/** * WiFiManager.cpp * * WiFiManager, a library for the ESP8266/Arduino platform * for configuration of WiFi credentials using a Captive Portal * * @author Creator tzapu * @author tablatronix * @version 0.0.0 * @license MIT */ #include "WiFiManager.h" #if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32) #ifdef ESP32 uint8_t WiFiManager::_lastconxresulttmp = WL_IDLE_STATUS; #endif /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * WiFiManagerParameter * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/ WiFiManagerParameter::WiFiManagerParameter() { WiFiManagerParameter(""); } WiFiManagerParameter::WiFiManagerParameter(const char *custom) { _id = NULL; _label = NULL; _length = 1; _value = NULL; _labelPlacement = WFM_LABEL_DEFAULT; _customHTML = custom; } WiFiManagerParameter::WiFiManagerParameter(const char *id, const char *label) { init(id, label, "", 0, "", WFM_LABEL_DEFAULT); } WiFiManagerParameter::WiFiManagerParameter(const char *id, const char *label, const char *defaultValue, int length) { init(id, label, defaultValue, length, "", WFM_LABEL_DEFAULT); } WiFiManagerParameter::WiFiManagerParameter(const char *id, const char *label, const char *defaultValue, int length, const char *custom) { init(id, label, defaultValue, length, custom, WFM_LABEL_DEFAULT); } WiFiManagerParameter::WiFiManagerParameter(const char *id, const char *label, const char *defaultValue, int length, const char *custom, int labelPlacement) { init(id, label, defaultValue, length, custom, labelPlacement); } void WiFiManagerParameter::init(const char *id, const char *label, const char *defaultValue, int length, const char *custom, int labelPlacement) { _id = id; _label = label; _labelPlacement = labelPlacement; _customHTML = custom; setValue(defaultValue,length); } WiFiManagerParameter::~WiFiManagerParameter() { if (_value != NULL) { delete[] _value; } _length=0; // setting length 0, ideally the entire parameter should be removed, or added to wifimanager scope so it follows } // WiFiManagerParameter& WiFiManagerParameter::operator=(const WiFiManagerParameter& rhs){ // Serial.println("copy assignment op called"); // (*this->_value) = (*rhs._value); // return *this; // } // @note debug is not available in wmparameter class void WiFiManagerParameter::setValue(const char *defaultValue, int length) { if(!_id){ // Serial.println("cannot set value of this parameter"); return; } // if(strlen(defaultValue) > length){ // // Serial.println("defaultValue length mismatch"); // // return false; //@todo bail // } _length = length; _value = new char[_length + 1]; memset(_value, 0, _length + 1); // explicit null if (defaultValue != NULL) { strncpy(_value, defaultValue, _length); } } const char* WiFiManagerParameter::getValue() const { // Serial.println(printf("Address of _value is %p\n", (void *)_value)); return _value; } const char* WiFiManagerParameter::getID() const { return _id; } const char* WiFiManagerParameter::getPlaceholder() const { return _label; } const char* WiFiManagerParameter::getLabel() const { return _label; } int WiFiManagerParameter::getValueLength() const { return _length; } int WiFiManagerParameter::getLabelPlacement() const { return _labelPlacement; } const char* WiFiManagerParameter::getCustomHTML() const { return _customHTML; } /** * [addParameter description] * @access public * @param {[type]} WiFiManagerParameter *p [description] */ bool WiFiManager::addParameter(WiFiManagerParameter *p) { // check param id is valid, unless null if(p->getID()){ for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(p->getID()); i++){ if(!(isAlphaNumeric(p->getID()[i])) && !(p->getID()[i]=='_')){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] parameter IDs can only contain alpha numeric chars")); #endif return false; } } } // init params if never malloc if(_params == NULL){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("allocating params bytes:"),_max_params * sizeof(WiFiManagerParameter*)); #endif _params = (WiFiManagerParameter**)malloc(_max_params * sizeof(WiFiManagerParameter*)); } // resize the params array by increment of WIFI_MANAGER_MAX_PARAMS if(_paramsCount == _max_params){ _max_params += WIFI_MANAGER_MAX_PARAMS; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("Updated _max_params:"),_max_params); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("re-allocating params bytes:"),_max_params * sizeof(WiFiManagerParameter*)); #endif WiFiManagerParameter** new_params = (WiFiManagerParameter**)realloc(_params, _max_params * sizeof(WiFiManagerParameter*)); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM(WIFI_MANAGER_MAX_PARAMS); // DEBUG_WM(_paramsCount); // DEBUG_WM(_max_params); #endif if (new_params != NULL) { _params = new_params; } else { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] failed to realloc params, size not increased!")); #endif return false; } } _params[_paramsCount] = p; _paramsCount++; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Added Parameter:"),p->getID()); #endif return true; } /** * [getParameters description] * @access public */ WiFiManagerParameter** WiFiManager::getParameters() { return _params; } /** * [getParametersCount description] * @access public */ int WiFiManager::getParametersCount() { return _paramsCount; } /** * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * WiFiManager * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/ // constructors WiFiManager::WiFiManager(Print& consolePort):_debugPort(consolePort){ WiFiManagerInit(); } WiFiManager::WiFiManager() { WiFiManagerInit(); } void WiFiManager::WiFiManagerInit(){ setMenu(_menuIdsDefault); if(_debug && _debugLevel >= DEBUG_DEV) debugPlatformInfo(); _max_params = WIFI_MANAGER_MAX_PARAMS; } // destructor WiFiManager::~WiFiManager() { _end(); // parameters // @todo below belongs to wifimanagerparameter if (_params != NULL){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("freeing allocated params!")); #endif free(_params); _params = NULL; } // remove event // WiFi.onEvent(std::bind(&WiFiManager::WiFiEvent,this,_1,_2)); #ifdef ESP32 WiFi.removeEvent(wm_event_id); #endif #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("unloading")); #endif } void WiFiManager::_begin(){ if(_hasBegun) return; _hasBegun = true; // _usermode = WiFi.getMode(); #ifndef ESP32 WiFi.persistent(false); // disable persistent so scannetworks and mode switching do not cause overwrites #endif } void WiFiManager::_end(){ _hasBegun = false; if(_userpersistent) WiFi.persistent(true); // reenable persistent, there is no getter we rely on _userpersistent // if(_usermode != WIFI_OFF) WiFi.mode(_usermode); } // AUTOCONNECT boolean WiFiManager::autoConnect() { String ssid = getDefaultAPName(); return autoConnect(ssid.c_str(), NULL); } /** * [autoConnect description] * @access public * @param {[type]} char const *apName [description] * @param {[type]} char const *apPassword [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ boolean WiFiManager::autoConnect(char const *apName, char const *apPassword) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("AutoConnect")); #endif #ifdef ESP32 if(WiFi.getMode() != WIFI_STA){ WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); } #endif if(getWiFiIsSaved()){ _startconn = millis(); _begin(); // sethostname before wifi ready // https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager/issues/1403 #ifdef ESP32 if(_hostname != ""){ setupHostname(true); } #endif // attempt to connect using saved settings, on fail fallback to AP config portal if(!WiFi.enableSTA(true)){ // handle failure mode Brownout detector etc. #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[FATAL] Unable to enable wifi!")); #endif return false; } WiFiSetCountry(); #ifdef ESP32 if(esp32persistent) WiFi.persistent(false); // disable persistent for esp32 after esp_wifi_start or else saves wont work #endif _usermode = WIFI_STA; // When using autoconnect , assume the user wants sta mode on permanently. // no getter for autoreconnectpolicy before this // https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/pull/4359 // so we must force it on else, if not connectimeout then waitforconnectionresult gets stuck endless loop WiFi_autoReconnect(); #ifdef ESP8266 if(_hostname != ""){ setupHostname(true); } #endif // if already connected, or try stored connect // @note @todo ESP32 has no autoconnect, so connectwifi will always be called unless user called begin etc before // @todo check if correct ssid == saved ssid when already connected bool connected = false; if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED){ connected = true; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("AutoConnect: ESP Already Connected")); #endif setSTAConfig(); // @todo not sure if this is safe, causes dup setSTAConfig in connectwifi, // and we have no idea WHAT we are connected to } if(connected || connectWifi(_defaultssid, _defaultpass) == WL_CONNECTED){ //connected #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("AutoConnect: SUCCESS")); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Connected in"),(String)((millis()-_startconn)) + " ms"); DEBUG_WM(F("STA IP Address:"),WiFi.localIP()); #endif // Serial.println("Connected in " + (String)((millis()-_startconn)) + " ms"); _lastconxresult = WL_CONNECTED; if(_hostname != ""){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("hostname: STA: "),getWiFiHostname()); #endif } return true; // connected success } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("AutoConnect: FAILED")); #endif } else { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("No Credentials are Saved, skipping connect")); #endif } // possibly skip the config portal if (!_enableConfigPortal) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("enableConfigPortal: FALSE, skipping ")); #endif return false; // not connected and not cp } // not connected start configportal bool res = startConfigPortal(apName, apPassword); return res; } bool WiFiManager::setupHostname(bool restart){ if(_hostname == "") { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("No Hostname to set")); #endif return false; } else { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Setting Hostnames: "),_hostname); #endif } bool res = true; #ifdef ESP8266 #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Setting WiFi hostname")); #endif res = WiFi.hostname(_hostname.c_str()); // #ifdef ESP8266MDNS_H #ifdef WM_MDNS #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Setting MDNS hostname, tcp 80")); #endif if(MDNS.begin(_hostname.c_str())){ MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80); } #endif #elif defined(ESP32) // @note hostname must be set after STA_START // @note, this may have changed at some point, now it wont work, I have to set it before. #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Setting WiFi hostname")); #endif res = WiFi.setHostname(_hostname.c_str()); // #ifdef ESP32MDNS_H #ifdef WM_MDNS #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Setting MDNS hostname, tcp 80")); #endif if(MDNS.begin(_hostname.c_str())){ MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80); } #endif #endif #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL if(!res)DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] hostname: set failed!")); #endif if(restart && (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("reconnecting to set new hostname")); #endif // WiFi.reconnect(); // This does not reset dhcp WiFi_Disconnect(); delay(200); // do not remove, need a delay for disconnect to change status() } return res; } // CONFIG PORTAL bool WiFiManager::startAP(){ bool ret = true; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("StartAP with SSID: "),_apName); #endif #ifdef ESP8266 // @bug workaround for bug #4372 https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/4372 if(!WiFi.enableAP(true)) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] enableAP failed!")); #endif return false; } delay(500); // workaround delay #endif // setup optional soft AP static ip config if (_ap_static_ip) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("Custom AP IP/GW/Subnet:")); #endif if(!WiFi.softAPConfig(_ap_static_ip, _ap_static_gw, _ap_static_sn)){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] softAPConfig failed!")); #endif } } //@todo add callback here if needed to modify ap but cannot use setAPStaticIPConfig //@todo rework wifi channelsync as it will work unpredictably when not connected in sta int32_t channel = 0; if(_channelSync) channel = WiFi.channel(); else channel = _apChannel; if(channel>0){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Starting AP on channel:"),channel); #endif } // start soft AP with password or anonymous // default channel is 1 here and in esplib, @todo just change to default remove conditionals if (_apPassword != "") { if(channel>0){ ret = WiFi.softAP(_apName.c_str(), _apPassword.c_str(),channel,_apHidden); } else{ ret = WiFi.softAP(_apName.c_str(), _apPassword.c_str(),1,_apHidden);//password option } } else { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("AP has anonymous access!")); #endif if(channel>0){ ret = WiFi.softAP(_apName.c_str(),"",channel,_apHidden); } else{ ret = WiFi.softAP(_apName.c_str(),"",1,_apHidden); } } if(_debugLevel >= DEBUG_DEV) debugSoftAPConfig(); // @todo add softAP retry here to dela with unknown failures delay(500); // slight delay to make sure we get an AP IP #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL if(!ret) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] There was a problem starting the AP")); DEBUG_WM(F("AP IP address:"),WiFi.softAPIP()); #endif // set ap hostname #ifdef ESP32 if(ret && _hostname != ""){ bool res = WiFi.softAPsetHostname(_hostname.c_str()); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("setting softAP Hostname:"),_hostname); if(!res)DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] hostname: AP set failed!")); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("hostname: AP: "),WiFi.softAPgetHostname()); #endif } #endif return ret; } /** * [startWebPortal