Merge branch 'klaute' into USB
Conflicts: firmware/main.c firmware/main.h firmware/usb.c firmware/usb.h
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 216 additions and 116 deletions
@ -8,3 +8,7 @@ firmware/.dep
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ usb_dev_handle *handle = NULL;
const unsigned char rawVid[2] = {USB_CFG_VENDOR_ID}, rawPid[2] = {USB_CFG_DEVICE_ID};
char vendor[] = {USB_CFG_VENDOR_NAME, 0}, product[] = {USB_CFG_DEVICE_NAME, 0};
char buffer[4];
int cnt, vid, pid;
int vid, pid;
@ -67,43 +67,28 @@ int cnt, vid, pid;
int i,x,y,z,onoff = 0;
while (1)
// int usb_control_msg(usb_dev_handle *dev, int requesttype, int request, int value, int index, char *bytes, int size, int timeout);
// 32 bit in 2 transmission
usb_control_msg(handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_OUT, CUSTOM_RQ_SET_STATUS, 0x7007, 0x1B, buffer, 0, 300);
usb_control_msg(handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_OUT, CUSTOM_RQ_SET_STATUS, 0x0700, 0x1C, buffer, 0, 300);
// bitwise set/get
//usb_control_msg(handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_OUT, CUSTOM_RQ_SET_STATUS, 0, 25, buffer, 0, 5000);
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 27; i++)
onoff = (onoff == 0) ? 1 : 0;
for (x = 0; x <3; x++)
for (y = 0; y <3; y++)
for (z = 0; z <3; z++)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
int v = 0;
if (i == 0)
v = x;
if (i == 1)
v = y;
if (i == 2)
v = z;
if (i == 3)
v = onoff;
cnt = -1;
do {
cnt = usb_control_msg(handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_OUT, CUSTOM_RQ_SET_STATUS, v, 0, buffer, 0, 5000);
if (cnt < 0)
if(usbOpenDevice(&handle, vid, vendor, pid, product, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Could not find USB device \"%s\" with vid=0x%x pid=0x%x\n", product, vid, pid);
} while (cnt < 0);
usb_control_msg(handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_OUT, CUSTOM_RQ_SET_STATUS, 1, i, buffer, 0, 300);
fprintf(stdout, "%d %d %d %d\n",x,y,z,onoff);
for (i = 26; i >= 0; i--)
usb_control_msg(handle, USB_TYPE_VENDOR | USB_RECIP_DEVICE | USB_ENDPOINT_OUT, CUSTOM_RQ_SET_STATUS, 0, i, buffer, 0, 300);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Bus 002 Device 013: ID 16c0:05df VOTI
Device Descriptor:
bLength 18
bDescriptorType 1
bcdUSB 1.10
bDeviceClass 0 (Defined at Interface level)
bDeviceSubClass 0
bDeviceProtocol 0
bMaxPacketSize0 8
idVendor 0x16c0 VOTI
idProduct 0x05df
bcdDevice 1.00
iManufacturer 1
iProduct 2 MiniLEDCube
iSerial 0
bNumConfigurations 1
Configuration Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 2
wTotalLength 34
bNumInterfaces 1
bConfigurationValue 1
iConfiguration 0
bmAttributes 0x80
(Bus Powered)
MaxPower 250mA
Interface Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 4
bInterfaceNumber 0
bAlternateSetting 0
bNumEndpoints 1
bInterfaceClass 3 Human Interface Device
bInterfaceSubClass 0 No Subclass
bInterfaceProtocol 0 None
iInterface 0
HID Device Descriptor:
bLength 9
bDescriptorType 33
bcdHID 1.01
bCountryCode 0 Not supported
bNumDescriptors 1
bDescriptorType 34 Report
wDescriptorLength 22
Report Descriptors:
Endpoint Descriptor:
bLength 7
bDescriptorType 5
bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
bmAttributes 3
Transfer Type Interrupt
Synch Type None
Usage Type Data
wMaxPacketSize 0x0008 1x 8 bytes
bInterval 10
Device Status: 0x0000
(Bus Powered)
@ -1,37 +1,8 @@
#define F_CPU 12000000UL
// Bitpopelei
// Bitshifting
#define set_bit(var, bit) ((var) |= (1 << (bit)))
#define clear_bit(var, bit) ((var) &= (unsigned)~(1 << (bit)))
// Bool
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
// Definitionen
#define PIXEL_TON 30
#define PIXEL_TOFF 10
#define sleep_nop(cnt) for (uint8_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { asm volatile("nop"::); }
// Pixelmakros
#define PSET(x,y,z) (0b01000000 | ((z * 3 + x) + y * 9))
#define PCLEAR(x,y,z) (0b00000000 | ((z * 3 + x) + y * 9))
// Instructions
#define CLEAR 0b10000000
#define SET 0b10010000
#define FPS 0b10110000
#define NEXT 0b11110000
// Variablen
#define VAR_FPS 0
// Für CLEAR und SET
#define CLEAR_ALL 0
#define SET_ALL 0
// Für NEXT
#define JUMP_FORWARD 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (void)
int PORTD = 0xff;
int PORTB = 0xff;
int cube = 0x000001ff;
int cube_level = 0;
char test[100];
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
printf("-----------------\ncube_level = %d\n",cube_level);
printf("PORTD = 0x%2x\n", PORTD);
printf("PORTB = 0x%2x\n", PORTB);
PORTD &= 0x87; // 0x87 = 0b10000111; // 7tes Bit löschen (Leitung 9) und alle Ebenen deaktivieren
printf("& 0b10000111: PORTD = 0x%2x\n", PORTD);
PORTD |= ((1 << cube_level)<< 3); // cube_level setzen (Ebene A=0, B=1, C=2)
printf("Level festlegen: PORTD = 0x%2x\n", PORTD);
int tmp = cube_level * 9;
printf("8 Bits aus cube: PORTD = 0x%2x\n", ((~cube & (0xff << tmp)) >> tmp));
// PORTB = 1..8
// 0 = leuchtet, 1 = leuchtet nicht (invertiert!)
