* [Example Plugin #7 - Listening for events, Greet players when they join the game.](#example-plugin-7---listening-for-events-greet-players-when-they-join-the-game)
The current player. (Note - this value should not be used in multi-threaded scripts or event-handling code - it's not thread-safe). This variable is only safe to use at the in-game prompt and should *never* be used in modules. For example you can use it here...
ScriptCraft's `require()` function is used to load modules. The `require()` function takes a module name as a parameter and will try to load the named module.
The `command()` function is used to expose javascript functions for use by non-operators (regular players). Only operators should be allowed use raw javascript using the `/js ` command because it is too powerful for use by regular players and can be easily abused. However, the `/jsp ` command lets you (the operator / server administrator / plugin author) safely expose javascript functions for use by players.
* commandFunction: The named javascript function which will be invoked when the command is invoked by a player. The name of the function will be used as the command name so name this function accordingly. The callback function in turn takes 2 parameters...
* params : An Array of type String - the list of parameters passed to the command.
* sender : The [CommandSender][bukcs] object that invoked the command (this is usually a Player object but can be a Block ([BlockCommandSender][bukbcs]).
* options (Array|Function - optional) : An array of command options/parameters which the player can supply (It's useful to supply an array so that Tab-Completion works for the `/jsp ` commands. If a function is supplied instead of an array then the function will be invoked at TAB-completion time and should return an array of strings.
* intercepts (boolean - optional) : Indicates whether this command can intercept Tab-Completion of the `/jsp ` command - advanced usage - see alias/alias.js for example.
This function mimics the setTimeout() function used in browser-based javascript. However, the function will only accept a function reference, not a string of javascript code. Where setTimeout() in the browser returns a numeric value which can be subsequently passed to clearTimeout(), This implementation returns an object which can be subsequently passed to ScriptCraft's own clearTimeout() implementation.
This function mimics the setInterval() function used in browser-based javascript. However, the function will only accept a function reference, not a string of javascript code. Where setInterval() in the browser returns a numeric value which can be subsequently passed to clearInterval(), This implementation returns an object which can be subsequently passed to ScriptCraft's own clearInterval() implementation.
The refresh() function can be used to only reload the ScriptCraft plugin (it's like the `reload` command except it only reloads ScriptCraft). The refresh() function will ...
By default, if `self` is defined at runtime, it checks, whether `self` is server operator, otherwise fails with message. This behavivor can be modified using `skipOpCheck` parameter (useful, if you are doing some custom premission checks before calling this function).
#### Parameters
* skipOpCheck (boolean - optional) : If true, the function won't check if `self` is server operator.
The addUnloadHandler() function takes a callback function as a parameter. The callback will be called when the ScriptCraft plugin is unloaded (usually as a result of a a `reload` command or server shutdown).
This method is used to register event listeners. This method is called by all of the Event Helper methods.
The `events` object has functions for registering listeners for each type of event. For example, you can register a block-break listener using events.on:
For example, the events.blockDestroy() function is just a wrapper function which calls events.on(net.canarymod.hook.player.BlockDestroyHook, callback, priority)
The crucial difference is that the events module now has functions for each of the built-in events. The functions are accessible via TAB-completion so will help beginning programmers to explore the events at the server console window.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.MinecartActivateHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/MinecartActivateHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.villagerTradeUnlock()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.VillagerTradeUnlockHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/VillagerTradeUnlockHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.mobTarget()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.MobTargetHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/MobTargetHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.chickenLayEgg()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.ChickenLayEggHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/ChickenLayEggHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.potionEffectFinish()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.PotionEffectFinishHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/PotionEffectFinishHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.entityMove()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityMoveHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/EntityMoveHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.hangingEntityDestroy()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.HangingEntityDestroyHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/HangingEntityDestroyHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.vehicleCollision()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.VehicleCollisionHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/VehicleCollisionHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.potionEffectApplied()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.PotionEffectAppliedHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/PotionEffectAppliedHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.vehicleDestroy()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.VehicleDestroyHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/VehicleDestroyHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.vehicleEnter()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.VehicleEnterHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/VehicleEnterHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.damage()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.DamageHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/DamageHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.entityMount()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityMountHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/EntityMountHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.slimeSplit()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.SlimeSplitHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/SlimeSplitHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.endermanDropBlock()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EndermanDropBlockHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/EndermanDropBlockHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.itemTouchGround()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.ItemTouchGroundHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/ItemTouchGroundHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.entitySpawn()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntitySpawnHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/EntitySpawnHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.endermanPickupBlock()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EndermanPickupBlockHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/EndermanPickupBlockHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.vehicleDamage()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.VehicleDamageHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/VehicleDamageHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.entityLightningStruck()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityLightningStruckHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/EntityLightningStruckHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.entityDespawn()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityDespawnHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/EntityDespawnHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.vehicleMove()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.VehicleMoveHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/VehicleMoveHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.projectileHit()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.ProjectileHitHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/ProjectileHitHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.entityDeath()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityDeathHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/EntityDeathHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.entityTame()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityTameHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/EntityTameHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.vehicleExit()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.VehicleExitHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/VehicleExitHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.dimensionSwitch()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.DimensionSwitchHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/entity/DimensionSwitchHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.foodLevel()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.FoodLevelHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/FoodLevelHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.bookEdit()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.BookEditHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/BookEditHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.eat()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.EatHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/EatHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerList()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerListHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/PlayerListHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerIdle()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerIdleHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/PlayerIdleHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.enchant()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.EnchantHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/EnchantHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerArmSwing()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerArmSwingHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/PlayerArmSwingHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.teleport()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.TeleportHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/TeleportHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.anvilUse()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.AnvilUseHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/AnvilUseHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.portalUse()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PortalUseHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/PortalUseHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.foodSaturation()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.FoodSaturationHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/FoodSaturationHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.connection()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.ConnectionHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/ConnectionHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerRespawned()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerRespawnedHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/PlayerRespawnedHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.armorBroken()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.ArmorBrokenHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/ArmorBrokenHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.levelUp()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.LevelUpHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/LevelUpHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.blockRightClick()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.BlockRightClickHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/BlockRightClickHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.itemDrop()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.ItemDropHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/ItemDropHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.itemFrameRotate()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.ItemFrameRotateHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/ItemFrameRotateHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerRespawning()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerRespawningHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/PlayerRespawningHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.craft()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.CraftHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/CraftHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.experience()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.ExperienceHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/ExperienceHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.signChange()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.SignChangeHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/SignChangeHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.healthChange()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.HealthChangeHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/HealthChangeHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.disconnection()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.DisconnectionHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/DisconnectionHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.gameModeChange()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.GameModeChangeHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/GameModeChangeHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.preConnection()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PreConnectionHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/PreConnectionHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.villagerTrade()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.VillagerTradeHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/VillagerTradeHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.returnFromIdle()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.ReturnFromIdleHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/ReturnFromIdleHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.armorStandModify()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.ArmorStandModifyHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/ArmorStandModifyHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.slotClick()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.SlotClickHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/SlotClickHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.itemFrameSetItem()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.ItemFrameSetItemHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/ItemFrameSetItemHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.entityRightClick()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.EntityRightClickHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/EntityRightClickHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.foodExhaustion()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.FoodExhaustionHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/FoodExhaustionHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.chat()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.ChatHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/ChatHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.itemPickup()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.ItemPickupHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/ItemPickupHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.bedExit()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.BedExitHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/BedExitHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.blockPlace()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.BlockPlaceHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/BlockPlaceHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.heldItemChange()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.HeldItemChangeHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/HeldItemChangeHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.toolBroken()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.ToolBrokenHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/ToolBrokenHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.kick()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.KickHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/KickHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerDeath()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerDeathHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/PlayerDeathHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.blockLeftClick()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.BlockLeftClickHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/BlockLeftClickHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.blockDestroy()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.BlockDestroyHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/BlockDestroyHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.bedEnter()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.BedEnterHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/BedEnterHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.signShow()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.SignShowHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/SignShowHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.inventory()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.InventoryHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/InventoryHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerMove()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerMoveHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/PlayerMoveHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.itemUse()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.ItemUseHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/ItemUseHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.ban()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.BanHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/BanHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.statGained()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.StatGainedHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/player/StatGainedHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.smeltBegin()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.SmeltBeginHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/SmeltBeginHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.treeGrow()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.TreeGrowHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/TreeGrowHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.chunkCreated()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.ChunkCreatedHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/ChunkCreatedHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.liquidDestroy()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.LiquidDestroyHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/LiquidDestroyHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.chunkLoaded()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.ChunkLoadedHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/ChunkLoadedHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.pistonRetract()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.PistonRetractHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/PistonRetractHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.smelt()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.SmeltHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/SmeltHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.blockUpdate()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.BlockUpdateHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/BlockUpdateHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.portalDestroy()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.PortalDestroyHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/PortalDestroyHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.ignition()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.IgnitionHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/IgnitionHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.redstoneChange()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.RedstoneChangeHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/RedstoneChangeHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.weatherChange()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.WeatherChangeHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/WeatherChangeHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.chunkCreation()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.ChunkCreationHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/ChunkCreationHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.hopperTransfer()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.HopperTransferHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/HopperTransferHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.chunkUnload()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.ChunkUnloadHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/ChunkUnloadHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.blockGrow()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.BlockGrowHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/BlockGrowHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.dispense()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.DispenseHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/DispenseHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.blockDropXp()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.BlockDropXpHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/BlockDropXpHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.fireworkExplode()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.FireworkExplodeHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/FireworkExplodeHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.leafDecay()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.LeafDecayHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/LeafDecayHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.pistonExtend()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.PistonExtendHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/PistonExtendHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.noteBlockPlay()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.NoteBlockPlayHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/NoteBlockPlayHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.lightningStrike()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.LightningStrikeHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/LightningStrikeHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.decorate()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.DecorateHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/DecorateHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.explosion()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.ExplosionHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/ExplosionHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.tNTActivate()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.TNTActivateHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/TNTActivateHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.timeChange()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.TimeChangeHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/TimeChangeHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.flow()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.FlowHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/FlowHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.portalCreate()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.PortalCreateHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/PortalCreateHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.blockPhysics()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.BlockPhysicsHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/world/BlockPhysicsHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerCommand()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [command.PlayerCommandHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/command/PlayerCommandHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.consoleCommand()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [command.ConsoleCommandHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/command/ConsoleCommandHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.commandBlockCommand()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [command.CommandBlockCommandHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/command/CommandBlockCommandHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.loadWorld()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [system.LoadWorldHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/system/LoadWorldHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.permissionCheck()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [system.PermissionCheckHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/system/PermissionCheckHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.serverGuiStart()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [system.ServerGuiStartHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/system/ServerGuiStartHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.unloadWorld()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [system.UnloadWorldHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/system/UnloadWorldHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.pluginDisable()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [system.PluginDisableHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/system/PluginDisableHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.pluginEnable()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [system.PluginEnableHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/system/PluginEnableHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.serverTick()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [system.ServerTickHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/system/ServerTickHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.serverListPing()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [system.ServerListPingHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/system/ServerListPingHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.serverShutdown()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [system.ServerShutdownHook event](https://ci.visualillusionsent.net/job/CanaryLib/javadoc/net/canarymod/hook/system/ServerShutdownHook.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
The Events helper module provides a suite of functions - one for each possible event.
For example, the events.blockBreak() function is just a wrapper function which calls events.on(org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent, callback, priority)
This module is a convenience wrapper for easily adding new event handling functions in Javascript.
At the in-game or server-console prompt, players/admins can type `events.` and use TAB completion
to choose from any of the approx. 160 different event types to listen to.