description] * @access public * @return {[type]} [description] */ void WiFiManager::startWebPortal() { if(configPortalActive || webPortalActive) return; connect = abort = false; setupConfigPortal(); webPortalActive = true; } /** * [stopWebPortal description] * @access public * @return {[type]} [description] */ void WiFiManager::stopWebPortal() { if(!configPortalActive && !webPortalActive) return; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Stopping Web Portal")); #endif webPortalActive = false; shutdownConfigPortal(); } boolean WiFiManager::configPortalHasTimeout(){ if(!configPortalActive) return false; uint16_t logintvl = 30000; // how often to emit timeing out counter logging // handle timeout portal client check if(_configPortalTimeout == 0 || (_apClientCheck && (WiFi_softap_num_stations() > 0))){ // debug num clients every 30s if(millis() - timer > logintvl){ timer = millis(); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("NUM CLIENTS: "),(String)WiFi_softap_num_stations()); #endif } _configPortalStart = millis(); // kludge, bump configportal start time to skew timeouts return false; } // handle timeout webclient check if(_webClientCheck && (_webPortalAccessed>_configPortalStart)>0) _configPortalStart = _webPortalAccessed; // handle timed out if(millis() > _configPortalStart + _configPortalTimeout){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("config portal has timed out")); #endif return true; // timeout bail, else do debug logging } else if(_debug && _debugLevel > 0) { // log timeout time remaining every 30s if((millis() - timer) > logintvl){ timer = millis(); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Portal Timeout In"),(String)((_configPortalStart + _configPortalTimeout-millis())/1000) + (String)F(" seconds")); #endif } } return false; } void WiFiManager::setupHTTPServer(){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("Starting Web Portal")); #endif if(_httpPort != 80) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("http server started with custom port: "),_httpPort); // @todo not showing ip #endif } server.reset(new WM_WebServer(_httpPort)); // This is not the safest way to reset the webserver, it can cause crashes on callbacks initilized before this and since its a shared pointer... if ( _webservercallback != NULL) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("[CB] _webservercallback calling")); #endif _webservercallback(); // @CALLBACK } // @todo add a new callback maybe, after webserver started, callback cannot override handlers, but can grab them first /* Setup httpd callbacks, web pages: root, wifi config pages, SO captive portal detectors and not found. */ // G macro workaround for Uri() bug https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/7102 server->on(WM_G(R_root), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleRoot, this)); server->on(WM_G(R_wifi), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleWifi, this, true)); server->on(WM_G(R_wifinoscan), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleWifi, this, false)); server->on(WM_G(R_wifisave), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleWifiSave, this)); server->on(WM_G(R_info), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleInfo, this)); server->on(WM_G(R_param), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleParam, this)); server->on(WM_G(R_paramsave), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleParamSave, this)); server->on(WM_G(R_restart), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleReset, this)); server->on(WM_G(R_exit), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleExit, this)); server->on(WM_G(R_close), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleClose, this)); server->on(WM_G(R_erase), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleErase, this, false)); server->on(WM_G(R_status), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleWiFiStatus, this)); server->onNotFound (std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleNotFound, this)); server->on(WM_G(R_update), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleUpdate, this)); server->on(WM_G(R_updatedone), HTTP_POST, std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleUpdateDone, this), std::bind(&WiFiManager::handleUpdating, this)); server->begin(); // Web server start #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("HTTP server started")); #endif } void WiFiManager::setupDNSD(){ dnsServer.reset(new DNSServer()); /* Setup the DNS server redirecting all the domains to the apIP */ dnsServer->setErrorReplyCode(DNSReplyCode::NoError); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM("dns server started port: ",DNS_PORT); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("dns server started with ip: "),WiFi.softAPIP()); // @todo not showing ip #endif dnsServer->start(DNS_PORT, F("*"), WiFi.softAPIP()); } void WiFiManager::setupConfigPortal() { setupHTTPServer(); _lastscan = 0; // reset network scan cache if(_preloadwifiscan) WiFi_scanNetworks(true,true); // preload wifiscan , async } boolean WiFiManager::startConfigPortal() { String ssid = getDefaultAPName(); return startConfigPortal(ssid.c_str(), NULL); } /** * [startConfigPortal description] * @access public * @param {[type]} char const *apName [description] * @param {[type]} char const *apPassword [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ boolean WiFiManager::startConfigPortal(char const *apName, char const *apPassword) { _begin(); if(configPortalActive){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Starting Config Portal FAILED, is already running")); #endif return false; } //setup AP _apName = apName; // @todo check valid apname ? _apPassword = apPassword; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Starting Config Portal")); #endif if(_apName == "") _apName = getDefaultAPName(); if(!validApPassword()) return false; // HANDLE issues with STA connections, shutdown sta if not connected, or else this will hang channel scanning and softap will not respond if(_disableSTA || (!WiFi.isConnected() && _disableSTAConn)){ // this fixes most ap problems, however, simply doing mode(WIFI_AP) does not work if sta connection is hanging, must `wifi_station_disconnect` WiFi_Disconnect(); WiFi_enableSTA(false); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Disabling STA")); #endif } else { WiFi_enableSTA(true); } // init configportal globals to known states configPortalActive = true; bool result = connect = abort = false; // loop flags, connect true success, abort true break uint8_t state; _configPortalStart = millis(); // start access point #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Enabling AP")); #endif startAP(); WiFiSetCountry(); // do AP callback if set if ( _apcallback != NULL) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("[CB] _apcallback calling")); #endif _apcallback(this); } // init configportal #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("setupConfigPortal")); #endif setupConfigPortal(); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("setupDNSD")); #endif setupDNSD(); if(!_configPortalIsBlocking){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Config Portal Running, non blocking (processing)")); if(_configPortalTimeout > 0) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Portal Timeout In"),(String)(_configPortalTimeout/1000) + (String)F(" seconds")); #endif return result; // skip blocking loop } // enter blocking loop, waiting for config #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Config Portal Running, blocking, waiting for clients...")); if(_configPortalTimeout > 0) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Portal Timeout In"),(String)(_configPortalTimeout/1000) + (String)F(" seconds")); #endif while(1){ // if timed out or abort, break if(configPortalHasTimeout() || abort){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("configportal loop abort")); #endif shutdownConfigPortal(); result = abort ? portalAbortResult : portalTimeoutResult; // false, false break; } state = processConfigPortal(); // status change, break // @todo what is this for, should be moved inside the processor // I think.. this is to detect autoconnect by esp in background, there are also many open issues about autoreconnect not working if(state != WL_IDLE_STATUS){ result = (state == WL_CONNECTED); // true if connected DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("configportal loop break")); break; } if(!configPortalActive) break; yield(); // watchdog } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_NOTIFY,F("config portal exiting")); #endif return result; } /** * [process description] * @access public * @return bool connected */ boolean WiFiManager::process(){ // process mdns, esp32 not required #if defined(WM_MDNS) && defined(ESP8266) MDNS.update(); #endif if(webPortalActive || (configPortalActive && !_configPortalIsBlocking)){ // if timed out or abort, break if(_allowExit && (configPortalHasTimeout() || abort)){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("process loop abort")); #endif webPortalActive = false; shutdownConfigPortal(); return false; } uint8_t state = processConfigPortal(); return state == WL_CONNECTED; } return false; } //using esp wl_status enums as returns for now, should be fine uint8_t WiFiManager::processConfigPortal(){ if(configPortalActive){ //DNS handler dnsServer->processNextRequest(); } //HTTP handler server->handleClient(); // Waiting for save... if(connect) { connect = false; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("processing save")); #endif if(_enableCaptivePortal) delay(_cpclosedelay); // keeps the captiveportal from closing to fast. // skip wifi if no ssid if(_ssid == ""){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("No ssid, skipping wifi save")); #endif } else{ // attempt sta connection to submitted _ssid, _pass uint8_t res = connectWifi(_ssid, _pass, _connectonsave) == WL_CONNECTED; if (res || (!_connectonsave)) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL if(!_connectonsave){ DEBUG_WM(F("SAVED with no connect to new AP")); } else { DEBUG_WM(F("Connect to new AP [SUCCESS]")); DEBUG_WM(F("Got IP Address:")); DEBUG_WM(WiFi.localIP()); } #endif if ( _savewificallback != NULL) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("[CB] _savewificallback calling")); #endif _savewificallback(); // @CALLBACK } if(!_connectonsave) return WL_IDLE_STATUS; if(_disableConfigPortal) shutdownConfigPortal(); return WL_CONNECTED; // CONNECT SUCCESS } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] Connect to new AP Failed")); #endif } if (_shouldBreakAfterConfig) { // do save callback // @todo this is more of an exiting callback than a save, clarify when this should actually occur // confirm or verify data was saved to make this more accurate callback if ( _savewificallback != NULL) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("[CB] WiFi/Param save callback")); #endif _savewificallback(); // @CALLBACK } if(_disableConfigPortal) shutdownConfigPortal(); return WL_CONNECT_FAILED; // CONNECT FAIL } else if(_configPortalIsBlocking){ // clear save strings _ssid = ""; _pass = ""; // if connect fails, turn sta off to stabilize AP WiFi_Disconnect(); WiFi_enableSTA(false); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Processing - Disabling STA")); #endif } else{ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Portal is non blocking - remaining open")); #endif } } return WL_IDLE_STATUS; } /** * [shutdownConfigPortal description] * @access public * @return bool success (softapdisconnect) */ bool WiFiManager::shutdownConfigPortal(){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("shutdownConfigPortal")); #endif if(webPortalActive) return false; if(configPortalActive){ //DNS handler dnsServer->processNextRequest(); } //HTTP handler server->handleClient(); // @todo what is the proper way to shutdown and free the server up // debug - many open issues aobut port not clearing for use with other servers server->stop(); server.reset(); WiFi.scanDelete(); // free wifi scan results if(!configPortalActive) return false; dnsServer->stop(); // free heap ? dnsServer.reset(); // turn off AP // @todo bug workaround // https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/3793 // [APdisconnect] set_config failed! *WM: disconnect configportal - softAPdisconnect failed // still no way to reproduce reliably bool ret = false; ret = WiFi.softAPdisconnect(false); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL if(!ret)DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] disconnect configportal - softAPdisconnect FAILED")); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("restoring usermode"),getModeString(_usermode)); #endif delay(1000); WiFi_Mode(_usermode); // restore users wifi mode, BUG https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/issues/4372 if(WiFi.status()==WL_IDLE_STATUS){ WiFi.reconnect(); // restart wifi since we disconnected it in startconfigportal #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("WiFi Reconnect, was idle")); #endif } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("wifi status:"),getWLStatusString(WiFi.status())); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("wifi mode:"),getModeString(WiFi.getMode())); #endif configPortalActive = false; DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("configportal closed")); _end(); return ret; } // @todo refactor this up into seperate functions // one for connecting to flash , one for new client // clean up, flow is convoluted, and causes bugs uint8_t WiFiManager::connectWifi(String ssid, String pass, bool connect) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Connecting as wifi client...")); #endif uint8_t retry = 1; uint8_t connRes = (uint8_t)WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL; setSTAConfig(); //@todo catch failures in set_config // make sure sta is on before `begin` so it does not call enablesta->mode while persistent is ON ( which would save WM AP state to eeprom !) // WiFi.setAutoReconnect(false); if(_cleanConnect) WiFi_Disconnect(); // disconnect before begin, in case anything is hung, this causes a 2 seconds delay for connect // @todo find out what status is when this is needed, can we detect it and handle it, say in between states or idle_status to avoid these // if retry without delay (via begin()), the IDF is still busy even after returning status // E (5130) wifi:sta is connecting, return error // [E][WiFiSTA.cpp:221] begin(): connect failed! while(retry <= _connectRetries && (connRes!