PORTB = ((~cube & (0xff << tmp)) >> tmp);
printf("Pins1-8: PORTB = 0x%2x\n", PORTB);
// PORTD &= 0b10111111; // bereits oben erledigt
PORTD |= (((~cube & (1 << (tmp+8))) >> (tmp+8)) << 6);
printf("Pin9: PORTD = 0x%2x\n", PORTD);
if (cube_level > 2) cube_level = 0;
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ int main(void)
//uint8_t anim = 0;
// Hauptschleife
//while (1)
for (;;)
@ -24,7 +26,30 @@ int main(void)
usbPoll(); // keep connected
// hier pause einfügen
_delay_ms(50); // beispielsweise 50 ms => muss angepasst werden an usb kommunikation
//_delay_ms(1); // beispielsweise 50 ms => muss angepasst werden an usb kommunikation
if (anim >= 0)
if (cube == 0xffffffff)
cube = 0x07007007;
else if (cube == 0x07007007)
cube = 0x00000000;
else if (cube == 0x00000000)
cube = 0xffffffff;
anim = 0;
/*if (anim >= 40)
cube += 1;
if (cube > 0x07ffffff)
cube = 0;
anim = 0;
@ -36,14 +61,14 @@ void init()
DDRB = 0b11111111; // PB0-PB7: LED 1-8 (Kathoden)
PORTB = 0b11111111; // HIGH
DDRD = 0b1111000; // PD6: LED 9 (Kathode); PD5-PD3: A-C (Anoden)
PORTD = 0b1000000;
DDRD = 0b01111000; // PD6: LED 9 (Kathode); PD5-PD3: A-C (Anoden)
PORTD = 0b01000000;
// Timer-Interrupt "TIMER1" vorbereiten
//cli(); //
set_bit(TIMSK, OCIE1A); // Interrupt für ISR COMPA
set_bit(TCCR1B, WGM12); // Überlauf
//set_bit(TCCR1B, WGM12); // Überlauf
// Animations-Geschwindigkeit
// (vergleichswert bei dem der Interrupt ausgelöst wird)
@ -53,11 +78,10 @@ void init()
// anpassen auf reihenweise ausgabe
// Vorteiler durch 64 (0x011) ----> CS12=0, CS11=1, CS10=1
clear_bit(TCCR1B, CS12); // Prescaler 64
set_bit(TCCR1B, CS11);
set_bit(TCCR1B, CS10);
//clear_bit(TCCR1B, CS12); // Prescaler 64
//set_bit(TCCR1B, CS11);
//set_bit(TCCR1B, CS10);
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10) | (1 << WGM12);
sei(); // Set enable interrupt bit (Muss gesetzt werden damit es überhaupt aufgerufen wird)
@ -66,18 +90,31 @@ void init()
//SIGNAL(SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A) // alte schreibweise
// PORTD = __, 9, C, B, A,D+,D-,__
PORTD &= 0b11000111; // Reset durch Bitmaske
PORTD |= ((1 << (cube_level))<< 3); // Level setzen (A=0, B=1, C=2)
// PORTD = __, 9, C, B, A,D+,D-,__
PORTD &= 0b10000111; // 7tes Bit löschen (Leitung 9) und alle Ebenen deaktivieren
PORTD |= ((1 << cube_level) << 3); // cube_level setzen (Ebene A=0, B=1, C=2)
uint32_t tmp = cube_level * 9;
// PORTB = 1..8
// 0 = leuchtet, 1 = leuchtet nicht (invertiert!)
