(ns yenu.helpers.images (:require [image-resizer.core :refer :all] [image-resizer.util :as utils] [image-resizer.format :refer :all] [image-resizer.crop :refer :all] [image-resizer.resize :refer :all] [image-resizer.scale-methods :refer :all] [clojure.java.io :as io] [clojure.string :as s] [digest :as digest] [me.raynes.fs :as fs] [clj-exif-orientation.core :as exif] [yenu.config :refer [env]])) ;;; HINT: To use the env function, the webserver need to be started with ;;; (start) in the 'user namespace. (defn data-path ([] (data-path "")) ([& args] (let [postfix (apply io/file args)] (.getPath (io/file (env :user-dir) "data" postfix))))) (defn create-needed-folders [] (if (not (fs/exists? (data-path "to-process"))) (fs/mkdirs (data-path "to-process"))) (if (not (fs/exists? (data-path "gallery"))) (map #(fs/mkdirs (data-path "gallery" %)) ["normal" "raw" "thumbnails"]))) (defn target-image-filename [image-file-path] (let [file (io/file image-file-path)] (str (.lastModified file) "-" (digest/md5 file)))) (defn delete-image! [image-hash] (run! #(fs/delete (data-path "gallery" % image-hash)) ["normal" "raw" "thumbnails"])) (defn scale-thumbnail [width] #(let [image-file % [orig-width orig-height] (dimensions (utils/buffered-image image-file))] (if (< orig-width orig-height) (let [resized-img ((resize-width-fn width ultra-quality) image-file) [w h] (dimensions resized-img) crop-margin (quot (- h width) 2)] (crop-from resized-img 0 crop-margin width width)) (let [resized-img ((resize-height-fn width ultra-quality) image-file) [w h] (dimensions resized-img) crop-margin (quot (- w width) 2)] (crop-from resized-img crop-margin 0 width width))))) (defn scale-normal [width height] #(let [image-file % [orig-width orig-height] (dimensions (utils/buffered-image image-file))] (if (and (< orig-width width) (< orig-height height)) ((resize-fn orig-width orig-height ultra-quality) %) ((resize-fn width height ultra-quality) %)))) (defn remove-metadata [filepath file] (if (contains? #{".jpg" ".jpeg" ".jpe"} (s/lower-case (fs/extension filepath))) (let [new-file (exif/without-exif file)] (if (= (fs/size new-file) 0) (do (.delete new-file) file) new-file)) file)) (defn save [fn params filepath target-filepath] (let [file (remove-metadata filepath (io/file filepath))] (try (do (as-file ((apply fn params) file) target-filepath :verbatim) (if (= (fs/extension file) ".tmp") (fs/delete file)) true) (catch Exception e (fs/delete file) false)))) (defn scale-image-and-save [filepath] (let [image-hash (target-image-filename filepath) file-extension (fs/extension filepath) new-file-name (str image-hash file-extension)] (fs/copy filepath (data-path "gallery" "raw" new-file-name)) (if (every? true? [(save scale-normal [1024 768] filepath (data-path "gallery" "normal" new-file-name)) (save scale-thumbnail [250] filepath (data-path "gallery" "thumbnails" new-file-name))]) new-file-name false))) (defn process-all-images [] (pmap scale-image-and-save (fs/list-dir (data-path "to-process"))))