=WL_CONNECTED)){ if(_connectRetries > 1){ if(_aggresiveReconn) delay(1000); // add idle time before recon #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("Connect Wifi, ATTEMPT #"),(String)retry+" of "+(String)_connectRetries); #endif } // if ssid argument provided connect to that if (ssid != "") { wifiConnectNew(ssid,pass,connect); // @todo connect=false seems to disconnect sta in begin() so not sure if _connectonsave is useful at all // skip wait if not connecting // if(connect){ if(_saveTimeout > 0){ connRes = waitForConnectResult(_saveTimeout); // use default save timeout for saves to prevent bugs in esp->waitforconnectresult loop } else { connRes = waitForConnectResult(0); } // } } else { // connect using saved ssid if there is one if (WiFi_hasAutoConnect()) { wifiConnectDefault(); connRes = waitForConnectResult(); } else { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("No wifi saved, skipping")); #endif } } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Connection result:"),getWLStatusString(connRes)); #endif retry++; } // WPS enabled? https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/pull/4889 #ifdef NO_EXTRA_4K_HEAP // do WPS, if WPS options enabled and not connected and no password was supplied // @todo this seems like wrong place for this, is it a fallback or option? if (_tryWPS && connRes != WL_CONNECTED && pass == "") { startWPS(); // should be connected at the end of WPS connRes = waitForConnectResult(); } #endif if(connRes != WL_SCAN_COMPLETED){ updateConxResult(connRes); } return connRes; } /** * connect to a new wifi ap * @since $dev * @param String ssid * @param String pass * @return bool success * @return connect only save if false */ bool WiFiManager::wifiConnectNew(String ssid, String pass,bool connect){ bool ret = false; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("CONNECTED: "),WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED ? "Y" : "NO"); DEBUG_WM(F("Connecting to NEW AP:"),ssid); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("Using Password:"),pass); #endif WiFi_enableSTA(true,storeSTAmode); // storeSTAmode will also toggle STA on in default opmode (persistent) if true (default) WiFi.persistent(true); ret = WiFi.begin(ssid.c_str(), pass.c_str(), 0, NULL, connect); WiFi.persistent(false); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL if(!ret) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] wifi begin failed")); #endif return ret; } /** * connect to stored wifi * @since dev * @return bool success */ bool WiFiManager::wifiConnectDefault(){ bool ret = false; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("Connecting to SAVED AP:"),WiFi_SSID(true)); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("Using Password:"),WiFi_psk(true)); #endif ret = WiFi_enableSTA(true,storeSTAmode); delay(500); // THIS DELAY ? #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("Mode after delay: "),getModeString(WiFi.getMode())); if(!ret) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] wifi enableSta failed")); #endif ret = WiFi.begin(); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL if(!ret) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] wifi begin failed")); #endif return ret; } /** * set sta config if set * @since $dev * @return bool success */ bool WiFiManager::setSTAConfig(){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("STA static IP:"),_sta_static_ip); #endif bool ret = true; if (_sta_static_ip) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Custom static IP/GW/Subnet/DNS")); #endif if(_sta_static_dns) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Custom static DNS")); #endif ret = WiFi.config(_sta_static_ip, _sta_static_gw, _sta_static_sn, _sta_static_dns); } else { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Custom STA IP/GW/Subnet")); #endif ret = WiFi.config(_sta_static_ip, _sta_static_gw, _sta_static_sn); } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL if(!ret) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] wifi config failed")); else DEBUG_WM(F("STA IP set:"),WiFi.localIP()); #endif } else { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("setSTAConfig static ip not set, skipping")); #endif } return ret; } // @todo change to getLastFailureReason and do not touch conxresult void WiFiManager::updateConxResult(uint8_t status){ // hack in wrong password detection _lastconxresult = status; #ifdef ESP8266 if(_lastconxresult == WL_CONNECT_FAILED){ if(wifi_station_get_connect_status() == STATION_WRONG_PASSWORD){ _lastconxresult = WL_STATION_WRONG_PASSWORD; } } #elif defined(ESP32) // if(_lastconxresult == WL_CONNECT_FAILED){ if(_lastconxresult == WL_CONNECT_FAILED || _lastconxresult == WL_DISCONNECTED){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("lastconxresulttmp:"),getWLStatusString(_lastconxresulttmp)); #endif if(_lastconxresulttmp != WL_IDLE_STATUS){ _lastconxresult = _lastconxresulttmp; // _lastconxresulttmp = WL_IDLE_STATUS; } } DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("lastconxresult:"),getWLStatusString(_lastconxresult)); #endif } uint8_t WiFiManager::waitForConnectResult() { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL if(_connectTimeout > 0) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,_connectTimeout,F("ms connectTimeout set")); #endif return waitForConnectResult(_connectTimeout); } /** * waitForConnectResult * @param uint16_t timeout in seconds * @return uint8_t WL Status */ uint8_t WiFiManager::waitForConnectResult(uint32_t timeout) { if (timeout == 0){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult...")); #endif return WiFi.waitForConnectResult(); } unsigned long timeoutmillis = millis() + timeout; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,timeout,F("ms timeout, waiting for connect...")); #endif uint8_t status = WiFi.status(); while(millis() < timeoutmillis) { status = WiFi.status(); // @todo detect additional states, connect happens, then dhcp then get ip, there is some delay here, make sure not to timeout if waiting on IP if (status == WL_CONNECTED || status == WL_CONNECT_FAILED) { return status; } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM (DEBUG_VERBOSE,F(".")); #endif delay(100); } return status; } // WPS enabled? https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/pull/4889 #ifdef NO_EXTRA_4K_HEAP void WiFiManager::startWPS() { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("START WPS")); #endif #ifdef ESP8266 WiFi.beginWPSConfig(); #else // @todo #endif #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("END WPS")); #endif } #endif String WiFiManager::getHTTPHead(String title){ String page; page += FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD_START); page.replace(FPSTR(T_v), title); page += FPSTR(HTTP_SCRIPT); page += FPSTR(HTTP_STYLE); page += _customHeadElement; if(_bodyClass != ""){ String p = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD_END); p.replace(FPSTR(T_c), _bodyClass); // add class str page += p; } else { page += FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD_END); } return page; } void WiFiManager::HTTPSend(String content){ server->send(200, FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD_CT), content); } /** * HTTPD handler for page requests */ void WiFiManager::handleRequest() { _webPortalAccessed = millis(); // TESTING HTTPD AUTH RFC 2617 // BASIC_AUTH will hold onto creds, hard to "logout", but convienent // DIGEST_AUTH will require new auth often, and nonce is random // bool authenticate(const char * username, const char * password); // bool authenticateDigest(const String& username, const String& H1); // void requestAuthentication(HTTPAuthMethod mode = BASIC_AUTH, const char* realm = NULL, const String& authFailMsg = String("") ); // 2.3 NO AUTH available bool testauth = false; if(!testauth) return; DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("DOING AUTH")); bool res = server->authenticate("admin","12345"); if(!res){ #ifndef WM_NOAUTH server->requestAuthentication(HTTPAuthMethod::BASIC_AUTH); // DIGEST_AUTH #endif DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("AUTH FAIL")); } } /** * HTTPD CALLBACK root or redirect to captive portal */ void WiFiManager::handleRoot() { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("<- HTTP Root")); #endif if (captivePortal()) return; // If captive portal redirect instead of displaying the page handleRequest(); String page = getHTTPHead(_title); // @token options @todo replace options with title String str = FPSTR(HTTP_ROOT_MAIN); // @todo custom title str.replace(FPSTR(T_t),_title); str.replace(FPSTR(T_v),configPortalActive ? _apName : (getWiFiHostname() + " - " + WiFi.localIP().toString())); // use ip if ap is not active for heading @todo use hostname? page += str; page += FPSTR(HTTP_PORTAL_OPTIONS); page += getMenuOut(); reportStatus(page); page += FPSTR(HTTP_END); HTTPSend(page); if(_preloadwifiscan) WiFi_scanNetworks(_scancachetime,true); // preload wifiscan throttled, async // @todo buggy, captive portals make a query on every page load, causing this to run every time in addition to the real page load // I dont understand why, when you are already in the captive portal, I guess they want to know that its still up and not done or gone // if we can detect these and ignore them that would be great, since they come from the captive portal redirect maybe there is a refferer } /** * HTTPD CALLBACK Wifi config page handler */ void WiFiManager::handleWifi(boolean scan) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("<- HTTP Wifi")); #endif handleRequest(); String page = getHTTPHead(FPSTR(S_titlewifi)); // @token titlewifi if (scan) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,"refresh flag:",server->hasArg(F("refresh"))); #endif WiFi_scanNetworks(server->hasArg(F("refresh")),false); //wifiscan, force if arg refresh page += getScanItemOut(); } String pitem = ""; pitem = FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_START); pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_v), F("wifisave")); // set form action page += pitem; pitem = FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_WIFI); pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_v), WiFi_SSID()); if(_showPassword){ pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_p), WiFi_psk()); } else if(WiFi_psk() != ""){ pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_p),FPSTR(S_passph)); } else { pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_p),""); } page += pitem; page += getStaticOut(); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_WIFI_END); if(_paramsInWifi && _paramsCount>0){ page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_PARAM_HEAD); page += getParamOut(); } page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_END); page += FPSTR(HTTP_SCAN_LINK); if(_showBack) page += FPSTR(HTTP_BACKBTN); reportStatus(page); page += FPSTR(HTTP_END); HTTPSend(page); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("Sent config page")); #endif } /** * HTTPD CALLBACK Wifi param page handler */ void WiFiManager::handleParam(){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("<- HTTP Param")); #endif handleRequest(); String page = getHTTPHead(FPSTR(S_titleparam)); // @token titlewifi String pitem = ""; pitem = FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_START); pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_v), F("paramsave")); page += pitem; page += getParamOut(); page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_END); if(_showBack) page += FPSTR(HTTP_BACKBTN); reportStatus(page); page += FPSTR(HTTP_END); HTTPSend(page); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("Sent param page")); #endif } String WiFiManager::getMenuOut(){ String page; for(auto menuId :_menuIds ){ if((String)_menutokens[menuId] == "param" && _paramsCount == 0) continue; // no params set, omit params from menu, @todo this may be undesired by someone, use only menu to force? if((String)_menutokens[menuId] == "custom" && _customMenuHTML!=NULL){ page += _customMenuHTML; continue; } page += HTTP_PORTAL_MENU[menuId]; } return page; } // // is it possible in softap mode to detect aps without scanning // bool WiFiManager::WiFi_scanNetworksForAP(bool force){ // WiFi_scanNetworks(force); // } void WiFiManager::WiFi_scanComplete(int networksFound){ _lastscan = millis(); _numNetworks = networksFound; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("WiFi Scan ASYNC completed"), "in "+(String)(_lastscan - _startscan)+" ms"); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("WiFi Scan ASYNC found:"),_numNetworks); #endif } bool WiFiManager::WiFi_scanNetworks(){ return WiFi_scanNetworks(false,false); } bool WiFiManager::WiFi_scanNetworks(unsigned int cachetime,bool async){ return WiFi_scanNetworks(millis()-_lastscan > cachetime,async); } bool WiFiManager::WiFi_scanNetworks(unsigned int cachetime){ return WiFi_scanNetworks(millis()-_lastscan > cachetime,false); } bool WiFiManager::WiFi_scanNetworks(bool force,bool async){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,"scanNetworks async:",async == true); // DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,_numNetworks,(millis()-_lastscan )); // DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,"scanNetworks force:",force == true); #endif if(_numNetworks == 0){ DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,"NO APs found forcing new scan"); force = true; } if(force || (_lastscan>0 && (millis()-_lastscan > 60000))){ int8_t res; _startscan = millis(); if(async && _asyncScan){ #ifdef ESP8266 #ifndef WM_NOASYNC // no async available < 2.4.0 #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("WiFi Scan ASYNC started")); #endif using namespace std::placeholders; // for `_1` WiFi.scanNetworksAsync(std::bind(&WiFiManager::WiFi_scanComplete,this,_1)); #else DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("WiFi Scan SYNC started")); res = WiFi.scanNetworks(); #endif #else #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("WiFi Scan ASYNC started")); #endif res = WiFi.scanNetworks(true); #endif return false; } else{ DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("WiFi Scan SYNC started")); res = WiFi.scanNetworks(); } if(res == WIFI_SCAN_FAILED){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] scan failed")); #endif } else if(res == WIFI_SCAN_RUNNING){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] scan waiting")); #endif while(WiFi.scanComplete() == WIFI_SCAN_RUNNING){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,"."); #endif delay(100); } _numNetworks = WiFi.scanComplete(); } else if(res >=0 ) _numNetworks = res; _lastscan = millis(); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("WiFi Scan completed"), "in "+(String)(_lastscan - _startscan)+" ms"); #endif return true; } else { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Scan is cached"),(String)(millis()-_lastscan )+" ms ago"); #endif } return false; } String WiFiManager::WiFiManager::getScanItemOut(){ String page; if(!_numNetworks) WiFi_scanNetworks(); // scan in case this gets called before any scans int n = _numNetworks; if (n == 0) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("No networks found")); #endif page += FPSTR(S_nonetworks); // @token nonetworks page += F("

