/*! * @file Adafruit_APDS9960.h * * Software License Agreement (BSD License) * * Copyright (c) 2017, Adafruit Industries * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _APDS9960_H_ #define _APDS9960_H_ #include #include #define APDS9960_ADDRESS (0x39) /**< I2C Address */ /** I2C Registers */ enum { APDS9960_RAM = 0x00, APDS9960_ENABLE = 0x80, APDS9960_ATIME = 0x81, APDS9960_WTIME = 0x83, APDS9960_AILTIL = 0x84, APDS9960_AILTH = 0x85, APDS9960_AIHTL = 0x86, APDS9960_AIHTH = 0x87, APDS9960_PILT = 0x89, APDS9960_PIHT = 0x8B, APDS9960_PERS = 0x8C, APDS9960_CONFIG1 = 0x8D, APDS9960_PPULSE = 0x8E, APDS9960_CONTROL = 0x8F, APDS9960_CONFIG2 = 0x90, APDS9960_ID = 0x92, APDS9960_STATUS = 0x93, APDS9960_CDATAL = 0x94, APDS9960_CDATAH = 0x95, APDS9960_RDATAL = 0x96, APDS9960_RDATAH = 0x97, APDS9960_GDATAL = 0x98, APDS9960_GDATAH = 0x99, APDS9960_BDATAL = 0x9A, APDS9960_BDATAH = 0x9B, APDS9960_PDATA = 0x9C, APDS9960_POFFSET_UR = 0x9D, APDS9960_POFFSET_DL = 0x9E, APDS9960_CONFIG3 = 0x9F, APDS9960_GPENTH = 0xA0, APDS9960_GEXTH = 0xA1, APDS9960_GCONF1 = 0xA2, APDS9960_GCONF2 = 0xA3, APDS9960_GOFFSET_U = 0xA4, APDS9960_GOFFSET_D = 0xA5, APDS9960_GOFFSET_L = 0xA7, APDS9960_GOFFSET_R = 0xA9, APDS9960_GPULSE = 0xA6, APDS9960_GCONF3 = 0xAA, APDS9960_GCONF4 = 0xAB, APDS9960_GFLVL = 0xAE, APDS9960_GSTATUS = 0xAF, APDS9960_IFORCE = 0xE4, APDS9960_PICLEAR = 0xE5, APDS9960_CICLEAR = 0xE6, APDS9960_AICLEAR = 0xE7, APDS9960_GFIFO_U = 0xFC, APDS9960_GFIFO_D = 0xFD, APDS9960_GFIFO_L = 0xFE, APDS9960_GFIFO_R = 0xFF, }; /** ADC gain settings */ typedef enum { APDS9960_AGAIN_1X = 0x00, /**< No gain */ APDS9960_AGAIN_4X = 0x01, /**< 2x gain */ APDS9960_AGAIN_16X = 0x02, /**< 16x gain */ APDS9960_AGAIN_64X = 0x03 /**< 64x gain */ } apds9960AGain_t; /** Proxmity gain settings */ typedef enum { APDS9960_PGAIN_1X = 0x00, /**< 1x gain */ APDS9960_PGAIN_2X = 0x04, /**< 2x gain */ APDS9960_PGAIN_4X = 0x08, /**< 4x gain */ APDS9960_PGAIN_8X = 0x0C /**< 8x gain */ } apds9960PGain_t; /** Pulse length settings */ typedef enum { APDS9960_PPULSELEN_4US = 0x00, /**< 4uS */ APDS9960_PPULSELEN_8US = 0x40, /**< 8uS */ APDS9960_PPULSELEN_16US = 0x80, /**< 16uS */ APDS9960_PPULSELEN_32US = 0xC0 /**< 32uS */ } apds9960PPulseLen_t; /** LED drive settings */ typedef enum { APDS9960_LEDDRIVE_100MA = 0x00, /**< 100mA */ APDS9960_LEDDRIVE_50MA = 0x40, /**< 50mA */ APDS9960_LEDDRIVE_25MA = 0x80, /**< 25mA */ APDS9960_LEDDRIVE_12MA = 0xC0 /**< 12.5mA */ } apds9960LedDrive_t; /** LED boost settings */ typedef enum { APDS9960_LEDBOOST_100PCNT = 0x00, /**< 100% */ APDS9960_LEDBOOST_150PCNT = 0x10, /**< 150% */ APDS9960_LEDBOOST_200PCNT = 0x20, /**< 200% */ APDS9960_LEDBOOST_300PCNT = 0x30 /**< 300% */ } apds9960LedBoost_t; /** Dimensions */ enum { APDS9960_DIMENSIONS_ALL = 0x00, // All dimensions APDS9960_DIMENSIONS_UP_DOWN = 0x01, // Up/Down dimensions APGS9960_DIMENSIONS_LEFT_RIGHT = 0x02, // Left/Right dimensions }; /** FIFO Interrupts */ enum { APDS9960_GFIFO_1 = 0x00, // Generate interrupt after 1 dataset in FIFO APDS9960_GFIFO_4 = 0x01, // Generate interrupt after 2 datasets in FIFO APDS9960_GFIFO_8 = 0x02, // Generate interrupt after 3 datasets in FIFO APDS9960_GFIFO_16 = 0x03, // Generate interrupt after 4 datasets in FIFO }; /** Gesture Gain */ enum { APDS9960_GGAIN_1 = 0x00, // Gain 1x APDS9960_GGAIN_2 = 0x01, // Gain 