2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< ? php
include " config/config.php " ;
2017-03-15 14:20:28 +01:00
if ( ! defined ( " LOCALE " ))
define ( " LOCALE " , " en_GB " );
include " locale/ " . LOCALE . " /settings.php " ;
$codeset = " UTF8 " ;
putenv ( 'LANG=' . LANG_LOCALE . '.' . $codeset );
putenv ( 'LANGUAGE=' . LANG_LOCALE . '.' . $codeset );
bind_textdomain_codeset ( 'messages' , $codeset );
bindtextdomain ( 'messages' , dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/locale/' );
setlocale ( LC_ALL , LANG_LOCALE . '.' . $codeset );
textdomain ( 'messages' );
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
include " include/tools.php " ;
<! doctype html >
< html lang = " de " >
< head >
< meta charset = " utf-8 " >
< meta name = " viewport " content = " width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 " >
< script src = " https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.0/jquery.min.js " ></ script >
<!-- Das neueste kompilierte und minimierte CSS -->
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css " >
<!-- Optionales Theme -->
< link rel = " stylesheet " href = " https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css " >
<!-- Das neueste kompilierte und minimierte JavaScript -->
< script src = " https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/js/bootstrap.min.js " ></ script >
< title > MMDVM - Dashboard by DG9VH - Setup </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< ? php
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'cmd' ])) {
if ( " writeconfig " == $_GET [ 'cmd' ]) {
if ( ! file_exists ( './config' )) {
if ( ! mkdir ( './config' , 0777 , true )) {
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< div class = " alert alert-danger " role = " alert " >< ? php echo _ ( " You forgot to give write-permissions to your webserver-user, see point 3 in <a href= \" linux-step-by-step.md \" >linux-step-by-step.md</a>! " ); ?> </div>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< ? php
$configfile = fopen ( " config/config.php " , 'w' );
fwrite ( $configfile , " <?php \n " );
fwrite ( $configfile , " # This is an auto-generated config-file! \n " );
fwrite ( $configfile , " # Be careful, when manual editing this! \n \n " );
fwrite ( $configfile , " date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); \n " );
fwrite ( $configfile , createConfigLines ());
fwrite ( $configfile , " ?> \n " );
fclose ( $configfile );
< div class = " page-header " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< h1 >< small > MMDVM - Dashboard by DG9VH </ small > < ? php echo _ ( " Setup-Process " ); ?> </h1>
< div class = " alert alert-success " role = " alert " >< ? php echo _ ( " Your config-file is written in config/config.php, please remove setup.php for security reasons! " ); ?> </div>
< p >< a href = " index.php " >< ? php echo _ ( " Your dashboard is now available. " ); ?> </a></p>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
</ div >
< ? php
} else {
< div class = " page-header " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< h1 >< small > MMDVM - Dashboard by DG9VH </ small > < ? php echo _ ( " Setup-Process " ); ?> </h1>
< h4 >< ? php echo _ ( " Please give necessary information below " ); ?> </h4>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
</ div >
< form id = " config " action = " setup.php " method = " get " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " cmd " value = " writeconfig " >
< div class = " container " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< h2 >< ? php echo _ ( " MMDVMHost-Configuration " ); ?> </h2>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " MMDVMLOGPATH " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Path to MMDVMHost-logfile " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " MMDVMLOGPATH " ) ?> " name = " MMDVMLOGPATH " class = " form-control " placeholder = " /var/log/mmdvm/ " aria - describedby = " MMDVMLOGPATH " required data - fv - notempty - message = " Value is required " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " MMDVMINIPATH " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Path to MMDVM.ini " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " MMDVMINIPATH " ) ?> " name = " MMDVMINIPATH " class = " form-control " placeholder = " /etc/mmdvm/ " aria - describedby = " MMDVMINIPATH " required data - fv - notempty - message = " Value is required " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " MMDVMINIFILENAME " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " MMDVM.ini-filename " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " MMDVMINIFILENAME " ) ?> " name = " MMDVMINIFILENAME " class = " form-control " placeholder = " MMDVM.ini " aria - describedby = " MMDVMINIFILENAME " required data - fv - notempty - message = " Value is required " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " MMDVMHOSTPATH " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Path to MMDVMHost-executable " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " MMDVMHOSTPATH " ) ?> " name = " MMDVMHOSTPATH " class = " form-control " placeholder = " /usr/local/bin/ " aria - describedby = " MMDVMHOSTPATH " required data - fv - notempty - message = " Value is required " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " ENABLEXTDLOOKUP " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Enable extended lookup (show names) " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " ENABLEXTDLOOKUP " < ? php if ( defined ( " ENABLEXTDLOOKUP " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
2017-02-28 20:29:44 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " TALKERALIAS " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Show Talker Alias " ); ?> </span>
2017-02-28 20:29:44 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " TALKERALIAS " < ? php if ( defined ( " TALKERALIAS " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " DMRIDDATPATH " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Path to DMR-ID-Database-File (including filename) " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " DMRIDDATPATH " ) ?> " name = " DMRIDDATPATH " class = " form-control " placeholder = " /var/mmdvm/DMRIDs.dat " aria - describedby = " DMRIDDATPATH " >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " container " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< h2 >< ? php echo _ ( " YSFGateway-Configuration " ); ?> </h2>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " ENABLEYSFGATEWAY " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Enable YSFGateway " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 22:20:22 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " ENABLEYSFGATEWAY " < ? php if ( defined ( " ENABLEYSFGATEWAY " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " YSFGATEWAYLOGPATH " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Path to YSFGateway-logfile " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " YSFGATEWAYLOGPATH " ) ?> " name = " YSFGATEWAYLOGPATH " class = " form-control " placeholder = " /var/log/YSFGateway/ " aria - describedby = " YSFGATEWAYLOGPATH " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " YSFGATEWAYLOGPREFIX " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Logfile-prefix " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " YSFGATEWAYLOGPREFIX " ) ?> " name = " YSFGATEWAYLOGPREFIX " class = " form-control " placeholder = " YSFGateway " aria - describedby = " YSFGATEWAYLOGPREFIX " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " YSFGATEWAYINIPATH " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Path to YSFGateway.ini " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " YSFGATEWAYINIPATH " ) ?> " name = " YSFGATEWAYINIPATH " class = " form-control " placeholder = " /etc/YSFGateway/ " aria - describedby = " YSFGATEWAYINIPATH " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " YSFGATEWAYINIFILENAME " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " YSFGateway.ini-filename " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " YSFGATEWAYINIFILENAME " ) ?> " name = " YSFGATEWAYINIFILENAME " class = " form-control " placeholder = " YSFGateway.ini " aria - describedby = " YSFGATEWAYINIFILENAME " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " YSFHOSTSPATH " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Path to YSFHosts.txt " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " YSFHOSTSPATH " ) ?> " name = " YSFHOSTSPATH " class = " form-control " placeholder = " /etc/YSFGateway/ " aria - describedby = " YSFHOSTSPATH " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " YSFHOSTSFILENAME " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " YSFHosts.txt-filename " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " YSFHOSTSFILENAME " ) ?> " name = " YSFHOSTSFILENAME " class = " form-control " placeholder = " YSFHosts.txt " aria - describedby = " YSFHOSTSFILENAME " >
</ div >
</ div >
2017-07-12 22:44:51 +02:00
< div class = " container " >
< h2 >< ? php echo _ ( " DMRGateway-Configuration " ); ?> </h2>
< div class = " input-group " >
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " ENABLEDMRGATEWAY " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Enable DMRGateway " ); ?> </span>
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " ENABLEDMRGATEWAY " < ? php if ( defined ( " ENABLEDMRGATEWAY " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " DMRGATEWAYLOGPATH " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Path to DMRGateway-logfile " ); ?> </span>