The crucial difference is that the events module now has functions for each of the built-in events. The functions are accessible via TAB-completion so will help beginning programmers to explore the events at the server console window.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [weather.WeatherChangeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/weather/WeatherChangeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [weather.LightningStrikeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/weather/LightningStrikeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [weather.ThunderChangeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/weather/ThunderChangeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [vehicle.VehicleMoveEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/vehicle/VehicleMoveEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [vehicle.VehicleDestroyEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/vehicle/VehicleDestroyEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [vehicle.VehicleExitEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/vehicle/VehicleExitEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [vehicle.VehicleEntityCollisionEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/vehicle/VehicleEntityCollisionEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [vehicle.VehicleBlockCollisionEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/vehicle/VehicleBlockCollisionEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [vehicle.VehicleEnterEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/vehicle/VehicleEnterEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [vehicle.VehicleDamageEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/vehicle/VehicleDamageEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [vehicle.VehicleUpdateEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/vehicle/VehicleUpdateEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [vehicle.VehicleCreateEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/vehicle/VehicleCreateEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [enchantment.EnchantItemEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/enchantment/EnchantItemEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [enchantment.PrepareItemEnchantEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/enchantment/PrepareItemEnchantEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerInteractEntityEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerPickupArrowEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerPickupArrowEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerEggThrowEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerEggThrowEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerUnleashEntityEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerUnleashEntityEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerInventoryEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerInventoryEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerLevelChangeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerLevelChangeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerPortalEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerPortalEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerItemConsumeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerItemConsumeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerTeleportEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerTeleportEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerBedEnterEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerBedEnterEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerUnregisterChannelEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerUnregisterChannelEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerArmorStandManipulate()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerArmorStandManipulateEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerArmorStandManipulateEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerChatEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerChatEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerShearEntityEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerShearEntityEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerItemDamage()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerItemDamageEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerItemDamageEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/AsyncPlayerChatEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerDropItemEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerDropItemEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerRegisterChannelEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerRegisterChannelEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerMoveEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerMoveEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerItemBreakEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerItemBreakEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerBucketEmptyEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerToggleFlightEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerToggleFlightEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerItemHeldEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerItemHeldEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerToggleSneakEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerToggleSneakEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerExpChangeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerExpChangeEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerResourcePackStatus()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerPreLoginEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerPreLoginEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerJoinEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerJoinEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerAnimationEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerAnimationEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerEditBookEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerEditBookEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerPickupItemEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerPickupItemEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.playerInteractAtEntity()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerChangedWorldEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerChangedWorldEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerFishEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerFishEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerRespawnEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerRespawnEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerBedLeaveEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerBedLeaveEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerInteractEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerInteractEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerBucketFillEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerBucketFillEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerVelocityEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerVelocityEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerQuitEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerQuitEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerLoginEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerLoginEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerKickEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerKickEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerToggleSprintEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerToggleSprintEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerChangedMainHandEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerChangedMainHandEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/player/PlayerGameModeChangeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/FurnaceSmeltEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.PrepareAnvilEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/PrepareAnvilEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.InventoryDragEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/InventoryDragEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.CraftItemEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/CraftItemEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/FurnaceBurnEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.InventoryOpenEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/InventoryOpenEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.InventoryPickupItemEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/InventoryPickupItemEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/InventoryMoveItemEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.InventoryClickEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/InventoryClickEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.InventoryCloseEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/InventoryCloseEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.InventoryCreativeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/InventoryCreativeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.InventoryEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/InventoryEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.PrepareItemCraftEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/PrepareItemCraftEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.FurnaceExtractEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/FurnaceExtractEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [inventory.BrewEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/inventory/BrewEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [server.ServerCommandEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/server/ServerCommandEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [server.ServerListPingEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/server/ServerListPingEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [server.ServiceRegisterEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/server/ServiceRegisterEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [server.PluginDisableEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/server/PluginDisableEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [server.RemoteServerCommandEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/server/RemoteServerCommandEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [server.MapInitializeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/server/MapInitializeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [server.TabCompleteEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/server/TabCompleteEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [server.ServiceUnregisterEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/server/ServiceUnregisterEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [server.PluginEnableEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/server/PluginEnableEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.VillagerAcquireTradeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/VillagerAcquireTradeEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityBreedEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityBreedEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.entityAirChange()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityAirChangeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityAirChangeEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.PlayerDeathEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/PlayerDeathEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EnderDragonChangePhaseEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EnderDragonChangePhaseEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityCreatePortalEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityCreatePortalEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityCombustEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityCombustEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.SheepDyeWoolEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/SheepDyeWoolEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.ExpBottleEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/ExpBottleEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityTameEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityTameEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.ProjectileLaunchEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/ProjectileLaunchEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityDamageEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.ItemSpawnEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/ItemSpawnEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.ProjectileHitEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/ProjectileHitEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.FoodLevelChangeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/FoodLevelChangeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.ItemDespawnEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/ItemDespawnEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.VillagerReplenishTradeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/VillagerReplenishTradeEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityPortalEnterEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityPortalEnterEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.AreaEffectCloudApplyEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/AreaEffectCloudApplyEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityPortalEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityPortalEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityTargetEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityTargetEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityDeathEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDeathEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.entitySpawn()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntitySpawnEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntitySpawnEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.LingeringPotionSplashEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/LingeringPotionSplashEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.SheepRegrowWoolEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/SheepRegrowWoolEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityShootBowEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityShootBowEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.CreeperPowerEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/CreeperPowerEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityCombustByBlockEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityCombustByBlockEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityBreakDoorEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityBreakDoorEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageByEntityEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityUnleashEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityUnleashEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityExplodeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityExplodeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityInteractEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityInteractEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityToggleGlideEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityToggleGlideEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/ExplosionPrimeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.HorseJumpEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/HorseJumpEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.CreatureSpawnEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/CreatureSpawnEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityCombustByEntityEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityCombustByEntityEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityDamageByBlockEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageByBlockEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityTargetLivingEntityEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityTargetLivingEntityEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityTeleportEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityTeleportEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.PlayerLeashEntityEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/PlayerLeashEntityEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.spawnerSpawn()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.SpawnerSpawnEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/SpawnerSpawnEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.itemMerge()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.ItemMergeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/ItemMergeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.SlimeSplitEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/SlimeSplitEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.PigZapEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/PigZapEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.FireworkExplodeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/FireworkExplodeEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.PotionSplashEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/PotionSplashEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityChangeBlockEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityChangeBlockEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityPortalExitEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityPortalExitEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityRegainHealthEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.EntityBlockFormEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/EntityBlockFormEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockSpreadEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockSpreadEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockMultiPlaceEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockMultiPlaceEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
### events.blockExplode()
#### Parameters
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockExplodeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockExplodeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.NotePlayEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/NotePlayEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.CauldronLevelChangeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/CauldronLevelChangeEvent.html) is fired
* priority - optional - see events.on() for more information.
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockFadeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockFadeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockPlaceEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockPlaceEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockPhysicsEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockPhysicsEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockIgniteEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockIgniteEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockBreakEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockBreakEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockBurnEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockBurnEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockFromToEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockFromToEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockRedstoneEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockRedstoneEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockPistonRetractEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockPistonRetractEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockDispenseEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockDispenseEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.SignChangeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/SignChangeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockPistonExtendEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockPistonExtendEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockCanBuildEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockCanBuildEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockGrowEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockGrowEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.LeavesDecayEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/LeavesDecayEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockExpEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockExpEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockFormEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockFormEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [block.BlockDamageEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/block/BlockDamageEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [hanging.HangingPlaceEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/hanging/HangingPlaceEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [hanging.HangingBreakByEntityEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/hanging/HangingBreakByEntityEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [hanging.HangingBreakEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/hanging/HangingBreakEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.StructureGrowEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/world/StructureGrowEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.SpawnChangeEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/world/SpawnChangeEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.WorldLoadEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/world/WorldLoadEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.WorldInitEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/world/WorldInitEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.WorldUnloadEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/world/WorldUnloadEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.WorldSaveEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/world/WorldSaveEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.ChunkUnloadEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/world/ChunkUnloadEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.ChunkPopulateEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/world/ChunkPopulateEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.PortalCreateEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/world/PortalCreateEvent.html) is fired
* callback - A function which is called whenever the [world.ChunkLoadEvent event](https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/world/ChunkLoadEvent.html) is fired
... creates a 1x1x1 wooden block at the cross-hairs or player's location and returns a Drone object. This might look odd (if you're familiar with Java's Object-dot-method syntax) but all of the Drone class's methods are also global functions that return new Drone objects. This is short-hand for creating drones and is useful for playing around with Drones at the in-game command prompt. It's shorter than typing ...
var d = new Drone(self).box( blocks.oak )
... All of the Drone's methods return `this` so you can chain operations together like this...
