2020-11-09 20:10:53 -08:00

192 lines
5.3 KiB

This page is also available at [gemini://](gemini://
`twins` requires a configuration file to operate. It is loaded from
`~/.config/twins/config.yaml` by default. You may specify a different location
via the `--config` argument.
# Configuration options
## Listen
Address to listen for connections on in the format of `interface:port`.
### Listen on localhost
### Listen on all interfaces
## Hosts
Hosts are defined by their hostname followed by one or more paths to serve.
Paths may be defined as fixed strings or regular expressions (starting with `^`).
Paths are matched in the order they are defined.
Fixed string paths will match with and without a trailing slash.
When accessing a directory the file `index.gemini` or `index.gmi` is served.
### Certificates
A certificate and private key must be specified.
#### localhost certificate
Use `openssl` generate a certificate for localhost.
openssl req -x509 -out localhost.crt -keyout localhost.key \
-newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 \
-subj '/CN=localhost' -extensions EXT -config <( \
printf "[dn]\nCN=localhost\n[req]\ndistinguished_name = dn\n[EXT]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:localhost\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth")
#### Domain certificate
Use [certbot]( to get a certificate from [Let's Encrypt]( for a domain.
certbot certonly --config-dir /home/www/certs \
--work-dir /home/www/certs \
--logs-dir /home/www/certs \
--webroot \
-w /home/www/ \
-d \
Provide the path to the certificate file at `certs/live/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem`
and the private key file at `certs/live/$DOMAIN/privkey.pem` to twins.
### DisableSize
The size of the response body is included in the media type header by default.
Set this option to `true` to disable this feature. See [](
for more information.
### Path
#### Resources
One resource must be defined for each path.
##### Root
Serve static files from specified root directory.
##### Proxy
Forward requests to Gemini server at specified URL.
Use the pseudo-scheme `gemini-insecure://` to disable certificate verification.
##### Command
Serve output of system command.
When input is requested from the user, it is available as a pseudo-variable
`$USERINPUT` which does not require surrounding quotes. It may be used as an
argument to the command, otherwise user input is passed via standard input.
#### Attributes
Any number of attributes may be defined for a path.
##### Cache
Cache duration (in seconds). Set to `0` to disable caching entirely. This is an
out-of-spec feature. See [](
for more information.
##### ListDirectory
Directory listing may be enabled by adding `listdirectory: true`.
##### Input
Request text input from user.
##### SensitiveInput
Request sensitive text input from the user. Text will not be shown as it is entered.
##### Type
Content type is normally detected automatically, defaulting to
`text/gemini; charset=utf-8`. This option forces a specific content type.
##### FastCGI
Forward requests to [FastCGI]( server at
specified address or path.
A `Root` attribute must also be specified to use `FastCGI`.
## End-of-line indicator
The Gemini protocol requires `\r\n` (CRLF) as the end-of-line indicator. This
convention is carried over from protocol specifications **first written in the
1970s**. This requirement is antithetic to the spirit of Gemini (to improve
upon the Finger and Gopher protocols), increasing the complexity of client and
server implementations unnecessarily.
In anticipation of an improvement to the Gemini specification, administrators
may configure twins to send standard `\n` (LF) line endings by setting
`SaneEOL` to `true`.
# Example config.yaml
# Address to listen on
listen: :1965
# Hosts and paths to serve
cert: /srv/
key: /srv/
path: ^/sites/.*\.php$
root: /home/geminirocks/data
fastcgi: unix:///var/run/php.sock
path: /sites
root: /home/geminirocks/data
cache: 604800 # Cache for 1 week
listdirectory: true
path: ^/(help|info)$
root: /home/geminirocks/data/help
path: ^/proxy-example$
proxy: gemini://localhost:1966
path: ^/cmd-example$
command: uname -a
cache: 0 # Do not cache
path: /
root: /home/geminirocks/data/home
cert: /srv/
key: /srv/
path: /sites
root: /home/twins/data/sites
path: /
root: /home/twins/data/home