esphome: name: weatherstation platform: ESP8266 board: d1_mini i2c: - id: bus_a sda: 4 # D2 scl: 5 # D1 scan: true apds9960: address: 0x39 update_interval: 300s sensor: # #################### wind sensor - platform: pulse_counter pin: # pin D8 number: GPIO15 mode: INPUT # TODO check if required unit_of_measurement: 'm/s' ##change to m/s if metric name: 'wind_speed' icon: 'mdi:weather-windy' id: my_wind count_mode: rising_edge: DISABLE falling_edge: INCREMENT internal_filter: 50us update_interval: 60s #rotations_per_sec = pulses/2/60 #circ_m=0.09*2*3.14 = 0.5652 #mps = 1.18*circ_m*rotations_per_sec #mps = 1.18*0.5652/2/60 =0,0055578 filters: - multiply: 0.0055578 #use for m/s # - multiply: 2.237 #m/s to mph # - sliding_window_moving_average: # window_size: 4 # send_every: 1 #- multiply: 0.04973 #1.492mph switch to close 1/sec per spec, pulse/sec (/60/2)*1.492 #- multiply: 0.0124327986 #m/s * mph conversion #################### apds9960 sensor i2c - platform: apds9960 type: CLEAR name: "APDS9960_clear_channel" - platform: apds9960 type: RED name: "APDS9960_red_channel" id: apds9960_red - platform: apds9960 type: GREEN name: "APDS9960_green_channel" id: apds9960_green - platform: apds9960 type: BLUE name: "APDS9960_blue_channel" id: apds9960_blue - platform: template name: "light" lambda: |- # TODO fix calculation to get lux instead of a percentual value return (-0.32466F * id(apds9960_red).raw_state) + (1.57837F * id(apds9960_green).raw_state) + (-0.73191F * id(apds9960_blue).raw_state); update_interval: 300s unit_of_measurement: 'lux' #################### bme280 sensor i2c - platform: bme280 temperature: name: "BME280_temperature" id: bme280_temperature pressure: name: "BME280_ressure" id: bme280_pressure humidity: name: "BME280 Relative Humidity" id: bme280_humidity address: 0x76 update_interval: 300s - platform: template name: "altitude" lambda: |- const float STANDARD_SEA_LEVEL_PRESSURE = 1013.25; //in hPa, see note return ((id(bme280_temperature).state + 273.15) / 0.0065) * (powf((STANDARD_SEA_LEVEL_PRESSURE / id(bme280_pressure).state), 0.190234) - 1); // in meter update_interval: 300s icon: 'mdi:signal' unit_of_measurement: 'm' - platform: template name: "absolute_humidity" lambda: |- const float mw = 18.01534; // molar mass of water g/mol const float r = 8.31447215; // Universal gas constant J/mol/K return (6.112 * powf(2.718281828, (17.67 * id(bme280_temperature).state) / (id(bme280_temperature).state + 243.5)) * id(bme280_humidity).state * mw) / ((273.15 + id(bme280_temperature).state) * r); // in grams/m^3 accuracy_decimals: 2 update_interval: 300s icon: 'mdi:water' unit_of_measurement: 'g/m³' - platform: template name: "dew_point" lambda: |- return (243.5*(log(id(bme280_humidity).state/100)+((17.67*id(bme280_temperature).state)/ (243.5+id(bme280_temperature).state)))/(17.67-log(id(bme280_humidity).state/100)- ((17.67*id(bme280_temperature).state)/(243.5+id(bme280_temperature).state)))); unit_of_measurement: °C update_interval: 300s icon: 'mdi:thermometer-alert' # battery power adc - platform: adc pin: A0 name: "battery_power" update_interval: 300s binary_sensor: # battery charged pin - platform: gpio pin: number: 12 # D6 mode: input: true pullup: false name: "battery_charged" # battery charging pin - platform: gpio pin: number: 14 # D5 mode: input: true pullup: false name: "battery_charging" time: - platform: sntp id: my_time # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: ota: password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" wifi: ssid: UPC4556888 password: emmydhvZ4faw manual_ip: # Set this to the IP of the ESP static_ip: # Set this to the IP address of the router. Often ends with .1 gateway: # The subnet of the network. works for most home networks. subnet: captive_portal: