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# powerMC - Energy and Current Measurement System
An ESP32 based energy and current measurement system.
Most of the code is generated by ChatGPT.
## Webserver
The web server is implemented on the ESP32 and provides various endpoints for operation and display of information. Here are the defined URLs and their functions:
### URL Paths:
1. **`/` (Root)**
- **Output:** HTML page with dynamic content.
- **Return:** Webpage with various data and options.
- **Format:** HTML.
- **Purpose:** Displays real-time data and provides options for configuration and control.
2. **`/json`**
- **Output:** JSON data.
- **Return:** JSON object with sensor values and configuration parameters.
- **Format:** JSON.
- **Purpose:** Provides sensor values and configuration settings in a machine-readable format.
This is an example of a JSON object containing various measurement values and configuration parameters. Here is an explanation of the fields included:
"busVoltage": 12.35,
"shuntVoltage": 0.015,
"current": 0.5,
"power": 6.175,
"energy": 100.25,
"temperature": 25.5,
"humidity": 45,
"errorCode": 0,
"shuntValue": 0.0001,
"ina226Status": 3,
"ina226ShuntValue": 0.0002,
"ina226AlertFlag": 0,
"ina226AlertLimit": 0,
"ina226CurrentLSB": 0.0005
- `busVoltage`: The voltage at the bus in volts.
- `shuntVoltage`: The voltage across the shunt resistor in volts.
- `current`: The current consumption in amperes.
- `power`: The power in watts.
- `energy`: The energy in watt-hours of the attached battery.
- `temperature`: The temperature in degrees Celsius.
- `humidity`: The humidity in percentage.
- `errorCode`: An error code indicating possible error conditions.
- `shuntValue`: The value of the shunt resistor in ohms which is used for configuration.
- `ina226Status`: The status of the INA226 initialization (setMaxCurrentShunt function call).
- `ina226ShuntValue`: The value of the shunt resistor according to the INA226 chip in ohms.
- `ina226AlertFlag`: A flag indicating whether a warning has been triggered by the INA226 chip.
- `ina226AlertLimit`: The limit value for alerts from the INA226 chip.
- `ina226CurrentLSB`: The value of the least significant bit (LSB) for the current according to the INA226 chip in amperes represents the smallest measurable current level that the INA226 chip can detect.
#### Error codes in `errorCode`
The variable `globalError` is used as a bitmask, where each bit represents a specific error condition. Here are the possible error codes and their meanings:
| Descriptive Name | Value | Meaning |
| `ERROR_NONE` | 0b00000000 | No error. The device is functioning properly, there are no errors present. |
| `ERROR_MAX_CURRENT_EXCEEDED`| 0b00000001 | The maximum current consumption has been exceeded. There might be an overload condition on the device. |
| `ERROR_CURRENT_BELOW_MIN` | 0b00000010 | The current consumption is below the permissible minimum. There may be an issue with the power supply. |
| `ERROR_MAX_TEMP_EXCEEDED` | 0b00000100 | The maximum temperature has been exceeded. The device could overheat. |
| `ERROR_TEMP_BELOW_MIN` | 0b00001000 | The temperature is below the permissible minimum. There is a risk of hypothermia or other temperature-related issues. |
| `ERROR_MAX_HUMI_EXCEEDED` | 0b00010000 | The maximum humidity has been exceeded. This could lead to moisture-related problems. |
| `ERROR_HUMI_BELOW_MIN` | 0b00100000 | The humidity is below the permissible minimum. There is a risk of low humidity. |
|`ERROR_INA226_UNCONFIGURED` | 0b10000000 | The configuration settings for the shunt voltage and maximum current exceed the limits of the INA226 library. |
Please note that multiple errors can occur simultaneously as the bitmasks can be combined. For example, `ERROR_MAX_TEMP_EXCEEDED | ERROR_MAX_HUMI_EXCEEDED` could indicate that both the maximum temperature and humidity have been exceeded.
#### Error codes ina226Status
| descriptive name error | value | meaning |
| INA226_ERR_NONE | 0x0000 | OK
| INA226_ERR_SHUNTVOLTAGE_HIGH | 0x8000 | maxCurrent \* shunt > 80 mV
| INA226_ERR_MAXCURRENT_LOW | 0x8001 | maxCurrent < 0.001
| INA226_ERR_SHUNT_LOW | 0x8002 | shunt < 0.001
| INA226_ERR_NORMALIZE_FAILED | 0x8003 | not possible to normalize.
#### Error codes ina226AlertLimit
| description alert register | value | a.k.a. |
|:---------------------------|-------:| -------:|
| INA226_SHUNT_OVER_VOLTAGE | 0x8000 | SOL |
| INA226_BUS_OVER_VOLTAGE | 0x2000 | BOL |
| INA226_BUS_UNDER_VOLTAGE | 0x1000 | BUL |
| INA226_POWER_OVER_LIMIT | 0x0800 | POL |
| INA226_CONVERSION_READY | 0x0400 | |
3. **`/config`**
- **Output:** HTML page for configuration.
- **Return:** Webpage with form fields for configuring parameters.
- **Format:** HTML.
- **Purpose:** Allows users to customize device settings through a web interface.
4. **`/saveConfig`**
- **Output:** JSON response.
- **Return:** Confirmation message.
- **Format:** JSON.
- **Purpose:** Saves configuration changes submitted via the configuration form.
5. **`/demoMode1`**
- **Output:** Redirect to root.
- **Return:** Redirect to root after activating Demo Mode 1.
- **Format:** HTML.
- **Purpose:** Initiates Demo Mode 1, simulating a specific charging scenario.
6. **`/demoMode2`**
- **Output:** Redirect to root.
- **Return:** Redirect to root after activating Demo Mode 2.
- **Format:** HTML.
- **Purpose:** Initiates Demo Mode 2, simulating a specific charging scenario.
7. **`/demoMode3`**
- **Output:** Redirect to root.
- **Return:** Redirect to root after activating Demo Mode 3.
- **Format:** HTML.
- **Purpose:** Initiates Demo Mode 3, simulating a specific discharging scenario.
8. **`/resetESP`**
- **Output:** HTML page with restart message.
- **Return:** HTML page displaying the restart process.
- **Format:** HTML.
- **Purpose:** Initiates a restart of the ESP32 device.
9. **`/resetWifi`**
- **Output:** HTML page with reset message.
- **Return:** HTML page displaying the process to reset the Wi-Fi configuration.
- **Format:** HTML.
- **Purpose:** Resets the Wi-Fi configuration and restarts the device.
10. **`/updateFirmware`**
- **Output:** HTML page with firmware update options.
- **Return:** HTML page displaying firmware update options.
- **Format:** HTML.
- **Purpose:** Provides options for updating the device firmware.
11. **`/updateFirmwareAction`**
- **Output:** HTML page with update status.
- **Return:** HTML page displaying the firmware update process.
- **Format:** HTML.
- **Purpose:** Initiates the firmware update process and displays the current update status in real-time.
12. **`/readUpdateFirmwareStatus`**
- **Output:** HTML page with update status.
- **Return:** HTML page displaying the current firmware update status.
- **Format:** HTML.
- **Purpose:** Provides the current update status during the firmware update process in real-time.
13. **`/css`**
- **Output:** Custom CSS styles.
- **Return:** CSS styles for the HTML pages.
- **Format:** CSS.
- **Purpose:** Provides style templates for the HTML pages.
These URL paths form a basic API for interacting with the ESP32 device, allowing users to display real-time data, configure settings, initiate demo modes, and update the firmware.
## Functions
### configureIna226()
The `configureIna226()` function configures the INA226 sensor with specific settings.
#### Steps:
1. **Set Minimal Shunt:**
- Description: Overwrites the INA226_ERR_SHUNT_LOW parameter with a minimal shunt value.
The ina226 library default values is 0.001.
- Code: `ina226.setMinimalShunt(0.0001);`
2. **Set Maximum Current Shunt:**
- Description: Sets the maximum current shunt value with normalization (3rd parameter set to true) to 3 floating-point accuracy.
- Code:
ina226Status = ina226.setMaxCurrentShunt(current ampere, shunt ohm, true);
3. **Set Averaging:**
- Description: Sets the averaging mode to use 16 samples for building an average value.
- Code: `ina226.setAverage(2);`
## Used libraries (Arduino)
- WiFi at version 2.0.0
- ESP32httpUpdate at version 2.1.145
- HTTPClient at version 2.0.0
- WiFiClientSecure at version 2.0.0
- Update at version 2.0.0
- FS at version 2.0.0
- SPIFFS at version 2.0.0
- WebServer at version 2.0.0
- ArduinoJson at version 7.0.2
- WiFiManager at version 2.0.16-rc.2
- DNSServer at version 2.0.0
- EEPROM at version 2.0.0
- Wire at version 2.0.0
- INA226 at version 0.5.2
- Adafruit GFX Library at version 1.11.9
- Adafruit BusIO at version 1.15.0
- SPI at version 2.0.0
- Adafruit SSD1306 at version 2.5.9
- Adafruit Unified Sensor at version 1.1.14
- Adafruit BME280 Library at version 2.2.4
Use the modified INA226 zip file from the repository to support shunt resistors down to 0.0001 Ohm.