"); } else { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(n,F("networks found")); #endif //sort networks int indices[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { indices[i] = i; } // RSSI SORT for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { if (WiFi.RSSI(indices[j]) > WiFi.RSSI(indices[i])) { std::swap(indices[i], indices[j]); } } } /* test std:sort std::sort(indices, indices + n, [](const int & a, const int & b) -> bool { return WiFi.RSSI(a) > WiFi.RSSI(b); }); */ // remove duplicates ( must be RSSI sorted ) if (_removeDuplicateAPs) { String cssid; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (indices[i] == -1) continue; cssid = WiFi.SSID(indices[i]); for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { if (cssid == WiFi.SSID(indices[j])) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("DUP AP:"),WiFi.SSID(indices[j])); #endif indices[j] = -1; // set dup aps to index -1 } } } } // token precheck, to speed up replacements on large ap lists String HTTP_ITEM_STR = FPSTR(HTTP_ITEM); // toggle icons with percentage HTTP_ITEM_STR.replace("{qp}", FPSTR(HTTP_ITEM_QP)); HTTP_ITEM_STR.replace("{h}",_scanDispOptions ? "" : "h"); HTTP_ITEM_STR.replace("{qi}", FPSTR(HTTP_ITEM_QI)); HTTP_ITEM_STR.replace("{h}",_scanDispOptions ? "h" : ""); // set token precheck flags bool tok_r = HTTP_ITEM_STR.indexOf(FPSTR(T_r)) > 0; bool tok_R = HTTP_ITEM_STR.indexOf(FPSTR(T_R)) > 0; bool tok_e = HTTP_ITEM_STR.indexOf(FPSTR(T_e)) > 0; bool tok_q = HTTP_ITEM_STR.indexOf(FPSTR(T_q)) > 0; bool tok_i = HTTP_ITEM_STR.indexOf(FPSTR(T_i)) > 0; //display networks in page for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (indices[i] == -1) continue; // skip dups #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("AP: "),(String)WiFi.RSSI(indices[i]) + " " + (String)WiFi.SSID(indices[i])); #endif int rssiperc = getRSSIasQuality(WiFi.RSSI(indices[i])); uint8_t enc_type = WiFi.encryptionType(indices[i]); if (_minimumQuality == -1 || _minimumQuality < rssiperc) { String item = HTTP_ITEM_STR; if(WiFi.SSID(indices[i]) == ""){ // Serial.println(WiFi.BSSIDstr(indices[i])); continue; // No idea why I am seeing these, lets just skip them for now } item.replace(FPSTR(T_V), htmlEntities(WiFi.SSID(indices[i]))); // ssid no encoding item.replace(FPSTR(T_v), htmlEntities(WiFi.SSID(indices[i]),true)); // ssid no encoding if(tok_e) item.replace(FPSTR(T_e), encryptionTypeStr(enc_type)); if(tok_r) item.replace(FPSTR(T_r), (String)rssiperc); // rssi percentage 0-100 if(tok_R) item.replace(FPSTR(T_R), (String)WiFi.RSSI(indices[i])); // rssi db if(tok_q) item.replace(FPSTR(T_q), (String)int(round(map(rssiperc,0,100,1,4)))); //quality icon 1-4 if(tok_i){ if (enc_type != WM_WIFIOPEN) { item.replace(FPSTR(T_i), F("l")); } else { item.replace(FPSTR(T_i), ""); } } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,item); #endif page += item; delay(0); } else { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Skipping , does not meet _minimumQuality")); #endif } } page += FPSTR(HTTP_BR); } return page; } String WiFiManager::getIpForm(String id, String title, String value){ String item = FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_LABEL); item += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_PARAM); item.replace(FPSTR(T_i), id); item.replace(FPSTR(T_n), id); item.replace(FPSTR(T_p), FPSTR(T_t)); // item.replace(FPSTR(T_p), default); item.replace(FPSTR(T_t), title); item.replace(FPSTR(T_l), F("15")); item.replace(FPSTR(T_v), value); item.replace(FPSTR(T_c), ""); return item; } String WiFiManager::getStaticOut(){ String page; if ((_staShowStaticFields || _sta_static_ip) && _staShowStaticFields>=0) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("_staShowStaticFields")); #endif page += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_STATIC_HEAD); // @todo how can we get these accurate settings from memory , wifi_get_ip_info does not seem to reveal if struct ip_info is static or not page += getIpForm(FPSTR(S_ip),FPSTR(S_staticip),(_sta_static_ip ? _sta_static_ip.toString() : "")); // @token staticip // WiFi.localIP().toString(); page += getIpForm(FPSTR(S_gw),FPSTR(S_staticgw),(_sta_static_gw ? _sta_static_gw.toString() : "")); // @token staticgw // WiFi.gatewayIP().toString(); page += getIpForm(FPSTR(S_sn),FPSTR(S_subnet),(_sta_static_sn ? _sta_static_sn.toString() : "")); // @token subnet // WiFi.subnetMask().toString(); } if((_staShowDns || _sta_static_dns) && _staShowDns>=0){ page += getIpForm(FPSTR(S_dns),FPSTR(S_staticdns),(_sta_static_dns ? _sta_static_dns.toString() : "")); // @token dns } if(page!="") page += FPSTR(HTTP_BR); // @todo remove these, use css return page; } String WiFiManager::getParamOut(){ String page; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("getParamOut"),_paramsCount); #endif if(_paramsCount > 0){ String HTTP_PARAM_temp = FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_LABEL); HTTP_PARAM_temp += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_PARAM); bool tok_I = HTTP_PARAM_temp.indexOf(FPSTR(T_I)) > 0; bool tok_i = HTTP_PARAM_temp.indexOf(FPSTR(T_i)) > 0; bool tok_n = HTTP_PARAM_temp.indexOf(FPSTR(T_n)) > 0; bool tok_p = HTTP_PARAM_temp.indexOf(FPSTR(T_p)) > 0; bool tok_t = HTTP_PARAM_temp.indexOf(FPSTR(T_t)) > 0; bool tok_l = HTTP_PARAM_temp.indexOf(FPSTR(T_l)) > 0; bool tok_v = HTTP_PARAM_temp.indexOf(FPSTR(T_v)) > 0; bool tok_c = HTTP_PARAM_temp.indexOf(FPSTR(T_c)) > 0; char valLength[5]; for (int i = 0; i < _paramsCount; i++) { //Serial.println((String)_params[i]->_length); if (_params[i] == NULL || _params[i]->_length == 0 || _params[i]->_length > 99999) { // try to detect param scope issues, doesnt always catch but works ok #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] WiFiManagerParameter is out of scope")); #endif return ""; } } // add the extra parameters to the form for (int i = 0; i < _paramsCount; i++) { // label before or after, @todo this could be done via floats or CSS and eliminated String pitem; switch (_params[i]->getLabelPlacement()) { case WFM_LABEL_BEFORE: pitem = FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_LABEL); pitem += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_PARAM); break; case WFM_LABEL_AFTER: pitem = FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_PARAM); pitem += FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_LABEL); break; default: // WFM_NO_LABEL pitem = FPSTR(HTTP_FORM_PARAM); break; } // Input templating // "
"; // if no ID use customhtml for item, else generate from param string if (_params[i]->getID() != NULL) { if(tok_I)pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_I), (String)FPSTR(S_parampre)+(String)i); // T_I id number if(tok_i)pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_i), _params[i]->getID()); // T_i id name if(tok_n)pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_n), _params[i]->getID()); // T_n id name alias if(tok_p)pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_p), FPSTR(T_t)); // T_p replace legacy placeholder token if(tok_t)pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_t), _params[i]->getLabel()); // T_t title/label snprintf(valLength, 5, "%d", _params[i]->getValueLength()); if(tok_l)pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_l), valLength); // T_l value length if(tok_v)pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_v), _params[i]->getValue()); // T_v value if(tok_c)pitem.replace(FPSTR(T_c), _params[i]->getCustomHTML()); // T_c meant for additional attributes, not html, but can stuff } else { pitem = _params[i]->getCustomHTML(); } page += pitem; } } return page; } void WiFiManager::handleWiFiStatus(){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("<- HTTP WiFi status ")); #endif handleRequest(); String page; // String page = "{\"result\":true,\"count\":1}"; #ifdef WM_JSTEST page = FPSTR(HTTP_JS); #endif HTTPSend(page); } /** * HTTPD CALLBACK save form and redirect to WLAN config page again */ void WiFiManager::handleWifiSave() { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("<- HTTP WiFi save ")); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("Method:"),server->method() == HTTP_GET ? (String)FPSTR(S_GET) : (String)FPSTR(S_POST)); #endif handleRequest(); //SAVE/connect here _ssid = server->arg(F("s")).c_str(); _pass = server->arg(F("p")).c_str(); // set static ips from server args if (server->arg(FPSTR(S_ip)) != "") { //_sta_static_ip.fromString(server->arg(FPSTR(S_ip)); String ip = server->arg(FPSTR(S_ip)); optionalIPFromString(&_sta_static_ip, ip.c_str()); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("static ip:"),ip); #endif } if (server->arg(FPSTR(S_gw)) != "") { String gw = server->arg(FPSTR(S_gw)); optionalIPFromString(&_sta_static_gw, gw.c_str()); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("static gateway:"),gw); #endif } if (server->arg(FPSTR(S_sn)) != "") { String sn = server->arg(FPSTR(S_sn)); optionalIPFromString(&_sta_static_sn, sn.c_str()); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("static netmask:"),sn); #endif } if (server->arg(FPSTR(S_dns)) != "") { String dns = server->arg(FPSTR(S_dns)); optionalIPFromString(&_sta_static_dns, dns.c_str()); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("static DNS:"),dns); #endif } if (_presavewificallback != NULL) { _presavewificallback(); // @CALLBACK } if(_paramsInWifi) doParamSave(); String page; if(_ssid == ""){ page = getHTTPHead(FPSTR(S_titlewifisettings)); // @token titleparamsaved page += FPSTR(HTTP_PARAMSAVED); } else { page = getHTTPHead(FPSTR(S_titlewifisaved)); // @token titlewifisaved page += FPSTR(HTTP_SAVED); } page += FPSTR(HTTP_END); server->sendHeader(FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD_CORS), FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD_CORS_ALLOW_ALL)); // @HTTPHEAD send cors HTTPSend(page); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("Sent wifi save page")); #endif connect = true; //signal ready to connect/reset process in processConfigPortal } void WiFiManager::handleParamSave() { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("<- HTTP Param save ")); #endif #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("Method:"),server->method() == HTTP_GET ? (String)FPSTR(S_GET) : (String)FPSTR(S_POST)); #endif handleRequest(); doParamSave(); String page = getHTTPHead(FPSTR(S_titleparamsaved)); // @token titleparamsaved page += FPSTR(HTTP_PARAMSAVED); page += FPSTR(HTTP_END); HTTPSend(page); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("Sent param save page")); #endif } void WiFiManager::doParamSave(){ // @todo use new callback for before paramsaves, is this really needed? if ( _presaveparamscallback != NULL) { _presaveparamscallback(); // @CALLBACK } //parameters if(_paramsCount > 0){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Parameters")); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,FPSTR(D_HR)); #endif for (int i = 0; i < _paramsCount; i++) { if (_params[i] == NULL || _params[i]->_length == 0) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] WiFiManagerParameter is out of scope")); #endif break; // @todo might not be needed anymore } //read parameter from server String name = (String)FPSTR(S_parampre)+(String)i; String value; if(server->hasArg(name)) { value = server->arg(name); } else { value = server->arg(_params[i]->getID()); } //store it in params array value.toCharArray(_params[i]->_value, _params[i]->_length+1); // length+1 null terminated #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,(String)_params[i]->getID() + ":",value); #endif } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,FPSTR(D_HR)); #endif } if ( _saveparamscallback != NULL) { _saveparamscallback(); // @CALLBACK } } /** * HTTPD CALLBACK info page */ void WiFiManager::handleInfo() { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("<- HTTP Info")); #endif handleRequest(); String page = getHTTPHead(FPSTR(S_titleinfo)); // @token titleinfo reportStatus(page); uint16_t infos = 0; //@todo convert to enum or refactor to strings //@todo wrap in build flag to remove all info code for memory saving #ifdef ESP8266 infos = 28; String infoids[] = { F("esphead"), F("uptime"), F("chipid"), F("fchipid"), F("idesize"), F("flashsize"), F("corever"), F("bootver"), F("cpufreq"), F("freeheap"), F("memsketch"), F("memsmeter"), F("lastreset"), F("wifihead"), F("conx"), F("stassid"), F("staip"), F("stagw"), F("stasub"), F("dnss"), F("host"), F("stamac"), F("autoconx"), F("wifiaphead"), F("apssid"), F("apip"), F("apbssid"), F("apmac") }; #elif defined(ESP32) // add esp_chip_info ? infos = 26; String infoids[] = { F("esphead"), F("uptime"), F("chipid"), F("chiprev"), F("idesize"), F("flashsize"), F("cpufreq"), F("freeheap"), F("memsketch"), F("memsmeter"), F("lastreset"), F("wifihead"), F("conx"), F("stassid"), F("staip"), F("stagw"), F("stasub"), F("dnss"), F("host"), F("stamac"), F("apssid"), F("wifiaphead"), F("apip"), F("apmac"), F("aphost"), F("apbssid") // F("temp") }; #endif for(size_t i=0; i"); page += F("


