This page is also available at [gemini://](gemini:// The following proposals add fields to the response header of successful requests. Standard successful response header (for comparison): ``` 20 text/gemini; charset=utf-8 ``` These additions are backwards-compatible as specified in [RFC 2045]( > MIME implementations must ignore any parameters whose names they do not recognize. The terms MAY, SHOULD and SHOULD NOT are defined in [RFC 2119]( # Size Gemini servers SHOULD include the size (in bytes) of the response body when the request is successful. Clients SHOULD utilize this information when downloading files to indicate progress. ``` 20 text/gemini; charset=utf-8; size=1108 ``` # Cache Gemini servers MAY include a duration (in seconds) which a client SHOULD cache a resource when the request is successful. When a cache duration of 0 or less is provided, clients SHOULD NOT cache the resource. Cache for one week: ``` 20 text/gemini; charset=utf-8; cache=604800 ``` Do not cache: ``` 20 text/gemini; charset=utf-8; cache=0 ```