2022-09-15 10:23:02 +02:00

674 B

InfluxDB 2 mock server

Mock server which simulates InfluxDB 1 and 2 write and query API.

First time, run: yarn install to download dependencies.

Run server: yarn start:

In query, it returns all written points, unless deleted. The results set had simple cvs form: measurement,tags, fields.

1st point in a batch if it has tag with name direction controls advanced behavior with value:

  • 429-1 - reply with 429 status code and add Reply-After header with value 30
  • 429-2 - reply with 429 status
  • 503-1 - reply with 503 status code and add Reply-After header with value 10
  • 503-2 - reply with 503 status
  • delete-all - deletes all written points