
57 lines
2 KiB

(ns yenu.layout
(:require [selmer.parser :as parser]
[selmer.filters :as filter]
[ring.util.http-response :refer [content-type ok]]
[ring.util.anti-forgery :refer [anti-forgery-field]]
[yenu.helpers.images :as image-helper]
[ring.middleware.anti-forgery :refer [*anti-forgery-token*]]
[clj-time.format :as time-format]
[yenu.config :refer [env]]
[digest :as digest]
[clj-time.core :as time])
(:use [markdown.core]))
(declare ^:dynamic *identity*)
(declare ^:dynamic *app-context*)
(parser/set-resource-path! ( "templates"))
(parser/add-tag! :csrf-field (fn [_ _] (anti-forgery-field)))
(filter/add-filter! :inc inc)
(filter/add-filter! :dec dec)
(filter/add-filter! :markdown-to-html md-to-html-string)
(filter/add-filter! :parse-date #(time/to-time-zone (time-format/parse %) (time/default-time-zone)))
(defn render-file [template & [params]]
(assoc params
:page template
:csrf-token *anti-forgery-token*
:servlet-context *app-context*
:passwordhash (digest/md5 (:user-password env))
:identity *identity*)))
"text/html; charset=utf-8"))
(defn render [string contenttype]
(-> (ok string)
(assoc :servlet-context *app-context*
:csrf-token *anti-forgery-token*
:passwordhash (digest/md5 (:user-password env))
:identity *identity*))
(str contenttype "; charset=utf-8")))
(defn error-page
"error-details should be a map containing the following keys:
:status - error status
:title - error title (optional)
:message - detailed error message (optional)
returns a response map with the error page as the body
and the status specified by the status key"
{:status (:status error-details)
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html; charset=utf-8"}
:body (parser/render-file "error.html" error-details)})