#### Database configuration is required
If you haven't already, then please follow the steps below to configure your database connection and run the necessary migrations.
* Create the database for your application.
* Update the connection URL in the `profiles.clj` file with your database name and login.
* Run `lein run migrate` in the root of the project to create the tables.
* Let `mount` know to start the database connection by `require`-ing `yenu.db.core` in some other namespace.
* Restart the application.
learn more about database access »
#### SassC libsass command-line compiler is required
You must have the SassC command-line compiler installed to use this feature.
Please follow the instructions at:
to install the compiler for your platform.
#### Usage
Compile your files once:
$ lein sassc once
To delete all the files generated by lein-sassc:
$ lein sassc clean
To recompile when any changes are made:
$ lein auto sassc once
#### Hooks
The following hooks are supported by lein-sassc:
$ lein compile
$ lein clean
Because lein-sassc requires a binary to compile Sass, it often won't work on platforms like Heroku which compile the application on their servers. To get around this limitation, commit the generated CSS files and remove
:hooks [leiningen.sassc]
from project.clj.
#### Need some help?
Visit the [official documentation](http://www.luminusweb.net/docs) for examples
on how to accomplish common tasks with Luminus. The `#luminus` channel on the [Clojurians Slack](http://clojurians.net/) and [Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/luminusweb) are both great places to seek help and discuss projects with other users.