PORTB = ~(cube & (0b11111111 << (cube_level*9)));
//PORTB = ~((uint32_t)(cube & (0b11111111 << tmp)) >> tmp);
//PORTB = ((uint32_t)(~cube & (uint32_t)(0xff << tmp)) >> tmp);
PORTB = ~((cube >> tmp) & 0xff);
PORTD &= 0b10111111; // 7tes Bit löschen (9)
PORTD |= ~((cube & (1 << (cube_level*9+8))) << 6);
// PORTD &= 0b10111111; // bereits oben erledigt
//PORTD |= ~(((uint32_t)(cube & (1 << (tmp+8))) >> (tmp+8)) << 6);
//PORTD |= (((~cube & (1 << tmp)) >> tmp) << 6);
if ( (((cube >> tmp) >> 8) & 0x01) == 1 )
PORTD &= ~(1 << 6);
PORTD |= (1 << 6);
//PORTD |= (1 << 6); // test to always off
if (cube_level > 2) cube_level = 0;
//if (cube_level > 2) cube_level = 0;
@ -16,17 +16,16 @@
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
//#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
//#include <avr/wdt.h>
// Cube-Data
volatile uint32_t cube = 0x0000000F; // Aktuelle Frame
//volatile uint32_t cube = 0x07007007; // Aktuelles Frame
volatile uint32_t cube = 0xffffffff; // Aktuelles Frame
//volatile uint32_t cube = 0x00000000; // Aktuelles Frame
// Bit Offset in Cube-Data
volatile uint8_t cube_level = 0; // Ebene
// Prototypen
void init(void);
void loop(uint8_t);
extern void init_usb(void);
extern void usbPoll(void);
@ -12,35 +12,32 @@
usbMsgLen_t usbFunctionSetup(uchar data[8])
usbRequest_t *rq = (void *)data;
usbRequest_t *rq = (void *)data;
if ( (rq->bmRequestType & USBRQ_TYPE_MASK) == USBRQ_TYPE_VENDOR )
if ( rq->bRequest == CUSTOM_RQ_SET_STATUS )
/*if (rq->wIndex.bytes[0] == 0)
cube[0][0][0] = 1;
if (rq->wIndex.bytes[0] == 1)
cube[0][0][1] = 1;
if (rq->wIndex.bytes[0] == 2)
cube[0][0][2] = 1;
if (rq->wIndex.bytes[0] == 3)
cube[0][1][0] = 1;
if ( rq->wIndex.bytes[0] == 27 )
cube = (cube & (uint32_t)0xffff0000) |
rq->wValue.bytes[0] +
(rq->wValue.bytes[1] << 8);
} else if ( rq->wIndex.bytes[0] == 28 )
cube = (cube & (uint32_t)0x0000ffff) |
((uint32_t)(rq->wValue.bytes[0] +
(rq->wValue.bytes[1] << 8)) << 16);
} else if ( rq->wIndex.bytes[0] < 27 )
if ( rq->wValue.bytes[0] == 1 )
cube |= ((uint32_t)1 << rq->wIndex.bytes[0]);
cube &= ~((uint32_t)1 << rq->wIndex.bytes[0]);
if (rq->wIndex.bytes[0] == 0)
x = rq->wValue.bytes[0];
else if (rq->wIndex.bytes[0] == 1)
y = rq->wValue.bytes[0];
else if (rq->wIndex.bytes[0] == 2)
z = rq->wValue.bytes[0];
else if (rq->wIndex.bytes[0] == 3)
cube[x][y][z] = rq->wValue.bytes[0];
} else if ( rq->bRequest == CUSTOM_RQ_GET_STATUS ) {
//} else if ( rq->bRequest == CUSTOM_RQ_GET_STATUS ) {
// Send one byte to the USB host.
//static uchar dataBuffer[1]; // buffer must stay valid when usbFunctionSetup returns
@ -48,9 +45,8 @@ usbMsgLen_t usbFunctionSetup(uchar data[8])
//return 1; // tell the driver to send 1 byte
//return 0; // tell the driver to send 0 byte
//} else {
* not implemented since we never call them. The operating system
* won't call them either because our descriptor defines no meaning.
@ -69,7 +65,7 @@ void init_usb(void)
usbDeviceDisconnect(); /* enforce re-enumeration, do this while interrupts are disabled! */
i = 0;
while(--i){ /* fake USB disconnect for > 250 ms */
while(--i) { /* fake USB disconnect for > 250 ms */
@ -55,13 +55,10 @@ PROGMEM char usbHidReportDescriptor[22] = { /* USB report descriptor */
void init_usb(void);
//volatile uint8_t x;
//volatile uint8_t y;
//volatile uint8_t z;
// usb buffer
//extern uint8_t buffer[3][3][3]; // Framebuffer
//extern uint8_t cube[3][3][3]; // Framebuffer
extern volatile uint32_t cube; // Framebuffer
#endif // __usb_h__
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