"); page += getInfoData("aboutver"); page += getInfoData("aboutarduinover"); page += getInfoData("aboutidfver"); page += getInfoData("aboutdate"); page += F("
"); if(_showInfoUpdate){ page += HTTP_PORTAL_MENU[8]; page += HTTP_PORTAL_MENU[9]; } if(_showInfoErase) page += FPSTR(HTTP_ERASEBTN); if(_showBack) page += FPSTR(HTTP_BACKBTN); page += FPSTR(HTTP_HELP); page += FPSTR(HTTP_END); HTTPSend(page); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("Sent info page")); #endif } String WiFiManager::getInfoData(String id){ String p; // @todo add WM versioning if(id==F("esphead"))p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_esphead); else if(id==F("wifihead"))p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_wifihead); else if(id==F("uptime")){ // subject to rollover! p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_uptime); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)(millis() / 1000 / 60)); p.replace(FPSTR(T_2),(String)((millis() / 1000) % 60)); } else if(id==F("chipid")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_chipid); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),String(WIFI_getChipId(),HEX)); } #ifdef ESP32 else if(id==F("chiprev")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_chiprev); String rev = (String)ESP.getChipRevision(); #ifdef _SOC_EFUSE_REG_H_ String revb = (String)(REG_READ(EFUSE_BLK0_RDATA3_REG) >> (EFUSE_RD_CHIP_VER_RESERVE_S)&&EFUSE_RD_CHIP_VER_RESERVE_V); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),rev+"
"+revb); #else p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),rev); #endif } #endif #ifdef ESP8266 else if(id==F("fchipid")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_fchipid); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)ESP.getFlashChipId()); } #endif else if(id==F("idesize")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_idesize); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)ESP.getFlashChipSize()); } else if(id==F("flashsize")){ #ifdef ESP8266 p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_flashsize); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)ESP.getFlashChipRealSize()); #elif defined ESP32 p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_psrsize); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)ESP.getPsramSize()); #endif } else if(id==F("corever")){ #ifdef ESP8266 p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_corever); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)ESP.getCoreVersion()); #endif } #ifdef ESP8266 else if(id==F("bootver")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_bootver); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)system_get_boot_version()); } #endif else if(id==F("cpufreq")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_cpufreq); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)ESP.getCpuFreqMHz()); } else if(id==F("freeheap")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_freeheap); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)ESP.getFreeHeap()); } else if(id==F("memsketch")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_memsketch); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)(ESP.getSketchSize())); p.replace(FPSTR(T_2),(String)(ESP.getSketchSize()+ESP.getFreeSketchSpace())); } else if(id==F("memsmeter")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_memsmeter); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)(ESP.getSketchSize())); p.replace(FPSTR(T_2),(String)(ESP.getSketchSize()+ESP.getFreeSketchSpace())); } else if(id==F("lastreset")){ #ifdef ESP8266 p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_lastreset); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)ESP.getResetReason()); #elif defined(ESP32) && defined(_ROM_RTC_H_) // requires #include p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_lastreset); for(int i=0;i<2;i++){ int reason = rtc_get_reset_reason(i); String tok = (String)T_ss+(String)(i+1)+(String)T_es; switch (reason) { //@todo move to array case 1 : p.replace(tok,F("Vbat power on reset"));break; case 3 : p.replace(tok,F("Software reset digital core"));break; case 4 : p.replace(tok,F("Legacy watch dog reset digital core"));break; case 5 : p.replace(tok,F("Deep Sleep reset digital core"));break; case 6 : p.replace(tok,F("Reset by SLC module, reset digital core"));break; case 7 : p.replace(tok,F("Timer Group0 Watch dog reset digital core"));break; case 8 : p.replace(tok,F("Timer Group1 Watch dog reset digital core"));break; case 9 : p.replace(tok,F("RTC Watch dog Reset digital core"));break; case 10 : p.replace(tok,F("Instrusion tested to reset CPU"));break; case 11 : p.replace(tok,F("Time Group reset CPU"));break; case 12 : p.replace(tok,F("Software reset CPU"));break; case 13 : p.replace(tok,F("RTC Watch dog Reset CPU"));break; case 14 : p.replace(tok,F("for APP CPU, reseted by PRO CPU"));break; case 15 : p.replace(tok,F("Reset when the vdd voltage is not stable"));break; case 16 : p.replace(tok,F("RTC Watch dog reset digital core and rtc module"));break; default : p.replace(tok,F("NO_MEAN")); } } #endif } else if(id==F("apip")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_apip); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),WiFi.softAPIP().toString()); } else if(id==F("apmac")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_apmac); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)WiFi.softAPmacAddress()); } #ifdef ESP32 else if(id==F("aphost")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_aphost); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),WiFi.softAPgetHostname()); } #endif #ifndef WM_NOSOFTAPSSID #ifdef ESP8266 else if(id==F("apssid")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_apssid); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),htmlEntities(WiFi.softAPSSID())); } #endif #endif else if(id==F("apbssid")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_apbssid); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)WiFi.BSSIDstr()); } // softAPgetHostname // esp32 // softAPSubnetCIDR // softAPNetworkID // softAPBroadcastIP else if(id==F("stassid")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_stassid); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),htmlEntities((String)WiFi_SSID())); } else if(id==F("staip")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_staip); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),WiFi.localIP().toString()); } else if(id==F("stagw")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_stagw); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),WiFi.gatewayIP().toString()); } else if(id==F("stasub")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_stasub); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),WiFi.subnetMask().toString()); } else if(id==F("dnss")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_dnss); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),WiFi.dnsIP().toString()); } else if(id==F("host")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_host); #ifdef ESP32 p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),WiFi.getHostname()); #else p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),WiFi.hostname()); #endif } else if(id==F("stamac")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_stamac); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),WiFi.macAddress()); } else if(id==F("conx")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_conx); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),WiFi.isConnected() ? FPSTR(S_y) : FPSTR(S_n)); } #ifdef ESP8266 else if(id==F("autoconx")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_autoconx); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),WiFi.getAutoConnect() ? FPSTR(S_enable) : FPSTR(S_disable)); } #endif #if defined(ESP32) && !defined(WM_NOTEMP) else if(id==F("temp")){ // temperature is not calibrated, varying large offsets are present, use for relative temp changes only p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_temp); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)temperatureRead()); p.replace(FPSTR(T_2),(String)((temperatureRead()+32)*1.8)); // p.replace(FPSTR(T_3),(String)hallRead()); p.replace(FPSTR(T_3),"NA"); } #endif else if(id==F("aboutver")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_aboutver); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),FPSTR(WM_VERSION_STR)); } else if(id==F("aboutarduinover")){ #ifdef VER_ARDUINO_STR p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_aboutarduino); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),String(VER_ARDUINO_STR)); #endif } // else if(id==F("aboutidfver")){ // #ifdef VER_IDF_STR // p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_aboutidf); // p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),String(VER_IDF_STR)); // #endif // } else if(id==F("aboutsdkver")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_sdkver); #ifdef ESP32 p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)esp_get_idf_version()); // p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)system_get_sdk_version()); // deprecated #else p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),(String)system_get_sdk_version()); #endif } else if(id==F("aboutdate")){ p = FPSTR(HTTP_INFO_aboutdate); p.replace(FPSTR(T_1),String(__DATE__ " " __TIME__)); } return p; } /** * HTTPD CALLBACK exit, closes configportal if blocking, if non blocking undefined */ void WiFiManager::handleExit() { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("<- HTTP Exit")); #endif handleRequest(); String page = getHTTPHead(FPSTR(S_titleexit)); // @token titleexit page += FPSTR(S_exiting); // @token exiting // ('Logout', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login required"'}) server->sendHeader(F("Cache-Control"), F("no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate")); // @HTTPHEAD send cache HTTPSend(page); delay(2000); abort = true; } /** * HTTPD CALLBACK reset page */ void WiFiManager::handleReset() { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("<- HTTP Reset")); #endif handleRequest(); String page = getHTTPHead(FPSTR(S_titlereset)); //@token titlereset page += FPSTR(S_resetting); //@token resetting page += FPSTR(HTTP_END); HTTPSend(page); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("RESETTING ESP")); #endif delay(1000); reboot(); } /** * HTTPD CALLBACK erase page */ // void WiFiManager::handleErase() { // handleErase(false); // } void WiFiManager::handleErase(boolean opt) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_NOTIFY,F("<- HTTP Erase")); #endif handleRequest(); String page = getHTTPHead(FPSTR(S_titleerase)); // @token titleerase bool ret = erase(opt); if(ret) page += FPSTR(S_resetting); // @token resetting else { page += FPSTR(S_error); // @token erroroccur #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] WiFi EraseConfig failed")); #endif } page += FPSTR(HTTP_END); HTTPSend(page); if(ret){ delay(2000); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("RESETTING ESP")); #endif reboot(); } } /** * HTTPD CALLBACK 404 */ void WiFiManager::handleNotFound() { if (captivePortal()) return; // If captive portal redirect instead of displaying the page handleRequest(); String message = FPSTR(S_notfound); // @token notfound message += FPSTR(S_uri); // @token uri message += server->uri(); message += FPSTR(S_method); // @token method message += ( server->method() == HTTP_GET ) ? FPSTR(S_GET) : FPSTR(S_POST); message += FPSTR(S_args); // @token args message += server->args(); message += F("\n"); for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < server->args(); i++ ) { message += " " + server->argName ( i ) + ": " + server->arg ( i ) + "\n"; } server->sendHeader(F("Cache-Control"), F("no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate")); // @HTTPHEAD send cache server->sendHeader(F("Pragma"), F("no-cache")); server->sendHeader(F("Expires"), F("-1")); server->send ( 404, FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD_CT2), message ); } /** * HTTPD redirector * Redirect to captive portal if we got a request for another domain. * Return true in that case so the page handler do not try to handle the request again. */ boolean WiFiManager::captivePortal() { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,"-> " + server->hostHeader()); #endif if(!_enableCaptivePortal) return false; // skip redirections, @todo maybe allow redirection even when no cp ? might be useful String serverLoc = toStringIp(server->client().localIP()); if(_httpPort != 80) serverLoc += ":" + (String)_httpPort; // add port if not default bool doredirect = serverLoc != server->hostHeader(); // redirect if hostheader not server ip, prevent redirect loops // doredirect = !isIp(server->hostHeader()) // old check if (doredirect) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("<- Request redirected to captive portal")); #endif server->sendHeader(F("Location"), (String)F("http://") + serverLoc, true); // @HTTPHEAD send redirect server->send ( 302, FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD_CT2), ""); // Empty content inhibits Content-length header so we have to close the socket ourselves. server->client().stop(); // Stop is needed because we sent no content length return true; } return false; } void WiFiManager::stopCaptivePortal(){ _enableCaptivePortal= false; // @todo maybe disable configportaltimeout(optional), or just provide callback for user } // HTTPD CALLBACK, handle close, stop captive portal, if not enabled undefined void WiFiManager::handleClose(){ DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Disabling Captive Portal")); stopCaptivePortal(); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("<- HTTP close")); #endif handleRequest(); String page = getHTTPHead(FPSTR(S_titleclose)); // @token titleclose page += FPSTR(S_closing); // @token closing HTTPSend(page); } void WiFiManager::reportStatus(String &page){ // updateConxResult(WiFi.status()); // @todo: this defeats the purpose of last result, update elsewhere or add logic here DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("[WIFI] reportStatus prev:"),getWLStatusString(_lastconxresult)); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("[WIFI] reportStatus current:"),getWLStatusString(WiFi.status())); String str; if (WiFi_SSID() != ""){ if (WiFi.status()==WL_CONNECTED){ str = FPSTR(HTTP_STATUS_ON); str.replace(FPSTR(T_i),WiFi.localIP().toString()); str.replace(FPSTR(T_v),htmlEntities(WiFi_SSID())); } else { str = FPSTR(HTTP_STATUS_OFF); str.replace(FPSTR(T_v),htmlEntities(WiFi_SSID())); if(_lastconxresult == WL_STATION_WRONG_PASSWORD){ // wrong password str.replace(FPSTR(T_c),"D"); // class str.replace(FPSTR(T_r),FPSTR(HTTP_STATUS_OFFPW)); } else if(_lastconxresult == WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL){ // connect failed, or ap not found str.replace(FPSTR(T_c),"D"); str.replace(FPSTR(T_r),FPSTR(HTTP_STATUS_OFFNOAP)); } else if(_lastconxresult == WL_CONNECT_FAILED){ // connect failed str.replace(FPSTR(T_c),"D"); str.replace(FPSTR(T_r),FPSTR(HTTP_STATUS_OFFFAIL)); } else{ str.replace(FPSTR(T_c),""); str.replace(FPSTR(T_r),""); } } } else { str = FPSTR(HTTP_STATUS_NONE); } page += str; } // PUBLIC // METHODS /** * reset wifi settings, clean stored ap password */ /** * [stopConfigPortal description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ bool WiFiManager::stopConfigPortal(){ if(_configPortalIsBlocking){ abort = true; return true; } return shutdownConfigPortal(); } /** * disconnect * @access public * @since $dev * @return bool success */ bool WiFiManager::disconnect(){ if(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("Disconnecting: Not connected")); #endif return false; } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("Disconnecting")); #endif return WiFi_Disconnect(); } /** * reboot the device * @access public */ void WiFiManager::reboot(){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("Restarting")); #endif ESP.restart(); } /** * reboot the device * @access public */ bool WiFiManager::erase(){ return erase(false); } bool WiFiManager::erase(bool opt){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM("Erasing"); #endif #if defined(ESP32) && ((defined(WM_ERASE_NVS) || defined(nvs_flash_h))) // if opt true, do nvs erase if(opt){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("Erasing NVS")); #endif esp_err_t err; err = nvs_flash_init(); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("nvs_flash_init: "),err!=ESP_OK ? (String)err : "Success"); #endif err = nvs_flash_erase(); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("nvs_flash_erase: "), err!=ESP_OK ? (String)err : "Success"); #endif return err == ESP_OK; } #elif defined(ESP8266) && defined(spiffs_api_h) if(opt){ bool ret = false; if(SPIFFS.begin()){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("Erasing SPIFFS")); #endif bool ret = SPIFFS.format(); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("spiffs erase: "),ret ? "Success" : "ERROR"); #endif } else{ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("[ERROR] Could not start SPIFFS")); #endif } return ret; } #else (void)opt; #endif #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("Erasing WiFi Config")); #endif return WiFi_eraseConfig(); } /** * [resetSettings description] * ERASES STA CREDENTIALS * @access public */ void WiFiManager::resetSettings() { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("resetSettings")); #endif WiFi_enableSTA(true,true); // must be sta to disconnect erase delay(500); // ensure sta is enabled if (_resetcallback != NULL){ _resetcallback(); // @CALLBACK } #ifdef ESP32 WiFi.disconnect(true,true); #else WiFi.persistent(true); WiFi.disconnect(true); WiFi.persistent(false); #endif #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("SETTINGS ERASED")); #endif } // SETTERS /** * [setTimeout description] * @access public * @param {[type]} unsigned long seconds [description] */ void WiFiManager::setTimeout(unsigned long seconds) { setConfigPortalTimeout(seconds); } /** * [setConfigPortalTimeout description] * @access public * @param {[type]} unsigned long seconds [description] */ void WiFiManager::setConfigPortalTimeout(unsigned long seconds) { _configPortalTimeout = seconds * 1000; } /** * [setConnectTimeout description] * @access public * @param {[type]} unsigned long seconds [description] */ void WiFiManager::setConnectTimeout(unsigned long seconds) { _connectTimeout = seconds * 1000; } /** * [setConnectRetries description] * @access public * @param {[type]} uint8_t numRetries [description] */ void WiFiManager::setConnectRetries(uint8_t numRetries){ _connectRetries = constrain(numRetries,1,10); } /** * toggle _cleanconnect, always disconnect before connecting * @param {[type]} bool enable [description] */ void WiFiManager::setCleanConnect(bool enable){ _cleanConnect = enable; } /** * [setConnectTimeout description * @access public * @param {[type]} unsigned long seconds [description] */ void WiFiManager::setSaveConnectTimeout(unsigned long seconds) { _saveTimeout = seconds * 1000; } /** * Set save portal connect on save option, * if false, will only save credentials not connect * @access public * @param {[type]} bool connect [description] */ void WiFiManager::setSaveConnect(bool connect) { _connectonsave = connect; } /** * [setDebugOutput description] * @access public * @param {[type]} boolean debug [description] */ void WiFiManager::setDebugOutput(boolean debug) { _debug = debug; if(_debug && _debugLevel == DEBUG_DEV) debugPlatformInfo(); } void WiFiManager::setDebugOutput(boolean debug, String prefix) { _debugPrefix = prefix; setDebugOutput(debug); } /** * [setAPStaticIPConfig description] * @access public * @param {[type]} IPAddress ip [description] * @param {[type]} IPAddress gw [description] * @param {[type]} IPAddress sn [description] */ void WiFiManager::setAPStaticIPConfig(IPAddress ip, IPAddress gw, IPAddress sn) { _ap_static_ip = ip; _ap_static_gw = gw; _ap_static_sn = sn; } /** * [setSTAStaticIPConfig description] * @access public * @param {[type]} IPAddress ip [description] * @param {[type]} IPAddress gw [description] * @param {[type]} IPAddress sn [description] */ void WiFiManager::setSTAStaticIPConfig(IPAddress ip, IPAddress gw, IPAddress sn) { _sta_static_ip = ip; _sta_static_gw = gw; _sta_static_sn = sn; } /** * [setSTAStaticIPConfig description] * @since $dev * @access public * @param {[type]} IPAddress ip [description] * @param {[type]} IPAddress gw [description] * @param {[type]} IPAddress sn [description] * @param {[type]} IPAddress dns [description] */ void WiFiManager::setSTAStaticIPConfig(IPAddress ip, IPAddress gw, IPAddress sn, IPAddress dns) { setSTAStaticIPConfig(ip,gw,sn); _sta_static_dns = dns; } /** * [setMinimumSignalQuality description] * @access public * @param {[type]} int quality [description] */ void WiFiManager::setMinimumSignalQuality(int quality) { _minimumQuality = quality; } /** * [setBreakAfterConfig description] * @access public * @param {[type]} boolean shouldBreak [description] */ void WiFiManager::setBreakAfterConfig(boolean shouldBreak) { _shouldBreakAfterConfig = shouldBreak; } /** * setAPCallback, set a callback when softap is started * @access public * @param {[type]} void (*func)(WiFiManager* wminstance) */ void WiFiManager::setAPCallback( std::function func ) { _apcallback = func; } /** * setWebServerCallback, set a callback after webserver is reset, and before routes are setup * if we set webserver handlers before wm, they are used and wm is not by esp webserver * on events cannot be overrided once set, and are not mutiples * @access public * @param {[type]} void (*func)(void) */ void WiFiManager::setWebServerCallback( std::function func ) { _webservercallback = func; } /** * setSaveConfigCallback, set a save config callback after closing configportal * @note calls only if wifi is saved or changed, or setBreakAfterConfig(true) * @access public * @param {[type]} void (*func)(void) */ void WiFiManager::setSaveConfigCallback( std::function func ) { _savewificallback = func; } /** * setPreSaveConfigCallback, set a callback to fire before saving wifi or params * @access public * @param {[type]} void (*func)(void) */ void WiFiManager::setPreSaveConfigCallback( std::function func ) { _presavewificallback = func; } /** * setConfigResetCallback, set a callback to occur when a resetSettings() occurs * @access public * @param {[type]} void(*func)(void) */ void WiFiManager::setConfigResetCallback( std::function func ) { _resetcallback = func; } /** * setSaveParamsCallback, set a save params callback on params save in wifi or params pages * @access public * @param {[type]} void (*func)(void) */ void WiFiManager::setSaveParamsCallback( std::function func ) { _saveparamscallback = func; } /** * setPreSaveParamsCallback, set a pre save params callback on params save prior to anything else * @access public * @param {[type]} void (*func)(void) */ void WiFiManager::setPreSaveParamsCallback( std::function func ) { _presaveparamscallback = func; } /** * setPreOtaUpdateCallback, set a callback to fire before OTA update * @access public * @param {[type]} void (*func)(void) */ void WiFiManager::setPreOtaUpdateCallback( std::function func ) { _preotaupdatecallback = func; } /** * set custom head html * custom element will be added to head, eg. new meta,style,script tag etc. * @access public * @param char element */ void WiFiManager::setCustomHeadElement(const char* html) { _customHeadElement = html; } /** * set custom menu html * custom element will be added to menu under custom menu item. * @access public * @param char element */ void WiFiManager::setCustomMenuHTML(const char* html) { _customMenuHTML = html; } /** * toggle wifiscan hiding of duplicate ssid names * if this is false, wifiscan will remove duplicat Access Points - defaut true * @access public * @param boolean removeDuplicates [true] */ void WiFiManager::setRemoveDuplicateAPs(boolean removeDuplicates) { _removeDuplicateAPs = removeDuplicates; } /** * toggle configportal blocking loop * if enabled, then the configportal will enter a blocking loop and wait for configuration * if disabled use with process() to manually process webserver * @since $dev * @access public * @param boolean shoudlBlock [false] */ void WiFiManager::setConfigPortalBlocking(boolean shouldBlock) { _configPortalIsBlocking = shouldBlock; } /** * toggle restore persistent, track internally * sets ESP wifi.persistent so we can remember it and restore user preference on destruct * there is no getter in esp8266 platform prior to https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/pull/3857 * @since $dev * @access public * @param boolean persistent [true] */ void WiFiManager::setRestorePersistent(boolean persistent) { _userpersistent = persistent; if(!persistent){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("persistent is off")); #endif } } /** * toggle showing static ip form fields * if enabled, then the static ip, gateway, subnet fields will be visible, even if not set in code * @since $dev * @access public * @param boolean alwaysShow [false] */ void WiFiManager::setShowStaticFields(boolean alwaysShow){ if(_disableIpFields) _staShowStaticFields = alwaysShow ? 1 : -1; else _staShowStaticFields = alwaysShow ? 1 : 0; } /** * toggle showing dns fields * if enabled, then the dns1 field will be visible, even if not set in code * @since $dev * @access public * @param boolean alwaysShow [false] */ void WiFiManager::setShowDnsFields(boolean alwaysShow){ if(_disableIpFields) _staShowDns = alwaysShow ? 1 : -1; _staShowDns = alwaysShow ? 