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " DMRGATEWAYLOGPATH " ) ?> " name = " DMRGATEWAYLOGPATH " class = " form-control " placeholder = " /var/log/DMRGateway/ " aria - describedby = " DMRGATEWAYLOGPATH " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " DMRGATEWAYLOGPREFIX " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Logfile-prefix " ); ?> </span>
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " DMRGATEWAYLOGPREFIX " ) ?> " name = " DMRGATEWAYLOGPREFIX " class = " form-control " placeholder = " DMRGateway " aria - describedby = " DMRGATEWAYLOGPREFIX " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " DMRGATEWAYINIPATH " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Path to DMRGateway.ini " ); ?> </span>
2017-07-12 22:50:20 +02:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " DMRGATEWAYINIPATH " ) ?> " name = " DMRGATEWAYINIPATH " class = " form-control " placeholder = " /etc/DMRGateway/ " aria - describedby = " DMRGATEWAYINIPATH " >
2017-07-12 22:44:51 +02:00
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " DMRGATEWAYPATH " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Path to DMRGateway-executable " ); ?> </span>
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " DMRGATEWAYPATH " ) ?> " name = " DMRGATEWAYPATH " class = " form-control " placeholder = " /usr/local/bin/ " aria - describedby = " DMRGATEWAYPATH " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-07-12 22:50:20 +02:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " YSFGATEWAYINIFILENAME " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " DMRGateway.ini-filename " ); ?> </span>
2017-07-12 22:44:51 +02:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " DMRGATEWAYINIFILENAME " ) ?> " name = " DMRGATEWAYINIFILENAME " class = " form-control " placeholder = " DMRGateway.ini " aria - describedby = " DMRGATEWAYINIFILENAME " >
</ div >
</ div >
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " container " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< h2 >< ? php echo _ ( " ircddbgateway-Configuration " ); ?> </h2>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " LINKLOGPATH " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Path to Links.log " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " LINKLOGPATH " ) ?> " name = " LINKLOGPATH " class = " form-control " placeholder = " /var/log/ " aria - describedby = " LINKLOGPATH " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " IRCDDBGATEWAY " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Name of ircddbgateway-executeable " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " IRCDDBGATEWAY " ) ?> " name = " IRCDDBGATEWAY " class = " form-control " placeholder = " ircddbgatewayd " aria - describedby = " IRCDDBGATEWAY " >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " container " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< h2 >< ? php echo _ ( " Global Configuration " ); ?> </h2>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< ? php
function get_tz_options ( $selectedzone , $label , $desc = '' ) {
echo '<div class="input-group">' ;
2017-04-29 21:41:09 +02:00
echo '<span class="input-group-addon" id="TIMEZONE" style="width: 300px">' . _ ( " Timezone " ) . '</span>' ;
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
echo '<div class="input"><select name="TIMEZONE">' ;
function timezonechoice ( $selectedzone ) {
$all = timezone_identifiers_list ();
$i = 0 ;
foreach ( $all AS $zone ) {
2017-05-16 10:05:52 +02:00
$zone = explode ( '/' , $zone );
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
$zonen [ $i ][ 'continent' ] = isset ( $zone [ 0 ]) ? $zone [ 0 ] : '' ;
2017-05-16 10:05:52 +02:00
$zonen [ $i ][ 'city' ] = isset ( $zone [ 1 ]) ? $zone [ 1 ] : '' ;
$zonen [ $i ][ 'subcity' ] = isset ( $zone [ 2 ]) ? $zone [ 2 ] : '' ;
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
$i ++ ;
asort ( $zonen );
$structure = '' ;
foreach ( $zonen AS $zone ) {
extract ( $zone );
if ( ! isset ( $selectcontinent )) {
$structure .= '<optgroup label="' . $continent . '">' ; // continent
} elseif ( $selectcontinent != $continent ) {
$structure .= '</optgroup><optgroup label="' . $continent . '">' ; // continent
if ( isset ( $city ) != '' ){
if ( ! empty ( $subcity ) != '' ){
$city = $city . '/' . $subcity ;
if ( $continent != " UTC " ) {
$structure .= " <option " . ((( $continent . '/' . $city ) == $selectedzone ) ? 'selected="selected "' : '' ) . " value= \" " . ( $continent . '/' . $city ) . " \" > " . str_replace ( '_' , ' ' , $city ) . " </option> " ; //Timezone
} else {
$structure .= " <option " . (( " UTC " == $selectedzone ) ? 'selected="selected "' : '' ) . " value= \" UTC \" >UTC</option> " ; //Timezone
} else {
if ( ! empty ( $subcity ) != '' ){
$city = $city . '/' . $subcity ;
$structure .= " <option " . (( $continent == $selectedzone ) ? 'selected="selected "' : '' ) . " value= \" " . $continent . " \" > " . $continent . " </option> " ; //Timezone
