• Joined on 2020-11-19
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-11 14:19:04 +02:00
790c848cc0 Updated case 3D stl file
6e4b75025f Reduced memory consumption. Reduced steps per second to reach the brightness.
4cb1007062 Indention fixed.
Compare 3 commits »
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-11 07:56:45 +02:00
93c9a02deb Added a bugfix which sets the correct light data
f9d709c56e Added new pic
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klaute pushed to main at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-11 07:56:37 +02:00
acaacce737 Firmware updated, added latest bugfixes
0c7bae7b54 Merge branch 'develop'
93c9a02deb Added a bugfix which sets the correct light data
f9d709c56e Added new pic
f85efb1a27 Added a prototype pic.
Compare 6 commits »
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-10 15:25:31 +02:00
f85efb1a27 Added a prototype pic.
058aecb5c5 New pics added
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klaute pushed to main at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-10 15:08:11 +02:00
e01e46ef3b Added todays spiffs bin file
002275a67f Removed old spiffs from today first changes
e680db96bd Merge branch 'develop'
6c3e607720 Fixed slider color gradient
8faa653826 PWM slider are colored now. Also the brightness sliders.
Compare 5 commits »
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-10 13:35:34 +02:00
6c3e607720 Fixed slider color gradient
8faa653826 PWM slider are colored now. Also the brightness sliders.
Compare 2 commits »
klaute pushed to main at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-10 11:05:06 +02:00
a2f70bf5ec Updated non-dev binary files.
2446632324 Merge branch 'develop'
4b02bba607 Disabled slider button styles. Fixed minute range in tc editor. Fixed transition time after sliders were changed in non tc mode. Fixed indention in lights control thml page. Added color gradient to tc editor.
f935948402 Fixed end of the timing data setup, all values will be set to zero.
eea9c75c21 Minutes are only set in a step of 10
Compare 7 commits »
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-10 10:48:58 +02:00
4b02bba607 Disabled slider button styles. Fixed minute range in tc editor. Fixed transition time after sliders were changed in non tc mode. Fixed indention in lights control thml page. Added color gradient to tc editor.
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-10 08:33:19 +02:00
f935948402 Fixed end of the timing data setup, all values will be set to zero.
eea9c75c21 Minutes are only set in a step of 10
Compare 2 commits »
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-09 13:41:13 +02:00
a14f3aa0d5 Added css rules to modify the html sliders
3c39f91082 Improved html generator script skills.
Compare 2 commits »
klaute pushed to main at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-08 10:38:00 +02:00
e7f0564ff0 Updated main branch webinterface content to the current development branch implementation.
c802ed1b3c Merge branch 'develop'
b41127e325 Removed old firmware binary
9844d9fca8 Removed the select boxes from the timing control editor and replaced them by sliders.
a6ac0be517 Replaces static code which generates the timing control data editor by a dynamic block.
Compare 10 commits »
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-08 10:28:43 +02:00
b41127e325 Removed old firmware binary
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-08 10:27:39 +02:00
9844d9fca8 Removed the select boxes from the timing control editor and replaced them by sliders.
a6ac0be517 Replaces static code which generates the timing control data editor by a dynamic block.
967a3071af Lights control main page newline removed
25c2e8622f Added a toast message to the webinterface.
b95c73cfb5 Added a check which verifies the data in the timing data block editor
Compare 5 commits »
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-08 09:13:53 +02:00
db6dff5a97 Empty line with spaces removed
f457a24047 Removed the 1k resistors from schematics.
Compare 2 commits »
klaute pushed to main at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-07 17:00:34 +02:00
90b6b36f26 Updated SPIFFS binary
bc74f68e15 Merge branch 'develop'
1ca1f3e6e3 Status output implemented - after click on a button
1564f9b559 Readme updated
6e35e1baec Added 3D case model and inner electronics holder
Compare 8 commits »
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-07 16:57:28 +02:00
1ca1f3e6e3 Status output implemented - after click on a button
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-07 16:30:47 +02:00
1564f9b559 Readme updated
6e35e1baec Added 3D case model and inner electronics holder
21952bd0e3 PNG of the schematics added.
3d54da7f75 First automatically updated timing edit plotly graph.
ba63edfc5f Fixed the range of the lights graph y axis (255 before 100 max after)
Compare 5 commits »
klaute pushed to main at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-07 07:58:45 +02:00
e7dbeac70b Updated firmware and spiffs binary files.
klaute pushed to main at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-07 07:54:17 +02:00
99e8a0fa82 Merge branch 'develop'
120a0e3efd First success full read of json data provided by timing editor webinterface.
975e0d140d Added some more code to the timing controller editor tab.
8f76e5d846 Added table container diff, misstakenly removed
60b110b4b9 Added first function to fill the editor with default values
Compare 20 commits »
klaute pushed to develop at klaute/lumini_p30_control 2023-05-06 13:44:02 +02:00
120a0e3efd First success full read of json data provided by timing editor webinterface.
975e0d140d Added some more code to the timing controller editor tab.
8f76e5d846 Added table container diff, misstakenly removed
60b110b4b9 Added first function to fill the editor with default values
de5dbda939 Newline added
Compare 13 commits »