/* Add https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json to your arduino IDE to get ESP32 support */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "esp_adc_cal.h" #include "filters.h" //#define DEBUG_SERIAL #define DEBUG_BUFF #define DEBUG_DELAY 250 // Width and height of sprite #define DISPLAY_HEIGHT 240 #define DISPLAY_WIDTH 320 #define ADC_CHANNEL ADC1_CHANNEL_5 // GPIO33 #define NUM_SAMPLES 1000 // number of samples #define I2S_NUM (0) #define BUFF_SIZE 50000 #define B_MULT BUFF_SIZE/NUM_SAMPLES #define BUTTON_Ok 32 #define BUTTON_Plus 15 #define BUTTON_Minus 35 #define BUTTON_Back 34 TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); // Declare object "tft" TFT_eSprite spr = TFT_eSprite(&tft); // Declare Sprite object "spr" with pointer to "tft" object esp_adc_cal_characteristics_t adc_chars; TaskHandle_t task_menu; TaskHandle_t task_adc; float v_div = 825; float s_div = 10; float offset = 0; float toffset = 0; uint8_t current_filter = 1; //options handler enum Option { None, Autoscale, Vdiv, Sdiv, Offset, TOffset, Filter, Stop, Mode, Single, Clear, Reset, Probe, UpdateF, Cursor1, Cursor2 }; int8_t volts_index = 0; int8_t tscale_index = 0; uint8_t opt = None; bool menu = false; bool info = true; bool set_value = false; float RATE = 1000; //in ksps --> 1000 = 1Msps bool auto_scale = false; bool full_pix = true; bool stop = false; bool stop_change = false; uint16_t i2s_buff[BUFF_SIZE]; bool single_trigger = false; bool data_trigger = false; bool updating_screen = false; bool new_data = false; bool menu_action = false; uint8_t digital_wave_option = 0; //0-auto | 1-analog | 2-digital data (SERIAL/SPI/I2C/etc) int btnok,btnpl,btnmn,btnbk; void IRAM_ATTR btok() { btnok = 1; } void IRAM_ATTR btplus() { btnpl = 1; } void IRAM_ATTR btminus() { btnmn = 1; } void IRAM_ATTR btback() { btnbk = 1; } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); configure_i2s(1000000); setup_screen(); pinMode(BUTTON_Ok , INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON_Plus , INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON_Minus , INPUT); pinMode(BUTTON_Back , INPUT); attachInterrupt(BUTTON_Ok, btok, RISING); attachInterrupt(BUTTON_Plus, btplus, RISING); attachInterrupt(BUTTON_Minus, btminus, RISING); attachInterrupt(BUTTON_Back, btback, RISING); characterize_adc(); #ifdef DEBUG_BUF debug_buffer(); #endif xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( core0_task, "menu_handle", 10000, /* Stack size in words */ NULL, /* Task input parameter */ 0, /* Priority of the task */ &task_menu, /* Task handle. */ 0); /* Core where the task should run */ xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( core1_task, "adc_handle", 10000, /* Stack size in words */ NULL, /* Task input parameter */ 3, /* Priority of the task */ &task_adc, /* Task handle. */ 1); /* Core where the task should run */ } void core0_task( void * pvParameters ) { (void) pvParameters; for (;;) { menu_handler(); if (new_data || menu_action) { new_data = false; menu_action = false; updating_screen = true; update_screen(i2s_buff, RATE); updating_screen = false; vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(10)); //Serial.println("CORE0"); } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(10)); } } void core1_task( void * pvParameters ) { (void) pvParameters; for (;;) { if (!single_trigger) { while (updating_screen) { vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1)); } if (!stop) { if (stop_change) { i2s_adc_enable(I2S_NUM_0); stop_change = false; } ADC_Sampling(i2s_buff); new_data = true; } else { if (!stop_change) { i2s_adc_disable(I2S_NUM_0); i2s_zero_dma_buffer(I2S_NUM_0); stop_change = true; } } //Serial.println("CORE1"); vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(300)); } else { float old_mean = 0; while (single_trigger) { stop = true; ADC_Sampling(i2s_buff); float mean = 0; float max_v, min_v; peak_mean(i2s_buff, BUFF_SIZE, &max_v, &min_v, &mean); //signal captured (pp > 0.4V || changing mean > 0.2V) -> DATA ANALYSIS if ((old_mean != 0 && fabs(mean - old_mean) > 0.2) || to_voltage(max_v) - to_voltage(min_v) > 0.05) { float freq = 0; float period = 0; uint32_t trigger0 = 0; uint32_t trigger1 = 0; //if analog mode OR auto mode and wave recognized as analog bool digital_data = !false; if (digital_wave_option == 1) { trigger_freq_analog(i2s_buff, RATE, mean, max_v, min_v, &freq, &period, &trigger0, &trigger1); } else if (digital_wave_option == 0) { digital_data = digital_analog(i2s_buff, max_v, min_v); if (!digital_data) { trigger_freq_analog(i2s_buff, RATE, mean, max_v, min_v, &freq, &period, &trigger0, &trigger1); } else { trigger_freq_digital(i2s_buff, RATE, mean, max_v, min_v, &freq, &period, &trigger0); } } else { trigger_freq_digital(i2s_buff, RATE, mean, max_v, min_v, &freq, &period, &trigger0); } single_trigger = false; new_data = true; Serial.println("Single GOT"); //return to normal execution in stop mode } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1)); //time for the other task to start (low priorit) } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(300)); } } } void loop() {}