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2022-09-15 10:23:02 +02:00
* WiFiManager advanced demo, contains advanced configurartion options
* Implements TRIGGEN_PIN button press, press for ondemand configportal, hold for 3 seconds for reset settings.
#include <WiFiManager.h> //
#define TRIGGER_PIN 0
// wifimanager can run in a blocking mode or a non blocking mode
// Be sure to know how to process loops with no delay() if using non blocking
bool wm_nonblocking = false; // change to true to use non blocking
WiFiManager wm; // global wm instance
WiFiManagerParameter custom_field; // global param ( for non blocking w params )
void setup() {
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // explicitly set mode, esp defaults to STA+AP
Serial.println("\n Starting");
// wm.resetSettings(); // wipe settings
if(wm_nonblocking) wm.setConfigPortalBlocking(false);
// add a custom input field
int customFieldLength = 40;
// new (&custom_field) WiFiManagerParameter("customfieldid", "Custom Field Label", "Custom Field Value", customFieldLength,"placeholder=\"Custom Field Placeholder\"");
// test custom html input type(checkbox)
// new (&custom_field) WiFiManagerParameter("customfieldid", "Custom Field Label", "Custom Field Value", customFieldLength,"placeholder=\"Custom Field Placeholder\" type=\"checkbox\""); // custom html type
// test custom html(radio)
const char* custom_radio_str = "<br/><label for='customfieldid'>Custom Field Label</label><input type='radio' name='customfieldid' value='1' checked> One<br><input type='radio' name='customfieldid' value='2'> Two<br><input type='radio' name='customfieldid' value='3'> Three";
new (&custom_field) WiFiManagerParameter(custom_radio_str); // custom html input
// custom menu via array or vector
// menu tokens, "wifi","wifinoscan","info","param","close","sep","erase","restart","exit" (sep is seperator) (if param is in menu, params will not show up in wifi page!)
// const char* menu[] = {"wifi","info","param","sep","restart","exit"};
// wm.setMenu(menu,6);
std::vector<const char *> menu = {"wifi","info","param","sep","restart","exit"};
// set dark theme
//set static ip
// wm.setSTAStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(10,0,1,99), IPAddress(10,0,1,1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0)); // set static ip,gw,sn
// wm.setShowStaticFields(true); // force show static ip fields
// wm.setShowDnsFields(true); // force show dns field always
// wm.setConnectTimeout(20); // how long to try to connect for before continuing
wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(30); // auto close configportal after n seconds
// wm.setCaptivePortalEnable(false); // disable captive portal redirection
// wm.setAPClientCheck(true); // avoid timeout if client connected to softap
// wifi scan settings
// wm.setRemoveDuplicateAPs(false); // do not remove duplicate ap names (true)
// wm.setMinimumSignalQuality(20); // set min RSSI (percentage) to show in scans, null = 8%
// wm.setShowInfoErase(false); // do not show erase button on info page
// wm.setScanDispPerc(true); // show RSSI as percentage not graph icons
// wm.setBreakAfterConfig(true); // always exit configportal even if wifi save fails
bool res;
// res = wm.autoConnect(); // auto generated AP name from chipid
// res = wm.autoConnect("AutoConnectAP"); // anonymous ap
res = wm.autoConnect("AutoConnectAP","password"); // password protected ap
if(!res) {
Serial.println("Failed to connect or hit timeout");
// ESP.restart();
else {
//if you get here you have connected to the WiFi
Serial.println("connected...yeey :)");
void checkButton(){
// check for button press
if ( digitalRead(TRIGGER_PIN) == LOW ) {
// poor mans debounce/press-hold, code not ideal for production
if( digitalRead(TRIGGER_PIN) == LOW ){
Serial.println("Button Pressed");
// still holding button for 3000 ms, reset settings, code not ideaa for production
delay(3000); // reset delay hold
if( digitalRead(TRIGGER_PIN) == LOW ){
Serial.println("Button Held");
Serial.println("Erasing Config, restarting");
// start portal w delay
Serial.println("Starting config portal");
if (!wm.startConfigPortal("OnDemandAP","password")) {
Serial.println("failed to connect or hit timeout");
// ESP.restart();
} else {
//if you get here you have connected to the WiFi
Serial.println("connected...yeey :)");
String getParam(String name){
//read parameter from server, for customhmtl input
String value;
if(wm.server->hasArg(name)) {
value = wm.server->arg(name);
return value;
void saveParamCallback(){
Serial.println("[CALLBACK] saveParamCallback fired");
Serial.println("PARAM customfieldid = " + getParam("customfieldid"));
void loop() {
if(wm_nonblocking) wm.process(); // avoid delays() in loop when non-blocking and other long running code
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly: