/** * This is a kind of unit test for DEV for now * It contains many of the public methods * */ #include <WiFiManager.h> // https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #define USEOTA // enable OTA #ifdef USEOTA #include <WiFiUdp.h> #include <ArduinoOTA.h> #endif const char* modes[] = { "NULL", "STA", "AP", "STA+AP" }; unsigned long mtime = 0; WiFiManager wm; // TEST OPTION FLAGS bool TEST_CP = false; // always start the configportal, even if ap found int TESP_CP_TIMEOUT = 90; // test cp timeout bool TEST_NET = true; // do a network test after connect, (gets ntp time) bool ALLOWONDEMAND = true; // enable on demand int ONDDEMANDPIN = 0; // gpio for button bool WMISBLOCKING = true; // use blocking or non blocking mode, non global params wont work in non blocking // char ssid[] = "*************"; // your network SSID (name) // char pass[] = "********"; // your network password //callbacks // called after AP mode and config portal has started // setAPCallback( std::function<void(WiFiManager*)> func ); // called after webserver has started // setWebServerCallback( std::function<void()> func ); // called when settings reset have been triggered // setConfigResetCallback( std::function<void()> func ); // called when wifi settings have been changed and connection was successful ( or setBreakAfterConfig(true) ) // setSaveConfigCallback( std::function<void()> func ); // called when saving either params-in-wifi or params page // setSaveParamsCallback( std::function<void()> func ); // called when saving params-in-wifi or params before anything else happens (eg wifi) // setPreSaveConfigCallback( std::function<void()> func ); // called just before doing OTA update // setPreOtaUpdateCallback( std::function<void()> func ); void saveWifiCallback(){ Serial.println("[CALLBACK] saveCallback fired"); } //gets called when WiFiManager enters configuration mode void configModeCallback (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) { Serial.println("[CALLBACK] configModeCallback fired"); // myWiFiManager->setAPStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(10,0,1,1), IPAddress(10,0,1,1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0)); // Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); //if you used auto generated SSID, print it // Serial.println(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID()); // // esp_wifi_set_bandwidth(WIFI_IF_AP, WIFI_BW_HT20); } void saveParamCallback(){ Serial.println("[CALLBACK] saveParamCallback fired"); // wm.stopConfigPortal(); } void bindServerCallback(){ wm.server->on("/custom",handleRoute); // this is now crashing esp32 for some reason // wm.server->on("/info",handleRoute); // you can override wm! } void handleRoute(){ Serial.println("[HTTP] handle route"); wm.server->send(200, "text/plain", "hello from user code"); } void handlePreOtaUpdateCallback(){ Update.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) { Serial.printf("CUSTOM Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100))); }); } void setup() { // WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // explicitly set mode, esp defaults to STA+AP // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(115200); // Serial1.begin(115200); // Serial.setDebugOutput(true); Serial.println("\n Starting"); // WiFi.setSleepMode(WIFI_NONE_SLEEP); // disable sleep, can improve ap stability Serial.println("Error - TEST"); Serial.println("Information- - TEST"); Serial.println("[ERROR] TEST"); Serial.println("[INFORMATION] TEST"); wm.setDebugOutput(true); wm.debugPlatformInfo(); //reset settings - for testing // wm.resetSettings(); // wm.erase(); // setup some parameters WiFiManagerParameter custom_html("<p style=\"color:pink;font-weight:Bold;\">This Is Custom HTML</p>"); // only custom html WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_server("server", "mqtt server", "", 40); WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_port("port", "mqtt port", "", 6); WiFiManagerParameter custom_token("api_token", "api token", "", 16); WiFiManagerParameter custom_tokenb("invalid token", "invalid token", "", 0); // id is invalid, cannot contain spaces WiFiManagerParameter custom_ipaddress("input_ip", "input IP", "", 15,"pattern='\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}'"); // custom input attrs (ip mask) WiFiManagerParameter custom_input_type("input_pwd", "input pass", "", 15,"type='password'"); // custom input attrs (ip mask) const char _customHtml_checkbox[] = "type=\"checkbox\""; WiFiManagerParameter custom_checkbox("my_checkbox", "My Checkbox", "T", 2, _customHtml_checkbox,WFM_LABEL_AFTER); const char *bufferStr = R"( <!-- INPUT CHOICE --> <br/> <p>Select Choice</p> <input style='display: inline-block;' type='radio' id='choice1' name='program_selection' value='1'> <label for='choice1'>Choice1</label><br/> <input style='display: inline-block;' type='radio' id='choice2' name='program_selection' value='2'> <label for='choice2'>Choice2</label><br/> <!-- INPUT SELECT --> <br/> <label for='input_select'>Label for Input Select</label> <select name="input_select" id="input_select" class="button"> <option value="0">Option 1</option> <option value="1" selected>Option 2</option> <option value="2">Option 3</option> <option value="3">Option 4</option> </select> )"; WiFiManagerParameter custom_html_inputs(bufferStr); // callbacks wm.setAPCallback(configModeCallback); wm.setWebServerCallback(bindServerCallback); wm.setSaveConfigCallback(saveWifiCallback); wm.setSaveParamsCallback(saveParamCallback); wm.setPreOtaUpdateCallback(handlePreOtaUpdateCallback); // add all your parameters here wm.addParameter(&custom_html); wm.addParameter(&custom_mqtt_server); wm.addParameter(&custom_mqtt_port); wm.addParameter(&custom_token); wm.addParameter(&custom_tokenb); wm.addParameter(&custom_ipaddress); wm.addParameter(&custom_checkbox); wm.addParameter(&custom_input_type); wm.addParameter(&custom_html_inputs); // set values later if you want custom_html.setValue("test",4); custom_token.setValue("test",4); // const char* icon = " // <link rel='icon' type='image/png' sizes='16x16' href='data:image/png;base64, // iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQBAMAAADt3eJSAAAAMFBMVEU0OkArMjhobHEoPUPFEBIu // O0L+AAC2FBZ2JyuNICOfGx7xAwTjCAlCNTvVDA1aLzQ3COjMAAAAVUlEQVQI12NgwAaCDSA0888G // CItjn0szWGBJTVoGSCjWs8TleQCQYV95evdxkFT8Kpe0PLDi5WfKd4LUsN5zS1sKFolt8bwAZrCa // GqNYJAgFDEpQAAAzmxafI4vZWwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==' />"; // set custom html head content , inside <head> // examples of favicon, or meta tags etc // const char* headhtml = "<link rel='icon' type='image/png' href='' />"; // const char* headhtml = "<meta name='color-scheme' content='dark light'><style></style><script></script>"; // wm.setCustomHeadElement(headhtml); // set custom html menu content , inside menu item "custom", see setMenu() const char* menuhtml = "<form action='/custom' method='get'><button>Custom</button></form><br/>\n"; wm.setCustomMenuHTML(menuhtml); // invert theme, dark wm.setDarkMode(true); // show scan RSSI as percentage, instead of signal stength graphic // wm.setScanDispPerc(true); /* Set cutom menu via menu[] or vector const char* menu[] = {"wifi","wifinoscan","info","param","close","sep","erase","restart","exit"}; wm.setMenu(menu,9); // custom menu array must provide length */ std::vector<const char *> menu = {"wifi","wifinoscan","info","param","custom","close","sep","erase","update","restart","exit"}; wm.setMenu(menu); // custom menu, pass vector // wm.setParamsPage(true); // move params to seperate page, not wifi, do not combine with setmenu! // set STA static ip // wm.setSTAStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(10,0,1,99), IPAddress(10,0,1,1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0)); // wm.setShowStaticFields(false); // wm.setShowDnsFields(false); // set AP static ip // wm.setAPStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(10,0,1,1), IPAddress(10,0,1,1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0)); // wm.setAPStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(10,0,1,99), IPAddress(10,0,1,1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0)); // set country // setting wifi country seems to improve OSX soft ap connectivity, // may help others as well, default is CN which has different channels wm.setCountry("US"); // crashing on esp32 2.0 // set Hostname // wm.setHostname(("WM_"+wm.getDefaultAPName()).c_str()); // wm.setHostname("WM_RANDO_1234"); // set custom channel // wm.setWiFiAPChannel(13); // set AP hidden // wm.setAPHidden(true); // show password publicly in form // wm.setShowPassword(true); // sets wether wm configportal is a blocking loop(legacy) or not, use wm.process() in loop if false // wm.setConfigPortalBlocking(false); if(!WMISBLOCKING){ wm.setConfigPortalBlocking(false); } //sets timeout until configuration portal gets