2x APDS9960_GGAIN_4 = 0x02, // Gain 4x APDS9960_GGAIN_8 = 0x03, // Gain 8x }; /** Pulse Lenghts */ enum { APDS9960_GPULSE_4US = 0x00, // Pulse 4us APDS9960_GPULSE_8US = 0x01, // Pulse 8us APDS9960_GPULSE_16US = 0x02, // Pulse 16us APDS9960_GPULSE_32US = 0x03, // Pulse 32us }; #define APDS9960_UP 0x01 /**< Gesture Up */ #define APDS9960_DOWN 0x02 /**< Gesture Down */ #define APDS9960_LEFT 0x03 /**< Gesture Left */ #define APDS9960_RIGHT 0x04 /**< Gesture Right */ /*! * @brief Class that stores state and functions for interacting with * APDS9960 Sensor */ class Adafruit_APDS9960 { public: Adafruit_APDS9960(){}; ~Adafruit_APDS9960(){}; boolean begin(uint16_t iTimeMS = 10, apds9960AGain_t = APDS9960_AGAIN_4X, uint8_t addr = APDS9960_ADDRESS, TwoWire *theWire = &Wire); void setADCIntegrationTime(uint16_t iTimeMS); float getADCIntegrationTime(); void setADCGain(apds9960AGain_t gain); apds9960AGain_t getADCGain(); void setLED(apds9960LedDrive_t drive, apds9960LedBoost_t boost); // proximity void enableProximity(boolean en = true); void setProxGain(apds9960PGain_t gain); apds9960PGain_t getProxGain(); void setProxPulse(apds9960PPulseLen_t pLen, uint8_t pulses); void enableProximityInterrupt(); void disableProximityInterrupt(); uint8_t readProximity(); void setProximityInterruptThreshold(uint8_t low, uint8_t high, uint8_t persistance = 4); bool getProximityInterrupt(); // gesture void enableGesture(boolean en = true); bool gestureValid(); void setGestureDimensions(uint8_t dims); void setGestureFIFOThreshold(uint8_t thresh); void setGestureGain(uint8_t gain); void setGestureProximityThreshold(uint8_t thresh); void setGestureOffset(uint8_t offset_up, uint8_t offset_down, uint8_t offset_left, uint8_t offset_right); uint8_t readGesture(); void resetCounts(); // light & color void enableColor(boolean en = true); bool colorDataReady(); void getColorData(uint16_t *r, uint16_t *g, uint16_t *b, uint16_t *c); uint16_t calculateColorTemperature(uint16_t r, uint16_t g, uint16_t b); uint16_t calculateLux(uint16_t r, uint16_t g, uint16_t b); void enableColorInterrupt(); void disableColorInterrupt(); void clearInterrupt(); void setIntLimits(uint16_t l, uint16_t h); // turn on/off elements void enable(boolean en = true); private: uint8_t _i2caddr; TwoWire *_wire; uint32_t read32(uint8_t reg); uint16_t read16(uint8_t reg); uint16_t read16R(uint8_t reg); void write8(byte reg, byte value); uint8_t read8(byte reg); uint8_t gestCnt; uint8_t UCount; uint8_t DCount; uint8_t LCount; uint8_t RCount; uint8_t read(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t num); void write(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t num); void _i2c_init(); struct enable { // power on uint8_t PON : 1; // ALS enable uint8_t AEN : 1; // Proximity detect enable uint8_t PEN : 1; // wait timer enable uint8_t WEN : 1; // ALS interrupt enable uint8_t AIEN : 1; // proximity interrupt enable uint8_t PIEN : 1; // gesture enable uint8_t GEN : 1; uint8_t get() { return (GEN << 6) | (PIEN << 5) | (AIEN << 4) | (WEN << 3) | (PEN << 2) | (AEN << 1) | PON; }; }; struct enable _enable; struct pers { // ALS Interrupt Persistence. Controls rate of Clear channel interrupt to // the host processor uint8_t APERS : 4; // proximity interrupt persistence, controls rate of prox interrupt to host // processor uint8_t PPERS : 4; uint8_t get() { return (PPERS << 4) | APERS; }; }; pers _pers; struct config1 { uint8_t WLONG : 1; uint8_t get() { return WLONG << 1; }; }; config1 _config1; struct ppulse { /*Proximity Pulse Count. Specifies the number of proximity pulses to be generated on LDR. Number of pulses is set by PPULSE value plus 1. */ uint8_t PPULSE : 6; // Proximity Pulse Length. Sets the LED-ON pulse width during a proximity // LDR pulse. uint8_t PPLEN : 2; uint8_t get() { return (PPLEN << 6) | PPULSE; } }; ppulse _ppulse; struct control { // ALS and Color gain control uint8_t AGAIN : 2; // proximity gain control uint8_t PGAIN : 2; // led drive strength uint8_t LDRIVE : 2; uint8_t get() { return (LDRIVE << 6) | (PGAIN << 2) | AGAIN; } }; control _control; struct config2 { /* Additional LDR current during proximity and gesture LED pulses. Current value, set by LDRIVE, is increased by the percentage of LED_BOOST. */ uint8_t LED_BOOST : 2; // clear photodiode saturation int enable uint8_t CPSIEN : 1; // proximity saturation interrupt enable uint8_t PSIEN : 1; uint8_t get() { return (PSIEN << 7) | (CPSIEN << 6) | (LED_BOOST << 4) | 1; } }; config2 _config2; struct status { /* ALS Valid. Indicates that an ALS cycle has completed since AEN was asserted or since a read from any of the ALS/Color data registers. */ uint8_t AVALID : 1; /* Proximity Valid. Indicates that a proximity cycle has completed since PEN was asserted or since PDATA was last read. A read of PDATA automatically clears PVALID. */ uint8_t PVALID : 1; /* Gesture Interrupt. GINT is asserted when GFVLV becomes greater than GFIFOTH or if GVALID has become asserted when GMODE transitioned to zero. The bit is reset when FIFO is completely emptied (read). */ uint8_t GINT : 1; // ALS Interrupt. This bit triggers an interrupt if AIEN in ENABLE is set. uint8_t AINT : 1; // Proximity Interrupt. This bit triggers an interrupt if PIEN in ENABLE is // set. uint8_t PINT : 1; /* Indicates that an analog saturation event occurred during a previous proximity or gesture cycle. Once set, this bit remains set until cleared by clear proximity interrupt special function command (0xE5 PICLEAR) or by disabling Prox (PEN=0). This bit triggers an interrupt if PSIEN is set. */ uint8_t PGSAT : 1; /* Clear Photodiode Saturation. When asserted, the analog sensor was at the upper end of its dynamic range. The bit can be de-asserted by sending a Clear channel interrupt command (0xE6 CICLEAR) or by disabling the ADC (AEN=0). This bit triggers an interrupt if CPSIEN is set. */ uint8_t CPSAT : 1; void set(uint8_t data) { AVALID = data & 0x01; PVALID = (data >> 1) & 0x01; GINT = (data >> 2) & 0x01; AINT = (data >> 4) & 0x01; PINT = (data >> 5) & 0x01; PGSAT = (data >> 6) & 0x01; CPSAT = (data >> 7) & 0x01; } }; status _status; struct config3 { // proximity mask uint8_t PMASK_R : 1; uint8_t PMASK_L : 1; uint8_t PMASK_D : 1; uint8_t PMASK_U : 1; /* Sleep After Interrupt. When enabled, the device will automatically enter low power mode when the INT pin is asserted and the state machine has progressed to the SAI decision block. Normal operation is resumed when INT pin is cleared over I2C. */ uint8_t SAI : 1; /* Proximity Gain Compensation Enable. This bit provides gain compensation when proximity photodiode signal is reduced as a result of sensor masking. If only