMER1 Interruptvector ISR (TIMER1_COMPA_vect) { delay--; // decrease the delay counter if ( !delay ) // check if we are done with waiting { if (frmnum == MAX_EEPROM_FRAMES) { if (mode == MODE_ANIMATION_SINGLE) mode = MODE_ANIMATION_STOP; // stop the animation after we have reached the 31th frame frmnum = 0; // always start at the first frame } else { if (mode) { // if we are in an animation mode we have to load a frame out of the eeprom // and increase the counter loadEEPROMFrame(frmnum); frmnum++; } } delay = delay_max; // start counting from the top of the maximum delay } // PORTD = __, 9, C, B, A,D+,D-,__ PORTD &= 0b10000111; // delete bit 3 to 6 (bit 3 to 5 = layer 0 to 2; bit 6 = wire 9 to the LEDs) PORTD |= (1 << 6) | ((1 << level) << 3); // set the current level and pin 6 to high (9th LEDs off) uint8_t tmp = level * 9; // calculate the position in the frame // PORTB = 1..8 // 0 = led is on, 1 = led is off PORTB = ~((frame >> tmp) & 0xff); if ( (((frame >> tmp) >> 8) & 0x01) ) PORTD &= ~(1 << 6); // turn the 9th LED on if required // rotate through the 3 level level++; if (level > 2) level = 0; } /** * Simple function to load a single frame out of the EEPROM. */ void loadEEPROMFrame(uint8_t f) { frame = eeprom_read_dword( &eep_anim[f] ); }