Aaron Fischer 9261893874 Update all dependencies and change language to EN
Update bootstrap required a lot of template work, so I had no change to
split the commit in two separate commits to rebase the language change.
This means, yenu is EN only by now.
2021-07-31 00:05:13 +02:00

122 lines
5 KiB

(ns yenu.routes.core
(:require [yenu.layout :as layout]
[compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET POST]]
[ring.util.http-response :as response]
[ring.util.response :refer [redirect file-response]]
[yenu.helpers.images :as images]
[hiccup.core :as h]
[ :as p]
[clj-time.format :as time-format]
[clj-time.core :as time]
[yenu.config :refer [env]]
[yenu.db.core :as db]))
(defn number-of-pages [images-on-page]
(int (Math/ceil
(/ (:count (db/get-image-count)) images-on-page))))
(defn page [number is-current? additional-class content]
[:li {:class (cond-> "page-item" is-current? (str " " additional-class))}
[ {:href (str "/page/" number)} content]]))
(defn dots []
(h/html [ [ "..."]]))
(defn pagelist [from to current]
(for [p (range from (inc to))] (page p (= p current) "active" p)))
(defn pagination [num current]
(if (< num 2)
[:nav.pull-right.clearfix {:aria-label "Page navigation"}
(page (dec current) (= current 1) "disabled" (h/html [:span.fa.fa-arrow-left] " Prev"))
(< num 13) (pagelist 1 num current)
(<= current 7) (h/html (pagelist 1 10 current) (dots) (pagelist (- num 1) num current))
(>= current (- num 6)) (h/html (pagelist 1 2 current) (dots) (pagelist (- num 9) num current))
:else (h/html (pagelist 1 2 current) (dots) (pagelist (- current 3) (+ current 3) current) (dots) (pagelist (- num 1) num current)))
(page (inc current) (= current num) "disabled" (h/html "Next " [:span.fa.fa-arrow-right]))]]
(defn pagination-mobile [num current]
(if (< num 2)
(page (dec current) (= current 1) "disabled" (h/html [:span.fa.fa-arrow-left] " Prev"))
(for [p (range 1 (inc num))]
[:option (cond-> {:value p} (= p current) (assoc :selected "selected")) p])]]
(page (inc current) (= current num) "disabled" (h/html "Next " [:span.fa.fa-arrow-right]))])))
(defn index-page [current request]
(let [image-count (:images-per-page env)
offset (* (dec current) image-count)
pages (number-of-pages image-count)
images (db/get-all-images {:offset offset :count image-count})]
(layout/render-file "index.html"
{:images images
:flash (:flash request)
:pagination (pagination pages current)
:pagination-mobile (pagination-mobile pages current)})))
(defn detail-page [image-id request]
(let [image (db/get-image {:id image-id})
next-img (db/get-next-image {:image-date (:created_at image)})
prev-img (db/get-prev-image {:image-date (:created_at image)})
saved-author (get-in request [:cookies "author" :value])]
(if (not (nil? image))
(layout/render-file "detail.html"
{:image image
:flash (:flash request)
:next-image next-img
:prev-image prev-img
:tags (db/get-tags-for-image {:id (:id image)})
:saved-author saved-author
:comments (db/get-comments-for-image {:image_id (:id image)})})
(layout/error-page {:status 404
:title "page not found"}))))
(defn add-comment! [image-id request]
(let [author (:author (:params request))
comment (:comment (:params request))]
(if (not= comment "")
(db/create-comment! {:image_id image-id
:author author
:comment comment}))
(-> (redirect (str "/show/" image-id))
(assoc :flash (if (not= comment "")
{:message "Thank you for your comment." :type "success"}
{:message "The comment was empty." :type "danger"}))
(assoc-in [:cookies "author"]
{:value author
:path "/"
:max-age (* 60 60 24 30 12)}))))
(defn image-file [type hash ext]
(let [filename (str hash "." ext)]
(file-response (images/data-path "gallery" type filename))))
(defroutes core-routes
(GET "/" []
(redirect "/page/1"))
(GET "/page/:page-number" [page-number :as request]
(index-page (Integer. page-number) request))
(GET "/show/:image-id" [image-id :as request]
(detail-page image-id request))
(POST "/add-comment/:image-id" [image-id :as request]
(add-comment! image-id request))
(GET ["/images/:type/:hash.:ext"
;;:type #"(normal|raw|thumbnails)"
;;:hash #"[0-9]+-[^.]+"
;;:ext #"(png|jpg)"
[type hash ext]
(image-file type hash ext)))