• Joined on 2020-11-19
klaute created branch origin/origin/wifi-conn-mgmt-upd in okoyono/weatherstation 2022-09-12 15:40:00 +02:00
klaute pushed to origin/origin/wifi-conn-mgmt-upd at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-09-12 15:40:00 +02:00
klaute pushed to feature/main_loop_to_fsm at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-09-12 15:29:44 +02:00
277e525314 FSM status info debug message added
klaute created branch feature/main_loop_to_fsm in okoyono/weatherstation 2022-09-12 15:27:01 +02:00
klaute pushed to feature/main_loop_to_fsm at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-09-12 15:27:01 +02:00
b25ea99da0 Initial implementation of the FSM, also cleaned up webUpdater ino file.
klaute pushed to wifi-conn-mgmt-upd at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-09-09 09:04:57 +02:00
26db5f74a9 Added signal quality and wifi connect count to default web page.
klaute created branch origin/wifi-conn-mgmt-upd in okoyono/weatherstation 2022-09-08 11:38:55 +02:00
klaute pushed to origin/wifi-conn-mgmt-upd at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-09-08 11:38:55 +02:00
klaute pushed to wifi-conn-mgmt-upd at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-09-08 11:37:20 +02:00
26300287f9 Wifi name set to const
0b9b627b6b Some optical changes done in the code. Checks added to prevent influxdb write activity if no wlan connection is applied (influxdb 2 only).
Compare 2 commits »
klaute pushed to wifi-conn-mgmt-upd at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-09-07 15:33:51 +02:00
3de73b2c98 Update of the example config file
klaute created branch wifi-conn-mgmt-upd in okoyono/weatherstation 2022-09-07 15:04:31 +02:00
klaute pushed to wifi-conn-mgmt-upd at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-09-07 15:04:31 +02:00
b2c69868f0 Added user config flag to set wifi settings to static value. The flag disables the WiFiManager.
klaute pushed to master at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-08-29 12:42:53 +02:00
3cea359c49 Fixed sensor values check
klaute pushed to master at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-08-28 13:47:13 +02:00
0366456b13 Added a data validation check. The webupdater will output the result of the check and also the hbWebstat json data contain the valid flag now. Also only valid data will logged into the influxDB.
klaute pushed to master at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-07-27 10:29:05 +02:00
66440f572e Wifi check moved info separate function.
klaute pushed to master at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-06-22 13:52:59 +02:00
930bde2619 Added watchdog support.
klaute pushed to master at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-05-27 12:00:01 +02:00
7fdc6d9e23 Added millis() logging support - could be used to debug uptime behavior.
klaute pushed to master at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-05-25 21:45:12 +02:00
7c935946ac Updated ESP reset intervak. Modified code formatting.
klaute pushed to master at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-05-25 20:14:26 +02:00
01108980dd Fix for interval reset
klaute pushed to master at okoyono/weatherstation 2022-05-24 11:07:54 +02:00
73670f5b14 Text fixed