one diode of the diode pair is contributing, then only half of the signal is available at the ADC; this results in a maximum ADC value of 127. Enabling PCMP enables an additional gain of 2X, resulting in a maximum ADC value of 255. */ uint8_t PCMP : 1; uint8_t get() { return (PCMP << 5) | (SAI << 4) | (PMASK_U << 3) | (PMASK_D << 2) | (PMASK_L << 1) | PMASK_R; } }; config3 _config3; struct gconf1 { /* Gesture Exit Persistence. When a number of consecutive “gesture end” occurrences become equal or greater to the GEPERS value, the Gesture state machine is exited. */ uint8_t GEXPERS : 2; /* Gesture Exit Mask. Controls which of the gesture detector photodiodes (UDLR) will be included to determine a “gesture end” and subsequent exit of the gesture state machine. Unmasked UDLR data will be compared with the value in GTHR_OUT. Field value bits correspond to UDLR detectors. */ uint8_t GEXMSK : 4; /* Gesture FIFO Threshold. This value is compared with the FIFO Level (i.e. the number of UDLR datasets) to generate an interrupt (if enabled). */ uint8_t GFIFOTH : 2; uint8_t get() { return (GFIFOTH << 6) | (GEXMSK << 2) | GEXPERS; } }; gconf1 _gconf1; struct gconf2 { /* Gesture Wait Time. The GWTIME controls the amount of time in a low power mode between gesture detection cycles. */ uint8_t GWTIME : 3; // Gesture LED Drive Strength. Sets LED Drive Strength in gesture mode. uint8_t GLDRIVE : 2; // Gesture Gain Control. Sets the gain of the proximity receiver in gesture // mode. uint8_t GGAIN : 2; uint8_t get() { return (GGAIN << 5) | (GLDRIVE << 3) | GWTIME; } }; gconf2 _gconf2; struct gpulse { /* Number of Gesture Pulses. Specifies the number of pulses to be generated on LDR. Number of pulses is set by GPULSE value plus 1. */ uint8_t GPULSE : 6; // Gesture Pulse Length. Sets the LED_ON pulse width during a Gesture LDR // Pulse. uint8_t GPLEN : 2; uint8_t get() { return (GPLEN << 6) | GPULSE; } }; gpulse _gpulse; struct gconf3 { /* Gesture Dimension Select. Selects which gesture photodiode pairs are enabled to gather results during gesture. */ uint8_t GDIMS : 2; uint8_t get() { return GDIMS; } }; gconf3 _gconf3; struct gconf4 { /* Gesture Mode. Reading this bit reports if the gesture state machine is actively running, 1 = Gesture, 0= ALS, Proximity, Color. Writing a 1 to this bit causes immediate entry in to the gesture state machine (as if GPENTH had been exceeded). Writing a 0 to this bit causes exit of gesture when current analog conversion has finished (as if GEXTH had been exceeded). */ uint8_t GMODE : 1; /* Gesture interrupt enable. Gesture Interrupt Enable. When asserted, all gesture related interrupts are unmasked. */ uint8_t GIEN : 2; uint8_t get() { return (GIEN << 1) | GMODE; } void set(uint8_t data) { GIEN = (data >> 1) & 0x01; GMODE = data & 0x01; } }; gconf4 _gconf4; struct gstatus { /* Gesture FIFO Data. GVALID bit is sent when GFLVL becomes greater than GFIFOTH (i.e. FIFO has enough data to set GINT). GFIFOD is reset when GMODE = 0 and the GFLVL=0 (i.e. All FIFO data has been read). */ uint8_t GVALID : 1; /* Gesture FIFO Overflow. A setting of 1 indicates that the FIFO has filled to capacity and that new gesture detector data has been lost. */ uint8_t GFOV : 1; void set(uint8_t data) { GFOV = (data >> 1) & 0x01; GVALID = data & 0x01; } }; gstatus _gstatus; }; #endif