1 : 0; } /** * toggle showing password in wifi password field * if not enabled, placeholder will be S_passph * @since $dev * @access public * @param boolean alwaysShow [false] */ void WiFiManager::setShowPassword(boolean show){ _showPassword = show; } /** * toggle captive portal * if enabled, then devices that use captive portal checks will be redirected to root * if not you will automatically have to navigate to ip [] * @since $dev * @access public * @param boolean enabled [true] */ void WiFiManager::setCaptivePortalEnable(boolean enabled){ _enableCaptivePortal = enabled; } /** * toggle wifi autoreconnect policy * if enabled, then wifi will autoreconnect automatically always * On esp8266 we force this on when autoconnect is called, see notes * On esp32 this is handled on SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED since it does not exist in core yet * @since $dev * @access public * @param boolean enabled [true] */ void WiFiManager::setWiFiAutoReconnect(boolean enabled){ _wifiAutoReconnect = enabled; } /** * toggle configportal timeout wait for station client * if enabled, then the configportal will start timeout when no stations are connected to softAP * disabled by default as rogue stations can keep it open if there is no auth * @since $dev * @access public * @param boolean enabled [false] */ void WiFiManager::setAPClientCheck(boolean enabled){ _apClientCheck = enabled; } /** * toggle configportal timeout wait for web client * if enabled, then the configportal will restart timeout when client requests come in * @since $dev * @access public * @param boolean enabled [true] */ void WiFiManager::setWebPortalClientCheck(boolean enabled){ _webClientCheck = enabled; } /** * toggle wifiscan percentages or quality icons * @since $dev * @access public * @param boolean enabled [false] */ void WiFiManager::setScanDispPerc(boolean enabled){ _scanDispOptions = enabled; } /** * toggle configportal if autoconnect failed * if enabled, then the configportal will be activated on autoconnect failure * @since $dev * @access public * @param boolean enabled [true] */ void WiFiManager::setEnableConfigPortal(boolean enable) { _enableConfigPortal = enable; } /** * toggle configportal if autoconnect failed * if enabled, then the configportal will be de-activated on wifi save * @since $dev * @access public * @param boolean enabled [true] */ void WiFiManager::setDisableConfigPortal(boolean enable) { _disableConfigPortal = enable; } /** * set the hostname (dhcp client id) * @since $dev * @access public * @param char* hostname 32 character hostname to use for sta+ap in esp32, sta in esp8266 * @return bool false if hostname is not valid */ bool WiFiManager::setHostname(const char * hostname){ //@todo max length 32 _hostname = String(hostname); return true; } bool WiFiManager::setHostname(String hostname){ //@todo max length 32 _hostname = hostname; return true; } /** * set the soft ao channel, ignored if channelsync is true and connected * @param int32_t wifi channel, 0 to disable */ void WiFiManager::setWiFiAPChannel(int32_t channel){ _apChannel = channel; } /** * set the soft ap hidden * @param bool wifi ap hidden, default is false */ void WiFiManager::setWiFiAPHidden(bool hidden){ _apHidden = hidden; } /** * toggle showing erase wifi config button on info page * @param boolean enabled */ void WiFiManager::setShowInfoErase(boolean enabled){ _showInfoErase = enabled; } /** * toggle showing update upload web ota button on info page * @param boolean enabled */ void WiFiManager::setShowInfoUpdate(boolean enabled){ _showInfoUpdate = enabled; } /** * check if the config portal is running * @return bool true if active */ bool WiFiManager::getConfigPortalActive(){ return configPortalActive; } /** * [getConfigPortalActive description] * @return bool true if active */ bool WiFiManager::getWebPortalActive(){ return webPortalActive; } String WiFiManager::getWiFiHostname(){ #ifdef ESP32 return (String)WiFi.getHostname(); #else return (String)WiFi.hostname(); #endif } /** * [setTitle description] * @param String title, set app title */ void WiFiManager::setTitle(String title){ _title = title; } /** * set menu items and order * if param is present in menu , params will be removed from wifi page automatically * eg. * const char * menu[] = {"wifi","setup","sep","info","exit"}; * WiFiManager.setMenu(menu); * @since $dev * @param uint8_t menu[] array of menu ids */ void WiFiManager::setMenu(const char * menu[], uint8_t size){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,"setmenu array"); #endif _menuIds.clear(); for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++){ for(size_t j = 0; j < _nummenutokens; j++){ if(menu[i] == _menutokens[j]){ if((String)menu[i] == "param") _paramsInWifi = false; // param auto flag _menuIds.push_back(j); } } } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM(getMenuOut()); #endif } /** * setMenu with vector * eg. * std::vector menu = {"wifi","setup","sep","info","exit"}; * WiFiManager.setMenu(menu); * tokens can be found in _menutokens array in strings_en.h * @shiftIncrement $dev * @param {[type]} std::vector& menu [description] */ void WiFiManager::setMenu(std::vector& menu){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,"setmenu vector"); #endif _menuIds.clear(); for(auto menuitem : menu ){ for(size_t j = 0; j < _nummenutokens; j++){ if(menuitem == _menutokens[j]){ if((String)menuitem == "param") _paramsInWifi = false; // param auto flag _menuIds.push_back(j); } } } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,getMenuOut()); #endif } /** * set params as sperate page not in wifi * NOT COMPATIBLE WITH setMenu! * @todo scan menuids and insert param after wifi or something, same for ota * @param bool enable * @since $dev */ void WiFiManager::setParamsPage(bool enable){ _paramsInWifi = !enable; setMenu(enable ? _menuIdsParams : _menuIdsDefault); } // GETTERS /** * get config portal AP SSID * @since 0.0.1 * @access public * @return String the configportal ap name */ String WiFiManager::getConfigPortalSSID() { return _apName; } /** * return the last known connection result * logged on autoconnect and wifisave, can be used to check why failed * get as readable string with getWLStatusString(getLastConxResult); * @since $dev * @access public * @return bool return wl_status codes */ uint8_t WiFiManager::getLastConxResult(){ return _lastconxresult; } /** * check if wifi has a saved ap or not * @since $dev * @access public * @return bool true if a saved ap config exists */ bool WiFiManager::getWiFiIsSaved(){ return WiFi_hasAutoConnect(); } /** * getDefaultAPName * @since $dev * @return string */ String WiFiManager::getDefaultAPName(){ String hostString = String(WIFI_getChipId(),HEX); hostString.toUpperCase(); // char hostString[16] = {0}; // sprintf(hostString, "%06X", ESP.getChipId()); return _wifissidprefix + "_" + hostString; } /** * setCountry * @since $dev * @param String cc country code, must be defined in WiFiSetCountry, US, JP, CN */ void WiFiManager::setCountry(String cc){ _wificountry = cc; } /** * setClass * @param String str body class string */ void WiFiManager::setClass(String str){ _bodyClass = str; } /** * setDarkMode * @param bool enable, enable dark mode via invert class */ void WiFiManager::setDarkMode(bool enable){ _bodyClass = enable ? "invert" : ""; } /** * setHttpPort * @param uint16_t port webserver port number default 80 */ void WiFiManager::setHttpPort(uint16_t port){ _httpPort = port; } bool WiFiManager::preloadWiFi(String ssid, String pass){ _defaultssid = ssid; _defaultpass = pass; return true; } // HELPERS /** * getWiFiSSID * @since $dev * @param bool persistent * @return String */ String WiFiManager::getWiFiSSID(bool persistent){ return WiFi_SSID(persistent); } /** * getWiFiPass * @since $dev * @param bool persistent * @return String */ String WiFiManager::getWiFiPass(bool persistent){ return WiFi_psk(persistent); } // DEBUG // @todo fix DEBUG_WM(0,0); template void WiFiManager::DEBUG_WM(Generic text) { DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_NOTIFY,text,""); } template void WiFiManager::DEBUG_WM(wm_debuglevel_t level,Generic text) { if(_debugLevel >= level) DEBUG_WM(level,text,""); } template void WiFiManager::DEBUG_WM(Generic text,Genericb textb) { DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_NOTIFY,text,textb); } template void WiFiManager::DEBUG_WM(wm_debuglevel_t level,Generic text,Genericb textb) { if(!_debug || _debugLevel < level) return; if(_debugLevel >= DEBUG_MAX){ #ifdef ESP8266 // uint32_t free; // uint16_t max; // uint8_t frag; // ESP.getHeapStats(&free, &max, &frag);// @todo Does not exist in 2.3.0 // _debugPort.printf("[MEM] free: %5d | max: %5d | frag: %3d%% \n", free, max, frag); #elif defined ESP32 // total_free_bytes; ///< Total free bytes in the heap. Equivalent to multi_free_heap_size(). // total_allocated_bytes; ///< Total bytes allocated to data in the heap. // largest_free_block; ///< Size of largest free block in the heap. This is the largest malloc-able size. // minimum_free_bytes; ///< Lifetime minimum free heap size. Equivalent to multi_minimum_free_heap_size(). // allocated_blocks; ///< Number of (variable size) blocks allocated in the heap. // free_blocks; ///< Number of (variable size) free blocks in the heap. // total_blocks; ///< Total number of (variable size) blocks in the heap. multi_heap_info_t info; heap_caps_get_info(&info, MALLOC_CAP_INTERNAL); uint32_t free = info.total_free_bytes; uint16_t max = info.largest_free_block; uint8_t frag = 100 - (max * 100) / free; _debugPort.printf("[MEM] free: %5d | max: %5d | frag: %3d%% \n", free, max, frag); #endif } _debugPort.print(_debugPrefix); if(_debugLevel >= debugLvlShow) _debugPort.print("["+(String)level+"] "); _debugPort.print(text); if(textb){ _debugPort.print(" "); _debugPort.print(textb); } _debugPort.println(); } /** * [debugSoftAPConfig description] * @access public * @return {[type]} [description] */ void WiFiManager::debugSoftAPConfig(){ #ifdef ESP8266 softap_config config; wifi_softap_get_config(&config); #if !defined(WM_NOCOUNTRY) wifi_country_t country; wifi_get_country(&country); #endif #elif defined(ESP32) wifi_country_t country; wifi_config_t conf_config; esp_wifi_get_config(WIFI_IF_AP, &conf_config); // == ESP_OK wifi_ap_config_t config = conf_config.ap; esp_wifi_get_country(&country); #endif #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("SoftAP Configuration")); DEBUG_WM(FPSTR(D_HR)); DEBUG_WM(F("ssid: "),(char *) config.ssid); DEBUG_WM(F("password: "),(char *) config.password); DEBUG_WM(F("ssid_len: "),config.ssid_len); DEBUG_WM(F("channel: "),config.channel); DEBUG_WM(F("authmode: "),config.authmode); DEBUG_WM(F("ssid_hidden: "),config.ssid_hidden); DEBUG_WM(F("max_connection: "),config.max_connection); #endif #if !defined(WM_NOCOUNTRY) #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("country: "),(String)country.cc); #endif DEBUG_WM(F("beacon_interval: "),(String)config.beacon_interval + "(ms)"); DEBUG_WM(FPSTR(D_HR)); #endif } /** * [debugPlatformInfo description] * @access public * @return {[type]} [description] */ void WiFiManager::debugPlatformInfo(){ #ifdef ESP8266 system_print_meminfo(); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("getCoreVersion(): "),ESP.getCoreVersion()); DEBUG_WM(F("system_get_sdk_version(): "),system_get_sdk_version()); DEBUG_WM(F("system_get_boot_version():"),system_get_boot_version()); DEBUG_WM(F("getFreeHeap(): "),(String)ESP.getFreeHeap()); #endif #elif defined(ESP32) #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("Free heap: "), ESP.getFreeHeap()); DEBUG_WM(F("ESP SDK version: "), ESP.getSdkVersion()); #endif // esp_chip_info_t chipInfo; // esp_chip_info(&chipInfo); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM("Chip Info: Model: ",chipInfo.model); // DEBUG_WM("Chip Info: Cores: ",chipInfo.cores); // DEBUG_WM("Chip Info: Rev: ",chipInfo.revision); // DEBUG_WM(printf("Chip Info: Model: %d, cores: %d, revision: %d", chipInfo.model.c_str(), chipInfo.cores, chipInfo.revision)); // DEBUG_WM("Chip Rev: ",(String)ESP.getChipRevision()); #endif // core version is not avail #endif } int WiFiManager::getRSSIasQuality(int RSSI) { int quality = 0; if (RSSI <= -100) { quality = 0; } else if (RSSI >= -50) { quality = 100; } else { quality = 2 * (RSSI + 100); } return quality; } /** Is this an IP? */ boolean WiFiManager::isIp(String str) { for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { int c = str.charAt(i); if (c != '.' && (c < '0' || c > '9')) { return false; } } return true; } /** IP to String? */ String WiFiManager::toStringIp(IPAddress ip) { String res = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { res += String((ip >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF) + "."; } res += String(((ip >> 8 * 3)) & 0xFF); return res; } boolean WiFiManager::validApPassword(){ // check that ap password is valid, return false if (_apPassword == NULL) _apPassword = ""; if (_apPassword != "") { if (_apPassword.length() < 8 || _apPassword.length() > 63) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(F("AccessPoint set password is INVALID or <8 chars")); #endif _apPassword = ""; return false; // @todo FATAL or fallback to empty , currently fatal, fail secure. } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("AccessPoint set password is VALID")); DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,"ap pass",_apPassword); #endif } return true; } /** * encode htmlentities * @since $dev * @param string str string to replace entities * @return string encoded string */ String WiFiManager::htmlEntities(String str, bool whitespace) { str.replace("&","&"); str.replace("<","<"); str.replace(">",">"); str.replace("'","'"); if(whitespace) str.replace(" "," "); // str.replace("-","–"); // str.replace("\"","""); // str.replace("/": "/"); // str.replace("`": "`"); // str.replace("=": "="); return str; } /** * [getWLStatusString description] * @access public * @param {[type]} uint8_t status [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ String WiFiManager::getWLStatusString(uint8_t status){ if(status <= 7) return WIFI_STA_STATUS[status]; return FPSTR(S_NA); } String WiFiManager::getWLStatusString(){ uint8_t status = WiFi.status(); if(status <= 7) return WIFI_STA_STATUS[status]; return FPSTR(S_NA); } String WiFiManager::encryptionTypeStr(uint8_t authmode) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM("enc_tye: ",authmode); #endif return AUTH_MODE_NAMES[authmode]; } String WiFiManager::getModeString(uint8_t mode){ if(mode <= 3) return WIFI_MODES[mode]; return FPSTR(S_NA); } bool WiFiManager::WiFiSetCountry(){ if(_wificountry == "") return false; // skip not set #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("WiFiSetCountry to"),_wificountry); #endif /* * @return * - ESP_OK: succeed * - ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by eps_wifi_init * - ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF: invalid interface * - ESP_ERR_WIFI_ARG: invalid argument * - others: refer to error codes in esp_err.h */ // @todo move these definitions, and out of cpp `esp_wifi_set_country(&WM_COUNTRY_US)` bool ret = true; // ret = esp_wifi_set_bandwidth(WIFI_IF_AP,WIFI_BW_HT20); // WIFI_BW_HT40 #ifdef ESP32 esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; // @todo check if wifi is init, no idea how, doesnt seem to be exposed atm ( check again it might be now! ) if(WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_MODE_NULL){ DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,"[ERROR] cannot set country, wifi not init"); } // exception if wifi not init! // Assumes that _wificountry is set to one of the supported country codes : "01"(world safe mode) "AT","AU","BE","BG","BR", // "CA","CH","CN","CY","CZ","DE","DK","EE","ES","FI","FR","GB","GR","HK","HR","HU", // "IE","IN","IS","IT","JP","KR","LI","LT","LU","LV","MT","MX","NL","NO","NZ","PL","PT", // "RO","SE","SI","SK","TW","US" // If an invalid country code is passed, ESP_ERR_WIFI_ARG will be returned // This also uses 802.11d mode, which matches the STA to the country code of the AP it connects to (meaning // that the country code will be overridden if connecting to a "foreign" AP) else { #ifndef WM_NOCOUNTRY err = esp_wifi_set_country_code(_wificountry.c_str(), true); #else DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,"[ERROR] esp wifi set country is not available"); err = true; #endif } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL if(err){ if(err == ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,"[ERROR] ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT"); else if(err == ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,"[ERROR] ESP_ERR_WIFI_ARG (invalid country code)"); else if(err != ESP_OK)DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,"[ERROR] unknown error",(String)err); } #endif ret = err == ESP_OK; #elif defined(ESP8266) && !defined(WM_NOCOUNTRY) // if(WiFi.getMode() == WIFI_OFF); // exception if wifi not init! if(_wificountry == "US") ret = wifi_set_country((wifi_country_t*)&WM_COUNTRY_US); else if(_wificountry == "JP") ret = wifi_set_country((wifi_country_t*)&WM_COUNTRY_JP); else if(_wificountry == "CN") ret = wifi_set_country((wifi_country_t*)&WM_COUNTRY_CN); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL else DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] country code not found")); #endif #endif #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL if(ret) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("[OK] esp_wifi_set_country: "),_wificountry); else DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] esp_wifi_set_country failed")); #endif return ret; } // set mode ignores WiFi.persistent bool WiFiManager::WiFi_Mode(WiFiMode_t m,bool persistent) { bool ret; #ifdef ESP8266 if((wifi_get_opmode() == (uint8) m ) && !persistent) { return true; } ETS_UART_INTR_DISABLE(); if(persistent) ret = wifi_set_opmode(m); else ret = wifi_set_opmode_current(m); ETS_UART_INTR_ENABLE(); return ret; #elif defined(ESP32) if(persistent && esp32persistent) WiFi.persistent(true); ret = WiFi.mode(m); // @todo persistent check persistant mode, was eventually added to esp lib, but have to add version checking probably if(persistent && esp32persistent) WiFi.persistent(false); return ret; #endif } bool WiFiManager::WiFi_Mode(WiFiMode_t m) { return WiFi_Mode(m,false); } // sta disconnect without persistent bool WiFiManager::WiFi_Disconnect() { #ifdef ESP8266 if((WiFi.getMode() & WIFI_STA) != 0) { bool ret; #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("WiFi station disconnect")); #endif ETS_UART_INTR_DISABLE(); // @todo possibly not needed ret = wifi_station_disconnect(); ETS_UART_INTR_ENABLE(); return ret; } #elif defined(ESP32) #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("WiFi station disconnect")); #endif return WiFi.disconnect(); // not persistent atm #endif return false; } // toggle STA without persistent bool WiFiManager::WiFi_enableSTA(bool enable,bool persistent) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("WiFi_enableSTA"),(String) enable? "enable" : "disable"); #endif #ifdef ESP8266 WiFiMode_t newMode; WiFiMode_t currentMode = WiFi.getMode(); bool isEnabled = (currentMode & WIFI_STA) != 0; if(enable) newMode = (WiFiMode_t)(currentMode | WIFI_STA); else newMode = (WiFiMode_t)(currentMode & (~WIFI_STA)); if((isEnabled != enable) || persistent) { if(enable) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL if(persistent) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("enableSTA PERSISTENT ON")); #endif return WiFi_Mode(newMode,persistent); } else { return WiFi_Mode(newMode,persistent); } } else { return true; } #elif defined(ESP32) bool ret; if(persistent && esp32persistent) WiFi.persistent(true); ret = WiFi.enableSTA(enable); // @todo handle persistent when it is implemented in platform if(persistent && esp32persistent) WiFi.persistent(false); return ret; #endif } bool WiFiManager::WiFi_enableSTA(bool enable) { return WiFi_enableSTA(enable,false); } bool WiFiManager::WiFi_eraseConfig() { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_DEV,F("WiFi_eraseConfig")); #endif #ifdef ESP8266 #ifndef WM_FIXERASECONFIG return ESP.eraseConfig(); #else // erase config BUG replacement // https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/pull/3635 const size_t cfgSize = 0x4000; size_t cfgAddr = ESP.getFlashChipSize() - cfgSize; for (size_t offset = 0; offset < cfgSize; offset += SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE) { if (!ESP.flashEraseSector((cfgAddr + offset) / SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE)) { return false; } } return true; #endif #elif defined(ESP32) bool ret; WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA); // cannot erase if not in STA mode ! WiFi.persistent(true); ret = WiFi.disconnect(true,true); delay(500); WiFi.persistent(false); return ret; #endif } uint8_t WiFiManager::WiFi_softap_num_stations(){ #ifdef ESP8266 return wifi_softap_get_station_num(); #elif defined(ESP32) return WiFi.softAPgetStationNum(); #endif } bool WiFiManager::WiFi_hasAutoConnect(){ return WiFi_SSID(true) != ""; } String WiFiManager::WiFi_SSID(bool persistent) const{ #ifdef ESP8266 struct station_config conf; if(persistent) wifi_station_get_config_default(&conf); else wifi_station_get_config(&conf); char tmp[33]; //ssid can be up to 32chars, => plus null term memcpy(tmp, conf.ssid, sizeof(conf.ssid)); tmp[32] = 0; //nullterm in case of 32 char ssid return String(reinterpret_cast(tmp)); #elif defined(ESP32) if(persistent){ wifi_config_t conf; esp_wifi_get_config(WIFI_IF_STA, &conf); return String(reinterpret_cast(conf.sta.ssid)); } else { if(WiFiGenericClass::getMode() == WIFI_MODE_NULL){ return String(); } wifi_ap_record_t info; if(!esp_wifi_sta_get_ap_info(&info)) { return String(reinterpret_cast(info.ssid)); } return String(); } #endif } String WiFiManager::WiFi_psk(bool persistent) const { #ifdef ESP8266 struct station_config conf; if(persistent) wifi_station_get_config_default(&conf); else wifi_station_get_config(&conf); char tmp[65]; //psk is 64 bytes hex => plus null term memcpy(tmp, conf.password, sizeof(conf.password)); tmp[64] = 0; //null term in case of 64 byte psk return String(reinterpret_cast(tmp)); #elif defined(ESP32) // only if wifi is init if(WiFiGenericClass::getMode() == WIFI_MODE_NULL){ return String(); } wifi_config_t conf; esp_wifi_get_config(WIFI_IF_STA, &conf); return String(reinterpret_cast(conf.sta.password)); #endif } #ifdef ESP32 #ifdef WM_ARDUINOEVENTS void WiFiManager::WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event,arduino_event_info_t info){ #else void WiFiManager::WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event,system_event_info_t info){ #define wifi_sta_disconnected disconnected #define ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_DISCONNECTED SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED #define ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_SCAN_DONE SYSTEM_EVENT_SCAN_DONE #endif if(!_hasBegun){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,"[ERROR] WiFiEvent, not ready"); #endif // Serial.println(F("\n[EVENT] WiFiEvent logging (wm debug not available)")); // Serial.print(F("[EVENT] ID: ")); // Serial.println(event); return; } #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL // DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,"[EVENT]",event); #endif if(event == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_DISCONNECTED){ #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("[EVENT] WIFI_REASON: "),info.wifi_sta_disconnected.reason); #endif if(info.wifi_sta_disconnected.reason == WIFI_REASON_AUTH_EXPIRE || info.wifi_sta_disconnected.reason == WIFI_REASON_AUTH_FAIL){ _lastconxresulttmp = 7; // hack in wrong password internally, sdk emit WIFI_REASON_AUTH_EXPIRE on some routers on auth_fail } else _lastconxresulttmp = WiFi.status(); #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL if(info.wifi_sta_disconnected.reason == WIFI_REASON_NO_AP_FOUND) DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("[EVENT] WIFI_REASON: NO_AP_FOUND")); if(info.wifi_sta_disconnected.reason == WIFI_REASON_ASSOC_FAIL){ if(_aggresiveReconn) _connectRetries+=4; DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("[EVENT] WIFI_REASON: AUTH FAIL")); } #endif #ifdef esp32autoreconnect #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("[Event] SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED, reconnecting")); #endif WiFi.reconnect(); #endif } else if(event == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_SCAN_DONE){ uint16_t scans = WiFi.scanComplete(); WiFi_scanComplete(scans); } } #endif void WiFiManager::WiFi_autoReconnect(){ #ifdef ESP8266 WiFi.setAutoReconnect(_wifiAutoReconnect); #elif defined(ESP32) // if(_wifiAutoReconnect){ // @todo move to seperate method, used for event listener now #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("ESP32 event handler enabled")); #endif using namespace std::placeholders; if(wm_event_id == 0) wm_event_id = WiFi.onEvent(std::bind(&WiFiManager::WiFiEvent,this,_1,_2)); // } #endif } // Called when /update is requested void WiFiManager::handleUpdate() { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("<- Handle update")); #endif if (captivePortal()) return; // If captive portal redirect instead of displaying the page String page = getHTTPHead(_title); // @token options String str = FPSTR(HTTP_ROOT_MAIN); str.replace(FPSTR(T_t), _title); str.replace(FPSTR(T_v), configPortalActive ? _apName : (getWiFiHostname() + " - " + WiFi.localIP().toString())); // use ip if ap is not active for heading page += str; page += FPSTR(HTTP_UPDATE); page += FPSTR(HTTP_END); HTTPSend(page); } // upload via /u POST void WiFiManager::handleUpdating(){ // @todo // cannot upload files in captive portal, file select is not allowed, show message with link or hide // cannot upload if softreset after upload, maybe check for hard reset at least for dev, ERROR[11]: Invalid bootstrapping state, reset ESP8266 before updating // add upload status to webpage somehow // abort upload if error detected ? // [x] supress cp timeout on upload, so it doesnt keep uploading? // add progress handler for debugging // combine route handlers into one callback and use argument or post checking instead of mutiple functions maybe, if POST process else server upload page? // [x] add upload checking, do we need too check file? // convert output to debugger if not moving to example if (captivePortal()) return; // If captive portal redirect instead of displaying the page bool error = false; unsigned long _configPortalTimeoutSAV = _configPortalTimeout; // store cp timeout _configPortalTimeout = 0; // disable timeout // handler for the file upload, get's the sketch bytes, and writes // them through the Update object HTTPUpload& upload = server->upload(); // UPLOAD START if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { if(_debug) Serial.setDebugOutput(true); uint32_t maxSketchSpace; // Use new callback for before OTA update if (_preotaupdatecallback != NULL) { _preotaupdatecallback(); // @CALLBACK } #ifdef ESP8266 WiFiUDP::stopAll(); maxSketchSpace = (ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000; #elif defined(ESP32) // Think we do not need to stop WiFIUDP because we haven't started a listener // maxSketchSpace = (ESP.getFlashChipSize() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000; // #define UPDATE_SIZE_UNKNOWN 0xFFFFFFFF // include update.h maxSketchSpace = UPDATE_SIZE_UNKNOWN; #endif #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,"Update file: ", upload.filename.c_str()); #endif // Update.onProgress(THandlerFunction_Progress fn); // Update.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) { // Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100))); // }); if (!Update.begin(maxSketchSpace)) { // start with max available size #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] OTA Update ERROR"), Update.getError()); #endif error = true; Update.end(); // Not sure the best way to abort, I think client will keep sending.. } } // UPLOAD WRITE else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { // Serial.print("."); if (Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize) { #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_ERROR,F("[ERROR] OTA Update WRITE ERROR"), Update.getError()); //Update.printError(Serial); // write failure #endif error = true; } } // UPLOAD FILE END else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { if (Update.end(true)) { // true to set the size to the current progress #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE,F("\n\n[OTA] OTA FILE END bytes: "), upload.totalSize); // Serial.printf("Updated: %u bytes\r\nRebooting...\r\n", upload.totalSize); #endif } else { Update.printError(Serial); error = true; } } // UPLOAD ABORT else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_ABORTED) { Update.end(); DEBUG_WM(F("[OTA] Update was aborted")); error = true; } if(error) _configPortalTimeout = _configPortalTimeoutSAV; delay(0); } // upload and ota done, show status void WiFiManager::handleUpdateDone() { DEBUG_WM(DEBUG_VERBOSE, F("<- Handle update done")); if (captivePortal()) return; // If captive portal redirect instead of displaying the page String page = getHTTPHead(FPSTR(S_options)); // @token options String str = FPSTR(HTTP_ROOT_MAIN); str.replace(FPSTR(T_t),_title); str.replace(FPSTR(T_v), configPortalActive ? _apName : WiFi.localIP().toString()); // use ip if ap is not active for heading page += str; if (Update.hasError()) { page += FPSTR(HTTP_UPDATE_FAIL); #ifdef ESP32 page += "OTA Error: " + (String)Update.errorString(); #else page += "OTA Error: " + (String)Update.getError(); #endif DEBUG_WM(F("[OTA] update failed")); } else { page += FPSTR(HTTP_UPDATE_SUCCESS); DEBUG_WM(F("[OTA] update ok")); } page += FPSTR(HTTP_END); HTTPSend(page); delay(1000); // send page if (!Update.hasError()) { ESP.restart(); } } #endif