2011-10-19 01:05:15 +02:00

190 lines
6.3 KiB

* Based on the code of the Mini-LED-Cube 1.0
* Copyright (C) 2009 Paul Wilhelm <>
* http: *
* Changed by Kai Lauterbach (klaute at web dot de)
#include "main.h"
// Main
int main(void)
// Initialisierung
// Hauptschleife
while (1)
//wdt_reset(); // we are alive, so don't reset the µC
usbPoll(); // keep connected
unsigned char instruction = pgm_read_byte(&(program_pointer[program_counter]));
if ((instruction & 0b10000000) == 0)
// Pixel
unsigned char coord = instruction & 0b00111111; // Uns interessieren nur die 6 untersten Bits
unsigned char y = coord / 9;
unsigned char x = (coord - y * 9) % 3;
unsigned char z = (coord - y * 9) / 3;
buffer[x][y][z] = (instruction & 0b01000000) / 0b01000000;
// Instruction
unsigned char operation = instruction & 0b11110000; // Uns interessieren nur die 4 obersten Bits
if (operation == CLEAR || operation == SET)
unsigned char frame = instruction & 0b00001111;
// Folgende Werte entsprechen SET_ALL
unsigned char x_min = 0, x_max = 3, y_min = 0, y_max = 3, z_min = 0, z_max = 3;
// Folgendes kann noch optimiert werden.
// Y-Z-Ebene (links, mitte, rechts)
if (frame == 1) { x_min = 0; x_max = 1; }
if (frame == 2) { x_min = 1; x_max = 2; }
if (frame == 3) { x_min = 2; x_max = 3; }
// X-Z-Ebene (unten, mitte, oben)
if (frame == 4) { y_min = 0; y_max = 1; }
if (frame == 5) { y_min = 1; y_max = 2; }
if (frame == 6) { y_min = 2; y_max = 3; }
// X-Y-Ebene (hinten, mitte, vorne)
if (frame == 7) { z_min = 0; z_max = 1; }
if (frame == 8) { z_min = 1; z_max = 2; }
if (frame == 9) { z_min = 2; z_max = 3; }
if (frame < 10)
for (unsigned char z = z_min; z < z_max; z++)
for (unsigned char y = y_min; y < y_max; y++)
for (unsigned char x = x_min; x < x_max; x++)
if (operation == SET) buffer[x][y][z] = 1; else buffer[x][y][z] = 0;
} else
for (unsigned char a = 0; a < 3; a++)
for (unsigned char b = 0; b < 3; b++)
unsigned char x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
if (frame == 10) { x = a; y = b; z = b; } // Unten hinten nach oben vorne
if (frame == 11) { x = a; y = a; z = b; } // Unten links nach oben rechts
if (frame == 12) { x = a; y = b; z = 2 - b; } // Unten vorne nach oben hinten
if (frame == 13) { x = a; y = 2 - a; z = b; } // Oben links nach unten rechts
if (frame == 14) { x = b; y = a; z = b; } // Hinten links nach vorne rechts
if (frame == 15) { x = a; y = 2 - b; z = 2 - a; } // Vorne links nach hinten rechts
if (operation == SET) buffer[x][y][z] = 1; else buffer[x][y][z] = 0;
} else
if (operation == FPS)
if (program_counter + 1 < program_length) program_counter++; // else: Fehler
unsigned char byte = pgm_read_byte(&(program_pointer[program_counter]));
fps = byte;
} else
if (operation == NEXT)
// VAR_FPS = 0: Frame nicht zeichnen, keine Wartezeit
if (fps > 0)
// Temporäres Array ins "echte" Array kopieren
for (unsigned char z = 0; z < 3; z++)
for (unsigned char y = 0; y < 3; y++)
for (unsigned char x = 0; x < 3; x++)
cube[x][y][z] = buffer[x][y][z];
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < fps; i++)
// Programmzähler erhöhen, bzw. bei Erreichen des Programmendes wieder von vorn beginnen
if (program_counter + 1 < program_length) program_counter++; else program_counter = 0;
// Initialisierung
void init()
// Ports vorbereiten
DDRB = 0b11111111; // PB0-PB7: LED 1-8 (Kathoden)
PORTB = 0b11111111; // HIGH
DDRD = 0b1111000; // PD6: LED 9 (Kathode); PD5-PD3: A-C (Anoden)
PORTD = 0b1000000;
// Timer-Interrupt "TIMER1" vorbereiten
set_bit(TIMSK, OCIE1A);
set_bit(TCCR1B, WGM12);
// Animations-Geschwindigkeit
OCR1AH = 0x01;
OCR1AL = 0x00;
clear_bit(TCCR1B, CS12); // Prescaler 64
set_bit(TCCR1B, CS11);
set_bit(TCCR1B, CS10);
// Interruptvektor von TIMER1
// Pixel multiplexen
for (unsigned char z = 0; z < 3; z++)
for (unsigned char y = 0; y < 3; y++)
for (unsigned char x = 0; x < 3; x++)
unsigned char n = z * 3 + x;
// LED an
if (cube[x][y][z] == 1)
if (n < 8) clear_bit(PORTB, n); else clear_bit(PORTD, 6);
set_bit(PORTD, y + 3);
// ON-Time
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < PIXEL_TON; i++) { asm volatile("nop"::); }
// LED aus
if (cube[x][y][z] == 1)
clear_bit(PORTD, y + 3);
if (n < 8) set_bit(PORTB, n); else set_bit(PORTD, 6);
// OFF-Time
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < PIXEL_TOFF; i++) { asm volatile("nop"::); }