...will create a new Drone taking the current player as the parameter. If the player's cross-hairs are pointing at a block at the time then, that block's location becomes the drone's starting point. If the cross-hairs are _not_ pointing at a block, then the drone's starting location will be 2 blocks directly in front of the player. TIP: Building always happens right and front of the drone's position...
For convenience you can use a _corner stone_ to begin building. The corner stone should be located just above ground level. If the cross-hair is point at or into ground level when you create a new Drone() with either a player or location given as a parameter, then building begins at the location the player was looking at or at the location. You can get around this by pointing at a 'corner stone' just above ground level or alternatively use the following statement...
d = new Drone(self).up();
... which will move the drone up one block as soon as it's created.
This will create a new Drone at the location you specified using x, y, z In minecraft, the X axis runs west to east and the Z axis runs north to south. The direction parameter says what direction you want the drone to face: 0 = east, 1 = south, 2 = west, 3 = north. If the direction parameter is omitted, the player's direction is used instead. Both the `direction` and `world` parameters are optional.
This is useful when you want to create a drone at a given `org.bukkit.Location` . The `Location` class is used throughout the bukkit API. For example, if you want to create a drone when a block is broken at the block's location you would do so like this...
* Player : If a player reference is given as the sole parameter then the block the player was looking at will be used as the starting point for the drone. If the player was not looking at a block then the player's location will be used as the starting point. If a `Player` object is provided as a paramter then it should be the only parameter.
* location : *NB* If a `Location` object is provided as a parameter, then it should be the only parameter.
* x : The x coordinate of the Drone (x,y,z,direction and world are not needed if either a player or location parameter is provided)
* y : The y coordinate of the Drone
* z : The z coordinate of the Drone
* direction : The direction in which the Drone is facing. Possible values are 0 (east), 1 (south), 2 (west) or 3 (north)
* world : The world in which the drone is created.
* b - the block id - e.g. 6 for an oak sapling or '6:2' for a birch sapling. Alternatively you can use any one of the `blocks` values e.g. `blocks.sapling.birch`
* w (optional - default 1) - the width of the structure
* h (optional - default 1) - the height of the structure
* d (optional - default 1) - the depth of the structure - NB this is not how deep underground the structure lies - this is how far away (depth of field) from the drone the structure will extend.
* block - the block id - e.g. 6 for an oak sapling or '6:2' for a birch sapling. Alternatively you can use any one of the `blocks` values e.g. `blocks.sapling.birch`
* width (optional - default 1) - the width of the structure
* height (optional - default 1) - the height of the structure
* length (optional - default 1) - the length of the structure - how far
away (depth of field) from the drone the structure will extend.
To create a stone building with the insided hollowed out 7 wide by 3 tall by 6 long...
box0( blocks.stone, 7, 3, 6);
![example box0](img/box0ex1.png)
### Drone.boxa() method
Construct a cuboid using an array of blocks. As the drone moves first along the width axis, then the height (y axis) then the length, each block is picked from the array and placed.
#### Parameters
* blocks - An array of blocks - each block in the array will be placed in turn.
The Drone object uses a [Fluent Interface][fl] to make ScriptCraft scripts more concise and easier to write and read. Minecraft's in-game command prompt is limited to about 80 characters so chaining drone commands together means more can be done before hitting the command prompt limit. For complex building you should save your commands in a new script file and load it using /js load()
The Drone object can be easily extended - new buidling recipes/blueprints can be added and can become part of a Drone's chain using the *static* method `Drone.extend`.
### Drone.extend() static method
Use this method to add new methods (which also become chainable global functions) to the Drone object.
#### Parameters
* name - The name of the new method e.g. 'pyramid'.
* function - The method body.
Alternatively if you provide just a function as a parameter, then the function name will be used as the new method name. For example the following two approaches are both valid.
#### Example 1 Using name and function as parameters
An array which can be used when placing signs so they face in a given direction. This is used internally by the Drone.sign() method. It should also be used for placing any of the following blocks...
2. The last 3 calls in the chain ( `fwd(8)`, `left(32)`, `times(5)` ) move the drone forward 8 then left 32 blocks (4 x 8) to return to the original X coordinate, then everything in the chain is repeated again 5 times so that in the end, we have a grid of 20 cottages, 4 x 5. Normally this would require a nested loop but the `times()` method does away with the need for loops when repeating builds.
* blockType - The type of block to use - this is the block Id only (no meta). See [Data Values][dv].
* meta - The metadata value. See [Data Values][dv].
* orientation (default: 'horizontal' ) - the orientation of the arc - can be 'vertical' or 'horizontal'.
* stack (default: 1 ) - the height or length of the arc (depending on the orientation - if orientation is horizontal then this parameter refers to the height, if vertical then it refers to the length ).
* strokeWidth (default: 1 ) - the width of the stroke (how many blocks) - if drawing nested arcs it's usually a good idea to set strokeWidth to at least 2 so that there are no gaps between each arc. The arc method uses a [bresenham algorithm][bres] to plot points along the circumference.
* fill - If true (or present) then the arc will be filled in.
* quadrants (default: `{topleft:true,topright:true,bottomleft:true,bottomright:true}` - An object with 4 properties indicating which of the 4 quadrants of a circle to draw. If the quadrants property is absent then all 4 quadrants are drawn.
* block - the block id - e.g. 6 for an oak sapling or '6:2' for a birch sapling. Alternatively you can use any one of the `blocks` values e.g. `blocks.sapling.birch`
rand takes either an array (if each blockid has the same chance of occurring) or an object where each property is a blockid and the value is it's weight (an integer)
This module provides functions to add items to, remove items from and check the
contents of a player or NPC's inventory.
### Usage
The inventory module is best used in conjunction with the items module. See below for examples of usage.
var inventory = require('inventory');
var items = require('items');
var utils = require('utils');
// gives every player a cookie and a baked potatoe
.add( items.cookie(1) )
.add( items.bakedPotato(1) )
// give a player 6 cookies then take away 4 of them
.add( items.cookie(6) )
.remove ( items.cookie(4) )
// check if a player has any cookies
var hasCookies = inventory(player).contains( items.cookie(1) );
The inventory module exposes a single function which when passed a player or NPC will return an object with 3 methods:
* add : Adds items to the inventory (Expects parameters of type `net.canarymod.api.inventory.Item` - I strongly recommend using the `items` module for constructing items)
* remove : removes items from the inventory (Expects parameters of type `net.canarymod.api.inventory.Item` - I strongly recommend using the `items` module for constructing items)
* contains : checks to see if there is the specified type and amount of item in the inventory (Expects parameters of type `net.canarymod.api.inventory.Item` - I strongly recommend using the `items` module for constructing items)
So ScriptCraft has no `prompt()` implementation because `prompt()` is a synchronous function and
Minecraft's API provides no equivalent functions or classes which can be used to implement this synchronously.
The Minecraft API does however have a 'Conversation' API which allows for prompting of the player and asynchronously gathering text input from the player.
The `input()` function takes 3 parameters, the player, a prompt message and a callback which will be invoked when the player has entered some text at the in-game command prompt.
The callback is bound to an object which has the following properties:
The callback function as well as being bound to an object with the above properties (so you can use this.value inside your callback to get the value which has just been input), can also take the following parameters (in exact order):
1. The sound is converted from ALL_CAPS_UNDERSCORE to camelCase so for example there is a sounds.villagerNo() function which will play the VILLAGER_NO sound.
2. Each such function can take 3 parameters: location (which can be either an actual Location object or an object which has a location), volume and pitch
3. Or... each such function can be called without parameters meaning the sound will be played for all online players to hear.
This can be useful if you write a plugin that needs to store location data since bukkit's Location object is a Java object which cannot be serialized to JSON by default.