package exporter import ( "strconv" //"fmt" "" "" ) var marker_sign = "X" var text_color_r = 170 var text_color_g = 0 var text_color_b = 0 var startY = 0 var offsetY = 0 func MakeHeroPage(warband parser.Warband, pdf *gofpdf.Fpdf, newPage bool) { if !newPage { // add a new page if required if startY > 297-60 { pdf.AddPage() startY = 0 offsetY = 0 } } else { pdf.AddPage() startY = 0 offsetY = 0 } shiftY := 44 for i, hero := range warband.Heros { if i > 0 { offsetY = offsetY + shiftY } // handle multipage henchmen lists if offsetY > 297-60 { pdf.AddPage() offsetY = 0 } // Background pdf.SetXY(5, float64(offsetY+5)) pdf.Image("images/hero.png", 5, 0, 1499*0.133, 295*0.133, true, "", 0, "") // Name pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 12) pdf.SetXY(18, float64(offsetY+4)) pdf.Write(11, hero.Name) // Type pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 12) pdf.SetXY(18, float64(offsetY+10)) pdf.Write(11, hero.Type) // Stats pdf.SetFillColor(255, 0, 0) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 13) pdf.SetFontUnitSize(5) pdf.SetXY(6, float64(offsetY+24)) if len(hero.Stats.Movement) > 1 { pdf.SetX(3) } pdf.Write(11, hero.Stats.Movement) pdf.SetX(13) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(hero.Stats.WeaponSkill)) pdf.SetX(20) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(hero.Stats.BallisticSkill)) pdf.SetX(27) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(hero.Stats.Strength)) pdf.SetX(33) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(hero.Stats.Toughness)) pdf.SetX(40) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(hero.Stats.Wounds)) pdf.SetX(46) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(hero.Stats.Initiative)) pdf.SetX(53) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(hero.Stats.Attacks)) pdf.SetX(59.5) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(hero.Stats.Leadership)) pdf.SetX(66.0) pdf.Write(11, hero.Stats.Save) // Skill lists if hero.BSkillLists.Combat == true { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(7.25, float64(offsetY+21)) pdf.Write(0, marker_sign) } if hero.BSkillLists.Shooting == true { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(17.75, float64(offsetY+21)) pdf.Write(0, marker_sign) } if hero.BSkillLists.Academic == true { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(28.72, float64(offsetY+21)) pdf.Write(0, marker_sign) } if hero.BSkillLists.Strength == true { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(40.5, float64(offsetY+21)) pdf.Write(0, marker_sign) } if hero.BSkillLists.Speed == true { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(51.5, float64(offsetY+21)) pdf.Write(0, marker_sign) } if hero.BSkillLists.Special == true { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(60.7, float64(offsetY+21)) pdf.Write(0, marker_sign) } // Weapons if hero.Weapons != nil { for w, weapon := range hero.Weapons.List { if w == 0 { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) } else { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) } pdf.SetXY(138, float64(offsetY+7+(w*5))) pdf.Write(11, weapon) } } // Armour pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) if hero.Armour != nil { for j, armour := range hero.Armour.List { pdf.SetXY(168, float64(offsetY+3+(j*5))) pdf.Write(11, armour) } } ox := 0 oy := 0 if hero.Rules != nil { for j, rule := range hero.Rules.List { pdf.SetXY(float64(75+ox), float64(offsetY+6+(j*5)+oy)) pdf.Write(11, rule) if j == 3 { // start right of the first line after 4th line ox = 30 oy = -20 } } } if hero.HiredSword { // show hired sword marker pdf.SetXY(0, float64(offsetY)+38.5) pdf.Image("images/hiredsword_marker.png", 6, 0, 421*0.053, 97*0.053, true, "", 0, "") } // XP pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 20) pdf.SetXY(185, float64(offsetY+28)) pdf.Write(20, strconv.Itoa(hero.Experience)) y := 0.0 reduce_x := 0 for x := 1; x <= hero.Experience; x++ { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) xx := x if reduce_x > 0 { xx = xx - reduce_x*30 } pdf.SetXY(float64(73+((float64(xx)-1.0)*3.43)), float64(offsetY)+float64(y)*15.0+34.0) pdf.Write(0, marker_sign) if x == 30 || x == 60 { y = y + 0.22 reduce_x = reduce_x + 1 } } } offsetY = offsetY + shiftY } func MakeHenchmenPage(warband parser.Warband, pdf *gofpdf.Fpdf, newPage bool) { if !newPage { // add a new page if required if startY > 297-60 { pdf.AddPage() startY = 0 offsetY = 0 } } else { pdf.AddPage() startY = 0 offsetY = 0 } shiftY := 34 for i, henchmen := range warband.HenchmenGroups { if i > 0 { offsetY = offsetY + shiftY } // handle multipage henchmen lists if offsetY > 297-60 { pdf.AddPage() offsetY = 0 } // Background pdf.SetX(5) pdf.SetY(float64(offsetY + 5)) pdf.Image("images/henchmen.png", 5, 0, 1499*0.133, 218*0.133, true, "", 0, "") pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 12) // Name pdf.SetY(float64(offsetY + 4)) pdf.SetX(18) pdf.Write(11, henchmen.Name) // Type pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 12) pdf.SetY(float64(offsetY + 9)) pdf.SetX(18) pdf.Write(11, henchmen.Type) // Number pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 12) pdf.SetY(float64(offsetY + 9)) pdf.SetX(64) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(henchmen.Number)) // Stats pdf.SetFillColor(255, 0, 0) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 12) pdf.SetFontUnitSize(5) pdf.SetY(float64(offsetY + 18)) pdf.SetX(6) if len(henchmen.Stats.Movement) > 1 { pdf.SetX(3) } pdf.Write(11, henchmen.Stats.Movement) pdf.SetX(13) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(henchmen.Stats.WeaponSkill)) pdf.SetX(20) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(henchmen.Stats.BallisticSkill)) pdf.SetX(27) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(henchmen.Stats.Strength)) pdf.SetX(33) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(henchmen.Stats.Toughness)) pdf.SetX(40) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(henchmen.Stats.Wounds)) pdf.SetX(46) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(henchmen.Stats.Initiative)) pdf.SetX(53) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(henchmen.Stats.Attacks)) pdf.SetX(59.5) pdf.Write(11, strconv.Itoa(henchmen.Stats.Leadership)) pdf.SetX(66.0) pdf.Write(11, henchmen.Stats.Save) // Weapons if henchmen.Weapons != nil { for w, weapon := range henchmen.Weapons.List { if w == 0 { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) } else { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) } pdf.SetXY(138, float64(offsetY+7+(w*5))) pdf.Write(11, weapon) } } // Armour pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) if henchmen.Armour != nil { for j, armour := range henchmen.Armour.List { pdf.SetXY(170, float64(offsetY+3+(j*5))) pdf.Write(11, armour) } } // Rules if henchmen.Rules != nil { for j, rule := range henchmen.Rules.List { pdf.SetXY(75, float64(offsetY+7+(j*5))) pdf.Write(11, rule) } } // XP pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 13) pdf.SetXY(190, float64(offsetY+21)) pdf.Write(20, strconv.Itoa(henchmen.Experience)) for x := 1; x <= henchmen.Experience; x++ { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 12) pdf.SetXY(float64(137+((float64(x)-1.0)*3.45)), float64(offsetY)+30.5) pdf.Write(0, marker_sign) } } } func MakeStatisticPage(warband parser.Warband, pdf *gofpdf.Fpdf) { // Statistic page pdf.AddPage() startY = 23 offsetY = 0 // First page warband heading pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 28) pdf.SetXY(5, 5) pdf.Write(11, warband.Warband.Name) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 17) pdf.SetXY(5, 13) pdf.Write(11, warband.Warband.Race) offsetY = 23 // Warband status pdf.SetX(5) pdf.SetY(float64(offsetY) + 5) pdf.Image("images/wb_stats.png", 5, 0, 1499*0.133, 218*0.133, true, "", 0, "") // Equipment pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) oX := 0 oY := 0 if warband.Equipment != nil { for j, e := range warband.Equipment.List { pdf.SetXY(123+float64(oX), float64(offsetY+oY+6+(j*5))) pdf.Write(11, e) if j == 4 { oX = 40 oY = -25 } } } pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(55, float64(offsetY)+32.0) pdf.Write(0, strconv.Itoa(warband.Rating)) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) pdf.SetXY(72.5, float64(offsetY)+32.0) pdf.SetTextColor(0, 0, 0) pdf.Write(0, "Routtest: ") pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) pdf.SetTextColor(text_color_r, text_color_g, text_color_b) pdf.SetXY(95, float64(offsetY)+32.0) pdf.Write(0, strconv.Itoa(warband.Routtest)) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) pdf.SetXY(55, float64(offsetY)+11.25) pdf.Write(0, strconv.Itoa(warband.Hero_sum_xp)) pdf.SetXY(60, float64(offsetY)+11.25) pdf.Write(0, "(+"+strconv.Itoa(warband.WarbandAddition_sum)+")") pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) pdf.SetXY(55, float64(offsetY)+14.75) pdf.Write(0, strconv.Itoa(warband.Henchmen_sum_xp)) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(22.05, float64(offsetY)+18.0) pdf.Write(0, strconv.Itoa(warband.Hero_cnt+warband.Henchmen_cnt+warband.Hiredsword_cnt)) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) pdf.SetXY(55.0, float64(offsetY)+18.0) pdf.Write(0, strconv.Itoa((warband.Hero_cnt+warband.Henchmen_cnt+warband.Hiredsword_cnt)*5)) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(32.05, float64(offsetY)+21.25) pdf.Write(0, strconv.Itoa(warband.Large_cnt)) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) pdf.SetXY(55.0, float64(offsetY)+21.25) pdf.Write(0, strconv.Itoa((warband.Large_cnt)*20)) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(27.05, float64(offsetY)+24.5) pdf.Write(0, "( "+strconv.Itoa(warband.Hiredsword_cnt)+" )") pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) pdf.SetXY(55.0, float64(offsetY)+24.5) pdf.Write(0, strconv.Itoa(warband.Hiredsword_sum_xp)) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(95, float64(offsetY)+11.25) pdf.Write(0, strconv.Itoa(warband.GoldCrowns)) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(95, float64(offsetY)+17.75) pdf.Write(0, strconv.Itoa(warband.Shards)) // Campaign info block offsetY = offsetY + 40 pdf.SetXY(5, float64(offsetY)) pdf.Image("images/campaign.png", 5, 0, 1499*0.133, 218*0.133, true, "", 0, "") pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 10) pdf.SetXY(22, float64(offsetY)+6.25) pdf.Write(0, warband.Objective) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 10) pdf.SetXY(147, float64(offsetY)+20.0) pdf.Write(0, strconv.Itoa(warband.CampaignPoints)) row := 0 for x := 1; x <= warband.CampaignPoints; x++ { pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 8) xx := x - (row * 20) pdf.SetXY(float64(130.75+((float64(xx)-1.0)*3.30)), float64(offsetY)+float64(24.4)+float64((float64(row)*float64(2.5)))) pdf.Write(0, marker_sign) if x == 20 { row = row + 1 } } // Notes block offsetY = offsetY + 35 pdf.SetXY(5, float64(offsetY)) pdf.Image("images/notes.png", 5, 0, 1499*0.133, 218*0.33, true, "", 0, "") pdf.SetFont("Arial", "", 12) lines := pdf.SplitLines([]byte(warband.Notes), 195) for i := 0; i < len(lines); i++ { pdf.SetXY(7.0, float64(offsetY+8+i*8)) pdf.Write(0, string(lines[i])) } // the space after offsetY = offsetY + 70 /* pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 13) pdf.SetXY(20, float64(offsetY+21)) pdf.Write(20, strconv.Itoa(hero_cnt)) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 13) pdf.SetXY(20, float64(offsetY+21)) pdf.Write(20, strconv.Itoa(len(warband.HenchmenGroups))) pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 13) pdf.SetXY(20, float64(offsetY+21)) pdf.Write(20, strconv.Itoa(henchmen_cnt)) offsetY = offsetY + 20 pdf.SetFont("Arial", "B", 13) pdf.SetXY(20, float64(offsetY+21)) pdf.Write(20, strconv.Itoa(hero_cnt+henchmen_cnt)) */ } func MakePDF(warband parser.Warband, multiPage bool) { pdf := gofpdf.New("P", "mm", "A4", "") pdf.SetTextColor(text_color_r, text_color_g, text_color_b) MakeStatisticPage(warband, pdf) MakeHeroPage(warband, pdf, multiPage) MakeHenchmenPage(warband, pdf, multiPage) // TODO: Make output name variable or use name of the input file err := pdf.OutputFileAndClose("warband-roaster.pdf") if err != nil { panic(err) } }