
938 B

Buch des Monats

This simple script generate a HTML representation of the "Book of the Month" list. This includes books and comics.


$ lein uberjar


$ target/buchdesmonats-1.7-standalone.jar [book|comic]


You can use the Dockerfile to generate the static content. This is useful for a cronjob. You want to mount the target dir, so it is not lost after the container stops. The Dockerfile is a multi stage dockerfile, which first compiles the clojure files into a standalone jar file and then use it to generate the book of the month content.

$ docker build . -t bdm:1.7

Run this periodically:

$ docker run -it -v "$PWD/public:/app/public" -e "TYPE=book" bdm:1.7
$ docker run -it -v "$PWD/public:/app/public" -e "TYPE=comic" bdm:1.7