turned off //useful to make it all retry or go to sleep in seconds wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(120); // set min quality to show in web list, default 8% // wm.setMinimumSignalQuality(50); // set connection timeout // wm.setConnectTimeout(20); // set wifi connect retries // wm.setConnectRetries(2); // connect after portal save toggle // wm.setSaveConnect(false); // do not connect, only save // show static ip fields // wm.setShowStaticFields(true); // wm.startConfigPortal("AutoConnectAP", "password"); // This is sometimes necessary, it is still unknown when and why this is needed but it may solve some race condition or bug in esp SDK/lib // wm.setCleanConnect(true); // disconnect before connect, clean connect wm.setBreakAfterConfig(true); // needed to use saveWifiCallback // set custom webserver port, automatic captive portal does not work with custom ports! // wm.setHttpPort(8080); //fetches ssid and pass and tries to connect //if it does not connect it starts an access point with the specified name //here "AutoConnectAP" //and goes into a blocking loop awaiting configuration // use autoconnect, but prevent configportal from auto starting // wm.setEnableConfigPortal(false); wifiInfo(); // to preload autoconnect with credentials // wm.preloadWiFi("ssid","password"); if(!wm.autoConnect("WM_AutoConnectAP","12345678")) { Serial.println("failed to connect and hit timeout"); } else if(TEST_CP) { // start configportal always delay(1000); Serial.println("TEST_CP ENABLED"); wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(TESP_CP_TIMEOUT); wm.startConfigPortal("WM_ConnectAP","12345678"); } else { //if you get here you have connected to the WiFi Serial.println("connected...yeey :)"); } wifiInfo(); pinMode(ONDDEMANDPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); #ifdef USEOTA ArduinoOTA.begin(); #endif } void wifiInfo(){ // can contain gargbage on esp32 if wifi is not ready yet Serial.println("[WIFI] WIFI INFO DEBUG"); // WiFi.printDiag(Serial); Serial.println("[WIFI] SAVED: " + (String)(wm.getWiFiIsSaved() ? "YES" : "NO")); Serial.println("[WIFI] SSID: " + (String)wm.getWiFiSSID()); Serial.println("[WIFI] PASS: " + (String)wm.getWiFiPass()); Serial.println("[WIFI] HOSTNAME: " + (String)WiFi.getHostname()); } void loop() { if(!WMISBLOCKING){ wm.process(); } #ifdef USEOTA ArduinoOTA.handle(); #endif // is configuration portal requested? if (ALLOWONDEMAND && digitalRead(ONDDEMANDPIN) == LOW ) { delay(100); if ( digitalRead(ONDDEMANDPIN) == LOW ){ Serial.println("BUTTON PRESSED"); // button reset/reboot // wm.resetSettings(); // wm.reboot(); // delay(200); // return; wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(140); wm.setParamsPage(false); // move params to seperate page, not wifi, do not combine with setmenu! // disable captive portal redirection // wm.setCaptivePortalEnable(false); if (!wm.startConfigPortal("OnDemandAP","12345678")) { Serial.println("failed to connect and hit timeout"); delay(3000); } } else { //if you get here you have connected to the WiFi Serial.println("connected...yeey :)"); getTime(); } } // every 10 seconds if(millis()-mtime > 10000 ){ if(WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED){ getTime(); } else Serial.println("No Wifi"); mtime = millis(); } // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: delay(100); } void getTime() { int tz = -5; int dst = 0; time_t now = time(nullptr); unsigned timeout = 5000; // try for timeout unsigned start = millis(); configTime(tz * 3600, dst * 3600, "pool.ntp.org", "time.nist.gov"); Serial.print("Waiting for NTP time sync: "); while (now < 8 * 3600 * 2 ) { // what is this ? delay(100); Serial.print("."); now = time(nullptr); if((millis() - start) > timeout){ Serial.println("\n[ERROR] Failed to get NTP time."); return; } } Serial.println(""); struct tm timeinfo; gmtime_r(&now, &timeinfo); // @NOTE doesnt work in esp2.3.0 Serial.print("Current time: "); Serial.print(asctime(&timeinfo)); } void debugchipid(){ // WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // WiFi.printDiag(Serial); // Serial.println(modes[WiFi.getMode()]); // ESP.eraseConfig(); // wm.resetSettings(); // wm.erase(true); WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); // WiFi.softAP(); WiFi.enableAP(true); delay(500); // esp_wifi_start(); delay(1000); WiFi.printDiag(Serial); delay(60000); ESP.restart(); // AP esp_267751 // 507726A4AE30 // ESP32 Chip ID = 507726A4AE30 }