$selectcontinent = $continent ;
$structure .= '</optgroup>' ;
return $structure ;
echo timezonechoice ( $selectedzone );
echo '</select>' ;
echo '</input>' ;
echo '</div>' ;
echo '</div>' ;
get_tz_options ( constant ( " TIMEZONE " ), " Timezone " , '' );
2017-03-14 07:31:30 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " LOCALE " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Locale " ); ?> </span>
2017-04-27 11:36:24 +02:00
< div class = " input " >< select name = " LOCALE " >
< ? php
$path = " ./locale " ;
if ( $handle = opendir ( $path )) {
$files = array ();
while ( $files [] = readdir ( $handle ));
sort ( $files );
closedir ( $handle );
$blacklist = array ( '' , '.' , '..' , 'somedir' , 'somefile.php' );
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
if ( ! in_array ( $file , $blacklist )) {
?> <option <?php if (constant("LOCALE") == $file) echo "selected=\"selected\" "?>value="<?php echo $file?>"><?php echo $file; ?></option>
< ? php
</ select >
</ div >
2017-03-14 07:31:30 +01:00
</ div >
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " LOGO " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " URL to Logo " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " LOGO " ) ?> " name = " LOGO " class = " form-control " placeholder = " http://your-logo " aria - describedby = " LOGO " >
</ div >
2017-03-23 20:40:34 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " JSONNETWORK " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Use networks.php instead of configuration below " ); ?> </span>
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " JSONNETWORK " < ? php if ( defined ( " JSONNETWORK " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " DMRPLUSLOGO " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " URL to DMRplus-Logo " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " DMRPLUSLOGO " ) ?> " name = " DMRPLUSLOGO " class = " form-control " placeholder = " http://your-logo " aria - describedby = " DMRPLUSLOGO " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " BRANDMEISTERLOGO " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " URL to BrandMeister-Logo " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " BRANDMEISTERLOGO " ) ?> " name = " BRANDMEISTERLOGO " class = " form-control " placeholder = " http://your-logo " aria - describedby = " BRANDMEISTERLOGO " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " REFRESHAFTER " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Refresh page after in seconds " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " REFRESHAFTER " ) ?> " name = " REFRESHAFTER " class = " form-control " placeholder = " 60 " aria - describedby = " REFRESHAFTER " required data - fv - notempty - message = " Value is required " >
</ div >
2017-02-28 20:29:44 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " SHOWCPU " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Show System Info " ); ?> </span>
2017-02-28 20:29:44 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " SHOWCPU " < ? php if ( defined ( " SHOWCPU " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " SHOWDISK " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Show Disk Use " ); ?> </span>
2017-02-28 20:29:44 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " SHOWDISK " < ? php if ( defined ( " SHOWDISK " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " SHOWRPTINFO " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Show Repeater Info " ); ?> </span>
2017-02-28 20:29:44 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " SHOWRPTINFO " < ? php if ( defined ( " SHOWRPTINFO " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " SHOWMODES " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Show Enabled Modes " ); ?> </span>
2017-02-28 20:29:44 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " SHOWMODES " < ? php if ( defined ( " SHOWMODES " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " SHOWLH " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Show Last Heard List of today's " ); ?> </span>
2017-02-28 20:29:44 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " SHOWLH " < ? php if ( defined ( " SHOWLH " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " SHOWLOCALTX " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Show Today's local transmissions " ); ?> </span>
2017-02-28 20:29:44 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " SHOWLOCALTX " < ? php if ( defined ( " SHOWLOCALTX " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " SHOWPROGRESSBARS " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Show progressbars " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " SHOWPROGRESSBARS " < ? php if ( defined ( " SHOWPROGRESSBARS " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " TEMPERATUREALERT " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Enable CPU-temperature-warning " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " TEMPERATUREALERT " < ? php if ( defined ( " TEMPERATUREALERT " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " TEMPERATUREHIGHLEVEL " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Warning temperature " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " TEMPERATUREHIGHLEVEL " ) ?> " name = " TEMPERATUREHIGHLEVEL " class = " form-control " placeholder = " 60 " aria - describedby = " TEMPERATUREHIGHLEVEL " required data - fv - notempty - message = " Value is required " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " ENABLENETWORKSWITCHING " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Enable Network-Switching-Function " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 22:20:22 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " ENABLENETWORKSWITCHING " < ? php if ( defined ( " ENABLENETWORKSWITCHING " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
</ div >
2017-03-28 10:28:39 +02:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-05-16 21:47:38 +02:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " ENABLEREFLECTORSWITCHING " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Enable Reflector-Switching-Function (DMR) " ); ?> </span>
2017-03-28 10:28:39 +02:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " ENABLEREFLECTORSWITCHING " < ? php if ( defined ( " ENABLEREFLECTORSWITCHING " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
2017-05-16 21:47:38 +02:00
< div class = " input-group " >
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " ENABLEYSFREFLECTORSWITCHING " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Enable Reflector-Switching-Function (YSF) " ); ?> </span>
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " ENABLEYSFREFLECTORSWITCHING " < ? php if ( defined ( " ENABLEYSFREFLECTORSWITCHING " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " SWITCHNETWORKUSER " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Username for switching networks: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " SWITCHNETWORKUSER " ) ?> " name = " SWITCHNETWORKUSER " class = " form-control " placeholder = " username " aria - describedby = " SWITCHNETWORKUSER " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " SWITCHNETWORKPW " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Password for switching networks: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " SWITCHNETWORKPW " ) ?> " name = " SWITCHNETWORKPW " class = " form-control " placeholder = " password " aria - describedby = " SWITCHNETWORKPW " >
</ div >
2017-02-28 20:29:44 +01:00
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " ENABLEMANAGEMENT " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Enable Management-Functions below " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " ENABLEMANAGEMENT " < ? php if ( constant ( " ENABLEMANAGEMENT " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " VIEWLOGUSER " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Username for view log: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " VIEWLOGUSER " ) ?> " name = " VIEWLOGUSER " class = " form-control " placeholder = " username " aria - describedby = " VIEWLOGUSER " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " VIEWLOGPW " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Password for view log: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " VIEWLOGPW " ) ?> " name = " VIEWLOGPW " class = " form-control " placeholder = " password " aria - describedby = " VIEWLOGPW " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " HALTUSER " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Username for halt: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " HALTUSER " ) ?> " name = " HALTUSER " class = " form-control " placeholder = " username " aria - describedby = " HALTUSER " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " HALTPW " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Password for halt: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " HALTPW " ) ?> " name = " HALTPW " class = " form-control " placeholder = " password " aria - describedby = " HALTPW " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " REBOOTUSER " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Username for reboot: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " REBOOTUSER " ) ?> " name = " REBOOTUSER " class = " form-control " placeholder = " username " aria - describedby = " REBOOTUSER " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " REBOOTPW " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Password for reboot: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " REBOOTPW " ) ?> " name = " REBOOTPW " class = " form-control " placeholder = " password " aria - describedby = " REBOOTPW " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " RESTARTUSER " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Username for restart: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " RESTARTUSER " ) ?> " name = " RESTARTUSER " class = " form-control " placeholder = " username " aria - describedby = " RESTARTUSER " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " RESTARTPW " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Password for restart: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " RESTARTPW " ) ?> " name = " RESTARTPW " class = " form-control " placeholder = " password " aria - describedby = " RESTARTPW " >
</ div >
2017-05-16 21:47:38 +02:00
< div class = " input-group " >
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " REBOOTYSFGATEWAY " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Reboot YSFGateway command: " ); ?> </span>
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " REBOOTYSFGATEWAY " ) ?> " name = " REBOOTYSFGATEWAY " class = " form-control " placeholder = " sudo systemctl restart ysfgateway.service " aria - describedby = " REBOOTYSFGATEWAY " >
</ div >
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " REBOOTMMDVM " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Reboot MMDVMHost command: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " REBOOTMMDVM " ) ?> " name = " REBOOTMMDVM " class = " form-control " placeholder = " sudo systemctl restart mmdvmhost.service " aria - describedby = " REBOOTMMDVM " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " REBOOTSYS " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Reboot system command: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " REBOOTSYS " ) ?> " name = " REBOOTSYS " class = " form-control " placeholder = " sudo reboot " aria - describedby = " REBOOTSYS " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " HALTSYS " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Halt system command: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " HALTSYS " ) ?> " name = " HALTSYS " class = " form-control " placeholder = " sudo halt " aria - describedby = " HALTSYS " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " SHOWPOWERSTATE " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Show Powerstate (online or battery, wiringpi needed) " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " SHOWPOWERSTATE " < ? php if ( defined ( " SHOWPOWERSTATE " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " POWERONLINEPIN " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " GPIO pin to monitor: " ) ; ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " POWERONLINEPIN " ) ?> " name = " POWERONLINEPIN " class = " form-control " placeholder = " 18 " aria - describedby = " POWERONLINEPIN " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " POWERONLINESTATE " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " State that signalizes online-state: " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< input type = " text " value = " <?php echo constant( " POWERONLINESTATE " ) ?> " name = " POWERONLINESTATE " class = " form-control " placeholder = " 1 " aria - describedby = " POWERONLINESTATE " >
</ div >
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " SHOWQRZ " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " Show link to QRZ.com on Callsigns " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " panel-body " >< input type = " checkbox " name = " SHOWQRZ " < ? php if ( defined ( " SHOWQRZ " )) echo " checked " ?> ></div>
</ div >
2017-01-19 00:03:37 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< span class = " input-group-addon " id = " RSSI " style = " width: 300px " >< ? php echo _ ( " RSSI value " ); ?> </span>
2017-01-19 00:03:37 +01:00
< div class = " input " >< select name = " RSSI " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< option < ? php if ( constant ( " RSSI " ) == " min " ) echo " selected= \" selected \" " ?> value="min"><?php echo _("minimal"); ?></option>
< option < ? php if ( constant ( " RSSI " ) == " max " ) echo " selected= \" selected \" " ?> value="max"><?php echo _("maximal"); ?></option>
< option < ? php if ( constant ( " RSSI " ) == " avg " or ( ! defined ( " RSSI " ))) echo " selected= \" selected \" " ?> value="avg"><?php echo _("average"); ?></option>
2017-04-12 09:20:02 +02:00
< option < ? php if ( constant ( " RSSI " ) == " all " ) echo " selected= \" selected \" " ?> value="all"><?php echo _("all"); ?></option>
2017-01-19 00:03:37 +01:00
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
< div class = " input-group " >
< span class = " input-group-btn " >
2017-03-14 15:32:06 +01:00
< button class = " btn btn-default " type = " submit " form = " config " >< ? php echo _ ( " Save configuration " ); ?> </button>
2017-01-10 15:05:55 +01:00
</ span >
</ div >
</ div >
</ form >
< ? php
</ body >
</ html >